Ch. 18

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Vanessa placed her hand on mine and held it tightly before she faded into the crowd leaving me staring at the screen watching the whales migrate in a pack.  It was true, traveling as a pack would be safer, and a lot more fun, but sometimes even a whale has to go on a solo mission.

I sent a text to Val asking her to meet at my house in a few hours and got up from the bench. I needed to stop by the bank and start getting myself ready. It seemed so unreal, leaving the only roof I'd ever lived under and traveling with Kyle and a baby. I tapped my ap for an Uber and waited out front.

When we got to the bank I sent the Uber driver on his way, I wasn't sure how long bank stuff took, and I didn't really want the pressure of someone waiting for me outside. After showing my parents death certificate's and their ID's I was able to get into the safety deposit box room. Thank goodness I'd been smart enough to have documents in my purse. Sure, it may have been in case I needed to bolt, but it still came in handy now.

I had no idea what I was doing as the lady handed me the key and put the box on a table in a private room and closed the door. For some reason I thought it would be rows and rows of boxes and searching.

I placed the key in the drawer like box and lifted the lid. Inside was a large vanilla envelope the kind with the silver clasp that opens and closes like wings. It was filled with cash. Underneath that was my moms bracelet, the one dad has given her on their 20th anniversary, sparkling with diamonds in the harsh fluorescent lights. I rubbed my fingers gently over the cool surface remembering how they used to banter about her being afraid to wear it. Clasping the bracelet around my wrist I reached next for the master set of keys belonging to my dad. GenTech was stamped on the top key and the rest resembled the keys always jingling from his hand. Covering the bottom of the box an exact copy of the paper that was in my firefly jar.

A small jolt of humility struck as I realized whatever it was, my dad wanted it hidden from GenTechs hands. I stared at it again and found nothing of any use in all the dots and lines and random numbers. It looked like it was some kind of puzzle or code, nothing I would ever be able to figure out. I thought about Vanessa's advice about burning it, but I couldn't help wonder if someday the baby would need medical attention or some kind of help and this tiny page could provide answers.

I locked the box back up despite it being empty and headed to the coffee shop across the street. Clutching my purse, which now contained cash, keys, and secrets, I thought about the situation I was in. I was well aware I was in over my head. Of all the times I imagined myself a character on television, it was never as a mixed up girl in a giant plot to save lives and outwit a crooked company who held hands with the government.

I drank a cup of coffee that was way too strong and a bit gritty but the smell and the comforting warmth made it worth it.  I hoped that coffee would always hold the ability to trigger those warm memories of mom and dad in the mornings scurrying around trying to get ready.

I turned my thoughts to Kyle, funny, adorable, and a major part of my life now.  It was bittersweet. I loved Kyle. If it weren't for this whole mess I could see myself spending a long time with him, maybe even long enough to dream of being together forever. He made me feel completely and utterly whole, and like nothing was ever going to go wrong.

But as much as my heart longed to latch on to him, my brain was telling me to leave, and let him live a normal life. He had a family, a job, school, and a bright future. I knew he'd give it all up--because he told me he would, but I also knew someday he would regret it. Giving it all up for someone constantly moving, and with a baby that wasn't even his was to sure to be a nail in the coffin. I'd rather leave him missing me and angry than kill his future and make him resent me.

My gaze out the window was blurry as tears slipped from my eyes and splashed on the table. My heart was grieving. And whether or not it was mine, or my dads, it hurt with the thought of being alone in the world.

Outside the window my attention focused on a large black car pulling up to the bank window. Happy for the distraction of maybe seeing someone famous I used my napkin and scrubbed my face and eyes. It wouldn't be long until Val was going to meet me at home and until then all distractions were welcome. I wasn't to proud to admit I hated being alone.

The car sat idle for a few minutes making me wonder if the driver was just waiting to pick someone up, but finally the door opened and a head popped over the top. Mr. Cayle, Kyle's dad, and the owner of my dad's company stepped out onto the curb.  I felt a jolt, like I was missing something important. I looked at my purse and instinctively held it closer to my body as if it were giving off a signal.

I told myself it make perfect sense that he used the same bank. I mean, it was likely that the whole company used the bank --it was the largest in town and they probably recommended it to the GenTech employees, but none of that felt right as I sat watching the bank with my heart thumping in my chest.

Moments later he came out, briefcase in hand and a scowl on his face. He surveyed the sidewalk, as if he were trying to find someone in the crowd and instinct told me it was me. I crouched down in the booth and felt light headed. I wasn't ready for this, somehow I thought I'd have more time.

I texted Val, asking her to meet me at the house sooner rather than in an hour. I was so desperate I told her I'd pay her for the time. I needed backup. And a place to run to. My plans would have to be quick. Something told me Mr. Cayle wasn't a man used to not getting his way.

I waited for the car to leave the curb and heard my phone ringing in my purse. It was Kyle. I stared at the screen. Was he calling for his father to find out where I was?  That was ridiculous. He called me several times a day to check in and check up. I mentally pummeled myself for not trusting him. I was planning on running away with him just a few hours ago. Did I really not trust him?

I hit ignore and dialed an uber. I needed to get home. Now wasn't the time to worry about who to trust. I needed to get that baby and run and that couldn't happen unless I got things in order.

When the uber pulled up to my house the black town car was already parked in the driveway and Mr. Cayle was peering in the front window. It made me angry, he had no right to be peering into my home. He was a first class creep and I really didn't want to mess with him alone. I wasn't afraid he'd hurt me, but I did know he was scary and desperate to get something from me. And if it was this piece of paper in my purse filled with lines and numbers then it had to be destroyed.

The driver looked at me like I was crazy, but kept driving around the block while I tried to figure out. Hopefully he'd be gone before Val showed up.

I know, it's barely Monday. But this week has been a whirlwind. This is middle ground. Thus, not my favorite. I'm ready to get to the running where some true action happens. But... real life is full of middle isn't it? Thanks so much!

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