My anger flows through me. Vixie takes over my, shifting in mid air as I jump over the line at Henry. Everyone takes this as a sign to fight. The rogues pour into our territory and all our pack members attack.

I press my large paws over Henry's throat. He gasps for air but suddenly stops, smirking. Son of a bitch. He shifts beneath me, causing me to be thrown off of him. I land in the dirt, causing it to fly everywhere. I growl as Henry sprints toward me. I run toward him too. We meet halfway. My teeth latch onto the side of his neck while his latch onto my right side. I tear away the skin on the side of his neck, causing him to howl in pain as let go of me.

I feel my body get thrown though the air. All the air in my lungs is knocked out of me as my body harshly collides with a tree. I whimper and fall onto the ground. I feel a warmth appear over my body. I look up, painfully I may add, to see Daniel's wolf standing protectively over my black fox form.

He growls at the wolf who threw me into the tree. Daniel lowers his wolf body down to where his, rather large, stomach is touching my back. Henry and the wolf stand side by side and Henry snarls at me. I look at the second wolf. He seems familiar...

Dark brown, corse hair. Striking navy blue eyes. He is also standing next to Henry so he has to be a higher up... Austin?

I shimmy out from under Daniel and stand up beside him, getting a better look of who I'm guessing is Austin. I look into his eyes. I study his eyes for a moment before finally figuring it out for sure. It's Austin for sure.

'Should I use my power?' I ask Daniel though our mate link. I look over at Daniel to see him nod. Lazy. I concentrate and build his forcefield up around him. He does the same to me and we walk toward each other, combining out fields. I growl as we start to move toward Henry's and Austin.

Daniel and I break into a full on sprint toward the two men. We are about to hit them when they quickly sprint to the sides in the last second. Daniel and I see this and breaks apart. I go after Austin while Daniel goes after Henry.

I look around me, looking for any animals. There's only a few squirrels running away from the scene. I shake my head, I'll have to use it on him directly. While I sprint after him, I shake off my forcefield and focus on Austin. I push past the barriers in his mind. It take a minutes but I finally do, giving me the power to control him. I command him though his mind to stop.

He does so and I come to a halt behind him. I growl as he tries to push me out of his mind. I stalk toward him while he is distracted. I make it up to him. Can I really kill him? He hasn't been mean to me but he hasn't exactly been nice either. Then again, he didn't accept Bellamy so... I cuss at myself as I finally make the choice.

'Goodbye.' I whisper to him though the link. I latch my sharp teeth over his throat. I hear his wolf desperately gasp for air as my teeth sink deeper into his throat. I close my eyes as I reluctantly rip his throat out. I see his wolves eyes go wide as his body falls limp on the ground, shifting and into his human form.

I semi-smile in sympathy. I shift into human form and look at his face. His eyes open with a tear running down his cheek. I look at his mouth which I formed into a smile. I take my fingers and lightly close his eyes. His eye lids shut out the dull color of his eyes. I get up and take on last look back at him before I run toward where Daniel ran.

I get there to see Henry's wolf jump onto Daniels black wolf. I growl which causes Henry to look over at me in surprise, giving Daniel to take this advantage to buck Henry off of his back and into a tree. I run up to Daniel and lick his snout. He does the same back and it turns into a playful wrestle. Daniel ends up on top of me and I lick his face once again. He laughs, well, as much as he can I'm wolf form. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a wolf coming toward us. Right, we are in the middle of war!

'Put up your forcefield.' I link Daniel. He nods and we both put up our forcefields up. The forcefields automatically connect together. The wolf is unaware of what will happen to him if he runs into our forcefield and, him being a stupid rogue, runs straight into it, dying instantly. All the rogues around us look at us with shocked expressions. They all begin to try to flee but when then didn't notice that when the were in awe from the wolf dying, my pack and the other two packs helping had surrounded them.

Blood bath. Blood everywhere. So many lives lost for what cause? Henry trying to do what exactly? He's just trying to get me, become strong, but he can't do that. He isn't strong enough to stand up for himself even.

I stalk toward Henry as I see his wolf stalk toward me. His wolf breaks into a full on sprint and I stop, focusing on him. I lift his, quite heavy, body into the air, moving him all around. Side to side. Up and down.

Roll over! I make him roll around. I laugh at myself but remember that I should really be serious right now. I drop him and he comes down with a crash. I cringe at the crack of his bones. I walk over to see his legs broken. I shift back into my human form as he is forcefully shifted back into his human form from pain and loss of blood. I stand above him, watching his face as it gets paler.

"Anyone have a dagger here?" I ask everyone who is now crowed around us. I see a man walk forward with a dagger in his hand. I thank him and take the silver blade.

"You can threaten me, hurt me, hate me. But I will never let you do anything like this to my family." I tell him as I kneel down with my right leg.

"D-don't!" I hear Henry plea. I shake my head and smile. He has don't so many bad things to me I can't even feel bad for him.

I position the knife over his heart and take one more look into his eyes. He looks at me with regret and sadness. Well, it's a little to late for that. I sigh and plunge the knife into his chest, successfully hitting his heart. His eyes widen as the pain spread throughout his body. I get up and walk over to the huge group who was watching the scene.

"We won!" I say, throwing my fist in the air. I hear many howls and joyful barks. I laugh as Daniel's wolf brushes his rather large head against my leg. I beg down and rest my forehead on his incredibly soft one.

"We did it." I whisper as I pet his head.

---------- (A few days later) ----------

"Ughhhh!" I groan as I wobble my way down stairs. Why is it that right after the war I get the baby bump? I see Daniel appear the the door of stairs with a smile on his face. I playfully glare at him.

"Why are you smiling for?" I ask in suspicion. I reach the end of the stairs and he takes my hand, leading me outside. My eyes widen as I witness the whole pack standing in the backyard. Why is everyone out here? Daniel leads me through the huge crowd. I see Joslyn and Natalie and I wave to them. Daniel let's go of my hand and walks though the crowd. I look around confused before I feel Joslyn and Natalie connect themselves to my arms.

"Your going to love this." They whisper to me simultaneously. I look at them like their crazy before I am pushed out of the crowd of people. I see Daniel kneeling on one knee in the grass. I cover my mouth as tears threaten to pool out of my eyes.

"Jenna. I don't know how long I've been planing this out. I love you. You are the best girlfriend ever. But I think you'd be an even better mother. I can't wait for that to happen, so why don't we make it official. Jenna Macy Nightcrawler, will you give me the pleasure of being my wife and soulmate?"

Tears are streaming down my face by now. I nod and walk up to him, grabbing his face and smashing his lips on mine. I hear many cheers behind me and I smile into the kiss.

"Eww!" I hear a little child voice yell. I break out of the kiss and look at the crowd to see Riley with her nose scrunched up.

"Oh hunny!" I say as I pick her up, setting her on my hip. "I can't wait for you to meet your sibling!"

"Me too!" She squeals in delight. Daniel comes over and puts his arm behind my back. I peck him on the lips and smile.

I love this man.

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