Coming Back Together

Start from the beginning

 He then dragged her downstairs, she tried to get free, but he held onto her tightly. Finally he brought her into the kitchen, before he let her go, annoyed she looked at him and demanded to know what was going on.

 "Dammit, what is going..." she began, but was cut off by Dean turning her around to see the kids. "Who are they and why are they here? Dean, what did you do?" She demanded angrily, as she looked at him.

 "They were attacked by Vamps, their parents were...I couldn't just leave them out there all alone!" Dean answered.

 "So, you brought them here? Dean, are you crazy?"

 "That's what people keep calling me! I know with everything that's going on, bringing them here wasn't the brightest thing I've ever done, but I couldn't just walk away." Dean explained sadly.

 "Wow Ambrose, you do have a heart! You're so cute Deanie!" She said teasing him, as she pinched his cheeks.

 "Get off me, you freak!" Dean said smiling, as they both laughed.

 "Hi, I'm Paige. I'm sorry about your parents sweetie." Paige said gently, as she went up to Rose.

 "Thanks, I'm Rose and this is my sister Violet. Are you Dean's girlfriend?" Rose asked smiling.

 "No!" Dean and Paige said together.

 "Are you a Vampire too?" Rose asked nervously.

 "No sweetie, I'm a human like you."

 "Paige, I think I..." Grant began, as he came into the room, but trailed off seeing the kids. "Oh, hello."

 "Hi!" Rose greeted him smiling. "Are you a Vamp..."

 "Did...did you need something Professor?" Paige said quickly, cutting Rose off.

 "Uh, yeah, I figured out the first sentence! Whose kids are those Paige and what did she call me?" Grant said confused.

 "You figured out the first sentence? That's awesome, show me!" She said, as she grabbed his arm and drug him out of the room.

 "Who's Professor Four-Eyes?" Rose asked, causing Dean to laugh.

 "He's supposed to be helping us figure something out. Do me a favor kiddo and don't talk about Vampires around him; around anyone actually, unless we say it's okay to!"

 "Okay." Rose said smiling. "Um, Dean?"


 "Violet needs to eat and she needs her diaper changed!"

 "Paige!" Dean yelled.

**Meanwhile With Roman And Seth**:

 After getting away from Vassago, Roman and Seth headed into town. They knew they could go home, it was safe there for now since Vassago believed they were still at the mausoleum. At least there they could shower, change and take care of their injuries, without worrying about anything or anyone. After a long, painful walk, they made it to their apartment building and managed to get to their apartment and inside without being seen.

 Once inside they went to the kitchen and found their toolbox and worked on getting the chains off their legs. When they were finally free, they took turns showering, fixing each other's wounds and changing into clean clothes. They then had something to eat and drink, before they packed some stuff and left the apartment. They decided to try and get a hold of Dean and find out where he is, so while Roman drove, Seth texted Dean.

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