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"oh hello there wonseol", yeonmi crossed her arms and raised one of her eyebrows, "and hani, nice to meet you."

"n-nice to meet you too, y-yeonmi", hani stuttered while fiddling with her hands.

"i see that you just bought some new clothes eih?", wonseol said while pointing at the shopping bag that yeonmi was holding.

"oh this?", yeonmi held up the shopping bag, "yeah, and how about you guys? still planning to live a happy life together?"

"w-well, actually-", before hani could say anything, the elevator door opened.

"oh would you look at that, i'll get off here. nice talking to both of 'ya", yeonmi walked out of the elevator, but she stopped midway before saying, "thanks for all the betrayal that y'all did back in high school."

soon, yeonmi vanished from their sight, a pang of guilt hit hani after yeonmi said those words, she's right, i'm a shitty friend to her, she thought.

"that bitch, she's still the same bitch i used to kno- OUCH! what now?!", wonseol's words were cut by hani as she stepped on his foot harshly.

"you little shit, don't say that!", hani said, obviously in a pissed tone. wonseol rolled his eyes and wrapped her shoulders with his left arm, "you know, you kind of changed, you suddenly care about her. why? is there something bothering you?", wonseol asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

hani was never like this, she would care less about other people's matter and go on with her own life. same goes to wonseol, that's why you can say they're kind of perfect for each other.

"i don't know, i-i just- you know what? i don't even know", hani laughed it off but he knew something's going on with her, "i just, feel bad for her. i was her best friend and i left her just like that, is she even living a happy life right now?"

"oh c'mon, she just went shopping a few hours ago, why wouldn't she be happy?", wonseol said while patting his girlfriend's head, "whatever's going on, i still think she's a bitch for what she did to us."

"YAH! WTF WONSEOL!", hani released his hand from her shoulders and glared at him. wonseol looked at the elevator door and their stop is here, he tip-toed to the door and when the door opened, he rushed out, pretty sure hani's about to chase after him.

- - - - - - - - -

"YAH! where have you been?", hyonbi scolded yeonmi for getting home after she did. "i just did a little shopping! geez, what is wrong with you, as if you never went home at this time before", yeonmi snapped back, receiving a little guilty smile plastered all over hyonbi's face.

since their mother left them, they agreed that if they want to go somewhere separately, they have to tell each other about it, to prevent anything from happening.

"it's actually still pretty early, you wanna go for a walk?", hyonbi offered to her little sister. yeonmi looked at her, scrunched up her nose before answering, "no."

"awh, but why?", the older sister whined and pleaded for her younger sister to agree with her.

"i'm not in the mood to walk around sis, plus, i just got back from the ma-"

"shut up, now let's go!", hyonbi cut of yeonmi's word while grabbing her wrist and dragged her towards the front door.

yeonmi heaved out a long frustrated sigh and followed her sister, oh c'mon, a little walking won't hurt right?, 40% of her inner self said.

you just got back from the mall, walking around trying to find the elevators for probably more than 4 times already, the other 60% of her inner self argued.

however, whatever her excuses are, she still had to follow her sister. yeonmi walked faster to keep up the pace of her sister's footsteps, and they started talking about random yet funny things.

"remember when you accidently said bitch instead of beach in front of the teacher?", hyonbi asked yeonmi, recalling their high school moments.

"oh my god, yes. that's so embarrassing yet so funny at the same time", yeonmi let out a chuckle and continued recalling their memories, "how about when you tried to play the drum and ended up piercing the stick through the drum? man that was fun-"

"YAH! that's very embarrassing! i had to pay the school too!", hyonbi slightly slapped her sister's arm causing yeonmi to giggle.

after walking for a few minutes, they arrived at the park where they used to play frequently when they're still little, waves of memories cam rushing into both of their minds as they started to get excited.

"you ready?", yeonmi asked hyonbi, assuming that she's thinking the same thing as what she's thinking.

hyonbi nodded as they started running towards the swing, around the slide, basically playing a game of tag.

people were giving them weird looks and judging them, even the kids too. however, they couldn't care less about what's going on around them since they're having so much fun.

"tag you're it!", yeonmi said as she tapped her sister's shoulder. "oh no you did not just-", hyonbi turned around before rushing to catch yeonmi.

after around 5 minutes of full running around, jumping, avoiding the obstacles, trying to catch each other by the arm, they laid down on the stone floor while catching their breaths.

"t-that was s-so fun", hyonbi said in between her heavy pantings, "heck yeah, i haven't been running this much since forever", yeonmi replied back with a huge smile plastered on her face.

that was indeed the best game of tag i've played since forever too.



helloo, ok i'm back with another update!! btw, hV Y'ALL WATCHED THE FREAKING MV BCS LIKE- you should just go and watch it.

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