Dragon Mating Season

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(Lucy's POV)

I woke up to a pair of muscular around my stomach. I looked up to a see certain dragon Slayer snoring away beside me.

"E-eh!!" I screamed as I fell off MY bed and hit the ground. "What do you think you're doing here! In my bed too!" I screamed as I tried to pull Natsu out of my bed. Key word: tried.

He pulled me into a hug and mumbled. "Come back to bed, Luce" i blushed as we layed on my bed.

"N-Natsu?" I mumbled.

I blushed even more when he said. "I love the way you smell like strawberries and vanilla, Luce"

WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?! I mentally screamed in my head. I needed to think fast.

"I r-really need to go meet Levy at the guild today" I said.

He growled in annoyance. "Can't we stay like this for a bit longer? Please?" He asked.

I managed to push him off "But I have to go shopping"

I saw him smirk a bit "Only if MY Luce makes me breakfast"

What does he mean by 'my Luce'? I thought.

I sighed. "Fine. But after that I'm going shopping"

He squeezed me into a hug before saying "Thanks Luce!" And than let me go to make him breakfast. Damn him. Making me cook breakfast for him after breaking into MY home and sleeping in MY bed. With me in it!" I thought.

I guess I was mumbling because he said. "If you don't stop complaining, I'm going to have to give you a punishment~"

I flinched. "What do you mean by giving me a punishment?! And when did you start talking like Virgo?!"

He laughed. "Just hurry up and make my breakfast Luce" when he got up I finally noticed that he was only wearing his BOXERS this entire time!

"Where are your clothes?! Why are you in your boxers?!" I yelled.

He smirked. "Why? It's not like you don't like what you see, right? Luce..."

I turned away and walked to the kitchen so he couldn't see my face burning red. "I-I'm going to start breakfast now......"

(Natsu's POV)

Oh Luce...... Dragon season is going to be fun.

(The night before)

On my way to Luce's home I bumped into Metal head. "Watch where your going Metal face!"

Gajeel growled. "Hey flame brain! I need to tell you something"

"What? Did you finally confess your feelings to Levy or something?" I asked.

His cheeks tinted pink before saying. "Will you shut up already?!"

"Yeah, yeah. Now what did you want to tell me?" I asked. Mostly bord.

He put on a serious look on his face, for once in his life. "Alright. Listen and shut up. Dragon season is coming up"

What the hell is that? I thought.

He sighed as he continued. "Dragon season or Dragon Mating Season is a time where dragons or in our case Dragon slayers find and mark their mate"

I asked. "So? Why does that have to do anything with me?"

He growled. "Were you even paying attention you Moran?!"

I looked looked him straight in the eyes and said. ".............Nope"

He sighed. "Dragon season is happening tomorrow. You're going to find a mate for life........ Got that?!"

"Yup" I lied. I just wanted metal face to shut up so I could go to Luce's house. Wait, what was he going on about? Something about finding a mate? Whatever a 'mate' is....

           (End flashback)

After I ate the pancakes my wonderful Luce made me for breakfast we went shopping. It was awful. All the guys there were checking MY LUCE out.

MY Luce.

Mine and only mine.

At least she will be by the end of the season.

(Lucy's POV before the market)

After I made breakfast and finished cleaning it, even though Natsu sure did an amazing job eating it, we went to the market for some shopping.

"Come on Natsu. Let's go!" I yelled. My  Mavis, he takes forever.

He walked out of my bathroom with his arms resting on his head. "Yeah, yeah. I'm coming"When we left my apartment he rested his arm around my shoulders.

I blushed. "What do think you're doing, Natsu?"

He smirked back. "Just resting my arm on you Luce"

I puffed my cheeks. "Let's just get going already"

He laughed and whispered in my ear. "Sure thing Luce"

I blushed feriously.

(At the market)

Every time a guy talks to me Natsu would growl at him and tightened his grip on my arm.

"Hey there blonde!" Some brunette said.

Before I could respond Natsu growled "Back off!"

The brunette smirked. "Or what, pinkie?! You going to state me to death?!"

Oh shit. Here we go.

Natsu's fist engulfed in flames then asked. "You wanna go?!" Before punching his face. Knocking him unconscious.

This is the 53th time this happened. It's only been a few hours.

I sighed. "Natsu for the 100th time, you can't punch a guy for no reason!"

He said. "I punched them because they were staring at my Luce"

I blushed. I wasn't expecting that......

He smiled. "Let's go to the food stands!" And grabbed my hand as we ran.

(Gajeel's POV)

I need to find the Mating Season book before Shrimp does if she hasn't found it already.

I've been in the guild's library for hours and still no luck.

"Hey Mira! Check out this book I found!" Shrimp yelled.

Oh no....

I looked over my shoulder to see the Mating Season book in Shrimp's hands.

"Hey Shrimp! Gimme that book!" I yelled.

She blushed. "I'm not a shrimp. And no!"

I walked up to her. "Gimme that book"

She looked up to meet my eyes. "No"

Hehe. Fine, be that way.

Game on.

I used my arms to pin Shrimp against the wall while Mira squealed. "You look cute when you blush like that Shrimp"

Her face turned beat red. "S-s-shut u-up!"

I knelt down, grabbed the book and quickly kissed her forehead before I made my way out of the library.

I heard Mira yelling about a GaLe sailing before I left.

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