"And what of Minah?" Mr. Park questions with a raised eyebrow.

"What about her?" Jimin asks back.

"Are you planning to defy me by using Miss l/n?" His father asks.

"I wouldn't say I'm defying you, just making my wishes clear to you."

As if things couldn't get any worse, a random man comes up to Jimin and insists on having a conversation with Jimin.

"May I have a word with you privately?" Mr. Park asks me.

"Of course Mr. Park." I agree and walk with him to a room next door to the main room.

We sit on the chairs that form a little living area in the room and sit in silence for a little while.

"Why are you here?" Mr. Park starts the interrogation.

"Jimin didn't give me much of a choice, I had to come." I answer.

"Where have you been since Jackson Wang passed away? I though you died along with him."

I let out a chuckle.

"I have flown to the other side of the world in a small cage like an animal and kept in a dark and filthy room in the basement of that God forsaken auction house for almost a month." I say darkly, remembering what I went through in that short month that felt like an eternity.

"And when did Jimin buy you?" He asks leaning forward in his seat.

"About three months ago, why?" I ask him in confusion.

"Jimin's deadline was two months ago..." He mutters but I heard it clearly.

"What deadline?" I enquire.

Mr. Park rubs his face, looking stressed.

"Jimin's deadline to find you. If I knew where you were and what was happening to you, I wouldn't have bothered to go through the trouble of finding a spouse for Jimin."

"So what are you planning to do now?" I ask him, wanting to know what his next move is.

"Well, like I've always told Jimin, a deal is a deal. It's only right that I cancel the marriage, seeming that he has found you before the deadline. Even if it was unintentional." He pauses before continuing.

"Don't get the wrong idea though. I still dispise you humans but because I made a deal with Jackson to let you be with Jimin when you two get older, I have no choice but to allow it." He says.

"Why make Jimin marry Minah when you know he doesn't love her?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Her father is a good friend if mine so why not?" He says nonchalantly and shrugs his shoulders.

He then looks at me in my eyes and asks me a question that I should fear but makes me happy instead.

"What will you do if Jimin finds his soulmate some day?" He questions with a poker face.

I just smile at him before answering.

"What if I told you that I am his soulmate?"

"What?" He asks in disbelief.

"How do you know that?" He enquired.

"Jimin kind of told me a few months ago that his heart beats rapidly whenever I'm around him, so I looked it up on the internet earlier today and found out that it's the symptom a vampire experiences when they are with their soulmate." I confess while rubbing the back of my neck.

Mr. Park chuckles before asking a question that makes me laugh.

"What would we do without the almighty internet?" He asks rhetorically and sarcastically.

We make light conversation with each other for a while longer and go back to the party when enough time has passed.

As soon as I enter the room, I'm engulfed in a hug. A pair of strong arms wrap tightly around my smaller frame and I immediately know that it's Jimin.

"Where were you? I got so worried because nobody knew where you disappeared to." Jimin says softly close to my ear.

"Sorry to worry you Jimin. I was just talking with your dad in the room next to this one." I reply softly.

"What were you talking about?" He asks after pulling away from the hug.


"Uh, he just wanted to get to know me, so he just asked me many questions." I tell him half of the truth.

Now just doesn't feel like the right time to tell him everything.

Jimin nods at my response and grabs my hand, leading me to the back yard. When we walk through the back door, my breath is taken away from me at the sight of the garden.

Pixie lights hang from the edge of the roof and down the pillars that support the roof of the back veranda. Garden lights line a path that leads deeper in the garden and in the distance is a willow tree covered in hanging lights. A few other trees are covered in pixie lights as well. It looks beautiful to say it simply.

"Wow. It's beautiful here. Can we make our garden look like this?" I ask Jimin with sparkly eyes and a huge smile.

"Anything for you." He says sweetly before kissing my forehead.

We walk along the path looking at the beautiful scenery around us.

"Thank you." I say out of the blue.

Jimin looks at me, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"For what?" He questions.

"For everything. For buying me at the auction that day and saving me from a very creepy man. For bringing me into your home where I met many lovely people. For giving me a good life and making me happy when I was at the pit of dispear. For wanting to be with me. Thank you for everything you have done." I say as tears of joy and gratitude run down my cheeks. Thank goodness I'm wearing waterproof makeup, otherwise I would look like a mess right now.

Jimin sees my tears and cups my face with his hands and gently wipes my tears away with his thumbs.

"I'm sorry." He says making it my turn to ask him why I'm confusion.

"I'm sorry for causing you pain since I met you." He rubs my left wrist.

I remember when he made a bruise form there by holding it in a death grip when I tried to wake him up for the first time.

He then looks at my neck with sad eyes, reminding me of when he almost killed me by strangling me.

He then also caresses my cheek where he hit me with the magazine base of his gun.

"I'm sorry for not seeing your value to me earlier. If I'd realised it sooner, I would've treated you with more care. I'm sorry y/n. I'm so so sorry." Stray tears fall from his sad eyes. The sight of him crying breaks my heart.

I hold his face in my hands and wipe his tears away with the pads of my thumbs.

"Shhhh." I coo softly.

"It's okay Jimin. Eveything happens for a reason." I give him a small smile and look directly into his eyes.

"Stop crying now." I wipe more tears away. "Guys aren't supposed to cry. Girls are supposed to cry for the guy." I say jokingly, trying to lighten up the mood.

Jimin chuckles before whispering a thank you and slowly leans down toward me, his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. My breath hitches and I feel butterflies in my stomach. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. His face is so close to mine that I can feel his breath against my lips. Just a little closer...

Our lips barley brush against each other when a voice is heard behind us, making Jimin and I immediately pull away from each other.

"Sorry to interupt your little moment but... Jimin your father wishes to see you in his office immediately. He says it's important."

Slave to a Vampire  (BTS Jimin)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ