"Yeah," she said.

We ran out of the room and down the stairs.

The first floor was a mess, broken glass everywhere, furniture destroyed and blood splattered on the walls and floors.

"Alina! Violet!" Charlie sang. "Get your asses back here!"

He ran down the stairs after us.

"Ah, schist!" Violet yelled and ran down the stairs.

Charlie giggled, "Rock puns. Ah! Shoot! Get back here! How dare you make me giggle?!"

"Hey, Charlie!" Violet yelled running down the stairs.


"What did the big chimney say to the little chimney?"

"I dunno, what?"

"'You're too little to be smoking'," Violet stopped running and fell on the floor, laughing, as hard as she could.

Charlie did, too.

These kids, I swear!

"Violet," I whisper-yelled. "Get up!"

"I'm a comedian! How dareth thee speaketh to thou in such tone?" Violet sat up.

"Shakespeare! We don't have time for your jokes."

"We always have time for jokes! What do you call a group of unorganized cats?"

"What?" Charlie giggled.

Violet tried to contain her laughter, but failed miserably, "A cat-astrophe!"

Next thing I know, there are three teenagers lying on the floor, laughing hysterically at a hilariously stupid joke.

I, of which, was one.

"I've got one!" Charlie raised his hand. "Why don't they play poker in the jungle?"

"Why?" Violet and I said, in unison.

"Too many," he laughed, "CHEETAHS!"

He held his stomach and laughed, as did Violet and I.

"What. The. HELL! IS HAPPENING IN HERE?!" Max yelled, in pure rage.

"Why did the bike fall over?" Charlie ignored Max.


"I was two-tired!" he giggled. "Do you get it?" he giggled harder. "I get it."

"CHARLIE!" Max yelled.

"What, Maxie?" Charlie rolled over, looked at him with wide eyes and stood up. "Uh, Maxie.. You have a spider on your chest!"

Max looked at his chest and flung the spider off of him.

Violet and I totally lost our shit and ran away from the tiny creature crawling towards us. I ran over and jumped on the counter, while Violet hid behind Charlie.

"Ew. Ew. Ew. MOTHER FUCKING EW!!!!!!!! EVERYONE GOT THAT?! EWWW!!!!" I screamed as Violet jumped on Charlie's back.

Charlie stepped on the tiny creature and Violet and I let out a breath of relief.

"Time to burn the house and then sanitize the ashes," Violet climbed off of Charlie.

"Take it up with Cassius," I laughed. "Say pretty please and he'll let you."


"Can I burn the house?" Max asked hopeful.

"No you can get out of it though," I smiled innocently.

"Can I?" Charlie asked, sweetly.

"Of course you can't, but you can stay. Vi owes you ice cream anyway."

"I like ice cream!" Charlie smiled.

I walked over and messed up his hair, "Ah, of course you! You're a five year old trapped in a eighteen year old's body."


"Wait," I looked around, "where's Ace?"

"He's having a talk with your fiance," Max smirked.

I gave him a wide eyed look and ran out the kitchen door.

Cassius stood over Ace, who laid in the grass with a bloody nose.

I ran over to them, "looks like a great talk."


Max's POV

"Who are you?" I asked the blond girl standing behind Charlie, who sit on the floor playing with his gun.

"Your worst nightmare," she said in an obviously fake deep voice.

"That's Violet!" Charlie piped up. "She threw a book at me, so she's going to buy me ice cream!"

"Violet, huh?"

"Nope," she looked out the window.

"Then who are you?"

"Satan, my friends call me Luci," she looked me in the eyes.

"Okay, Luci, w-"

"'Ey, you're not my friend, how DARE you call ME, WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE! Famed poet, Playwright, and actor, Luci? I am disgusted to be in thee's presence."

"Are you okay?" I raised an eyebrow, "do you have split personalities?"

"Excusez-moi comment osez-vous me parler comme ça?" (Excuse me how dare you speak to me like that?) she said with an offended look.

"I don't speak that language."

"Obviously, cause yoo stoopid!"


I dunno?

Do you ship any characters yet?

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