Chapter 7

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~*~Jenna's POV~*~

We walked down the stairs, hand in hand. We got to the backyard and walked up to the stage. Daniel led me up onto the stage.

"Everyone!" He yelled. All the pack members quieted down and looked at us. There seemed to be about 500 of them. How big is their back yard?!?!

"Thank you, as of the other day, I have found a mate. She will be your new Luna," Everyone cheered and whistled. "As of today, Jenna will be your Luna."

One of the elders walked onto the stage with a knife. She handed it to Daniel, he nodded in thanks.

"Now, me and Jenna will mix our blood, allowing her to link with her pack and lead our pack, with me." He looked at me and smiled.

He took the knife and slit his hand. This seems familiar...


I watched as the Alpha carefully cut into the palm of his hand. He grabbed Ivy's hand and cut into hers. They looked into each others eyes and smiled. They were about to shake hands when a loud 'BANG!' rang through me head. Ivy's eyes widened, she looked down at her right shoulder, then back at the Alpha. She smiled a sad smile as she started to fall to the ground. The Alpha caught her before she hit the ground.

Everyone gasped in shock. The Alpha howled out in pain over his mate. Everyone did to. The Alpha cried as Ivy's eyes began to close. Another gun shot sounded, this one hit the Alpha. Everyone in the pack howled as Alpha and Ivy dropped dead.

A women screamed as a man jumped out the woods and grabbed her. He took a knife out of his holder and slit her throat. A man ran up an killed the man. The man dropped to his knees and held, who I assume was his wife, in his arms. Tears were falling down his cheeks.

Many more people, rogues, flooded the backyard from the trees. There were screams coming from everywhere. My mom and dad quickly ran up to me, with Jackson, through the mob of people getting slaughtered. I ran up and hugged them.

"Follow me." My dad told us. We all ran into the woods as fast as could. We were dodging trees when a wolf jumped out from the bushes and tackled me. I screamed as loud as I could. My family quickly turned around. My dad ran over and knocked the wolf off me. The wolf got up quickly and so did my dad. I got up and ran over to my mom and Jackson.

The wolf and my dad circled each other until the wolf lunged at him. He quickly jumped to the side which made the wolf fly past him. He was about to walk up to him but the wolf had disappeared. My dad sniffed the air, but when he turned around, it was too late. The wolf jumped on him and tore off his head. We all dropped to our knees, crying. My mom got up when she saw the wolf coming towards us. She put us behind her and she growled at the wolf. He growled back.

The wolf quickly ran up to her and bit her shoulder. She cries out in pain, "MOM!" I yelled.

"Go!" She yelled. Her breathing started to slightly stop. The rogue dropped her and stalked towards us. I was frozen. I could only see the memories of my mom dad being slaughtered by the wolf. I didn't notice the wolf start to approach us again. He lunged at me, but Jackson tackled him. When did Jackson shift?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Jacksons fox whimper in pain. I looked over at them to see the wolf biting Jackson. I shifted into my fox and ran over to the wolf. I quickly jumped on him and ripped out his neck.

Jackson shifted back. I motioned for him to get on my back, he gladly accepted. He gently climbed on my back. He put his arms around my neck, loosely, but enough to help him stay on. I took off into the forest, away from the pack house. I ran for as long as could until I had to stop. Jackson had fallen asleep. I can't shift back so I'll just walk for a while. I walked and walked till I found a place that seemed to be an old den. I laid down in the grass in front of the den and slid Jackson off my back.

I nudged his face with my muzzle. He opened his eyes and smiles at me. I licked his cheek which made him chuckle. I shifted back and helped him sit up.

"I found an old den, we can stay here for a while." I said, looking around.

"Ok, what are we going to do for food?"

"I'll hunt."

"Ok, it's getting dark, I think we should get inside." I nodded and we shifted into our fox forms. We crawled into the den and curled up together. This will be our first night without our parents...

~Flashback Ended~

Daniel took my hand in his and turned it over to were my palm was facing up. He cut into my palm. We were about to shake hands. I'm practically waiting for the gun shot to come and end me. It never happened. Me and Daniels hands met and embraced each other. We smiled at each other as the rest of the pack members howled to the sky.

After the ceremony was over, Daniel led everyone to a huge clearing. The only thing there was a grey rock, a tombstone. Jacksons name was carved into with the date of his birth and death. Jackson always said ever since the day my mom and dad died that if he died before me, he didn't want a big funeral. No speeches and only me to be there. I had to break the people rule, but nobody is going to give speeches.

He also said, "If I die before you, I will always watch over you. I will watch over you and try my best to keep you safe. I'm sorry if I die and leave you alone. I will meet you in the next world. But I will try my hardest not to leave you alone. I will always love you." This happened the the night after my parents death.

Right before Daniel took me away from him when he died, he said, "I'm sorry I let you down, but at least you aren't alone, like a said before, I'll always love you, and watch over you. See you later sis." That's when his eyes fell closed and I got pulled away. I couldn't accept his death, but now I have to.

I put my head on Daniels chest and began to cry remembering his last words. I miss him. I looked up at the sky and howled. A tear slid down my check when the rest of the pack joined in. I hope he can hear us. I looked around to see Natalie crying a few feet away from me. I walked over to her and engulfed her into a hug. We stayed like that, crying into each other's shoulders, until everyone was gone but us and Daniel.

We broke out of our hug and she walked off. I walked over to Daniel and semi smiled at him. He frowned at me and pulled me into a hug. I gladly accepted it. He pulled away and took my hand. We walked back to the pack house.

When we got there, there was a couple people sitting on the couch and some in the kitchen, talking. We walked up stairs and changed.

~*~Daniel's POV~*~

I got into the bed and under the covers. I looked over at the clock on my bedside table. It read 7:09. It's too early to go to sleep. Jenna walked out of the bathroom with a messy bun, shorts, and a t-shirt that almost covered her shorts.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

"Sure." She walked over to the book case. Half was books and the other half was movies.

"If you don't find one you like there, we can watch one on Netflix."

She got up and walked over to me. Netflix it is. She reached over to her bedside table and grabbed the remote. She turned the tv on and switched it to Netflix. She flipped through movies until she found one she wanted to watch. It's called, "Children Of The Corn".

She snuggled close to me and with every jump scare, she would try and hide behind me. Every now and then she would squeeze my hand trying to scare me but it didn't work. After the movie was over, I decided to go to sleep since I have a meeting in the morning with another Alpha at 5 in the morning. I got comfortable with Jenna in my arms and let darkness consume me.

Authors note:

Hey guys! Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed the story. Go read killerfins story that I'm co-writing. Have a great day/night.

~Nicky <3

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