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-3:25 pm-

yeonmi took her phone and put on her shoes, "mom! i'm going to my friend's house!"

"ok sweetie! wait- is it the boy that you talked about just now?", mrs. kim wiggled her eyebrows in a teasing way and yeonmi rolled her eyes.

"yeah yeah mom. anyway, see you later! bye hyonbi!", yeonmi waved goodbye to the two and headed off to yoongi's house. i wonder what is this thing about, yeonmi thought as she walked down the street.

once she arrived at her destination, she knocked on the door thrice and hoseok opened the door, "oh? yeonmi? what are you doing here?"

"um, yoongi asked me to come here at 3:30... Is he home yet?", yeonmi looked around the house and there's no sign of yoongi.

"no, he's on his way home. you should come inside!", hoseok chirped as he opened the door wider and stepped aside to let yeonmi in. "wah, thanks!", yeonmi said before taking off her shoes and going into the house.

"i'm still not quite familiar to this house, perhaps can you give me a short tour?", yeonmi asked and hoseok nodded eagerly.

the house is 2 floors high, not as tall as the other houses but it's wider than any other houses. the first floor mainly contains the living room, the kitchen, the small dining table, and a door that leads to the backyard.

"now let's go to the second floor", hoseok said as he lead yeonmi to the stairs, "this is yoongi hyung's room, and across from it is my room."

there are 3 bedrooms, after going up the stairs, there's a small hallway that leads you to the three rooms, "the other room is a guest room for visitors", hoseok explained.

"would you like to take a look at yoongi hyung's room?", hoseok offered and yeonmi nodded, "sure why not?"

hoseok chuckled before saying, "but promise me not to tell yoongi hyung about this okay? sadly, you can only see his room from here, right in front of the door."

"why?", yeonmi asked out of curiosity. "i don't know, personal reasons i guess?", hoseok said and opened the door to yoongi's room.

just by one look, yeonmi's already in awe. his room is simple yet so pleasing to look at, despite all the papers scattered all over the desk. his room is just perfection to yeonmi, minimalist design and no pop or flashing colors, just simple.

"it's... amazing, i like his room design", yeonmi clapped her hands and smiled. As hoseok was about to close the door, something vibrant caught yeonmi's sharp eyes, something orange.

"wait, wha-"

"I'M HOME!", the sudden voice coming from downstairs startled the two. hoseok immediately closed the door to yoongi's room and asked yeonmi to go downstairs as if nothing just happened.

"oh hey hyung! you're back!", hoseok exclaimed as he helped his hyung to carry his stuff, "oh and by the way, we have a visitor upstairs waiting for you!"

yeonmi, yoongi thought and rushed upstairs to look for her. at the same time, yeonmi's going down the stairs, causing the two to bump into each other and yoongi to lose his balance.

yeonmi gasped and caught a grip of his wrists, but yoongi's heavier than her, causing yoongi to fall backwards while dragging yeonmi with him.

"OUCH MY BACK!", yoongi shouted and closed his eyes shut to endure the pain. When he opened his eyes, he saw yeonmi's eyes directly looking at his.

the fall caused yeonmi to awkwardly lay right on top of yoongi, their faces inches away from each other. both of their faces turned rosy pink in color as they blushed hard, yeonmi realized the awkward position that they're in at the moment and immediately changed her position, which was a very bad idea.

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