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{ third person p.o.v }

saturday, 13th of february, it reads. yeonmi sighed and yawned since she just woke up from her nap. it's currently 2 o'clock in the afternoon, hyonbi went to work, and she was left alone in the house.

after the discussion that they had yesterday, somehow yeonmi couldn't stop thinking on what to wear tomorrow. she looked around her wardrobe, whipping out a few clothes and pants trying to create a nice looking outfit, but none of them seems to please her.

i swear my fashion sense is way better than this, she thought to herself while ruffling her hair. she soon gave up and decided to go shopping, it's been a while since she went to the mall to go and buy something.

she changed to her casual outfit; plain black tee and sweatpants, grabbed her small bag and went off to the nearest mall. she decided to walk rather than taking the bus since she wanted to do a little "exercise".

fck me, day by day i'm getting fatter, she thought, oh well fck weight, you only live once so better eat whatever you want while you can.

that's been her motivation since forever, she would care less about her weight and focus more on something else that's important. soon, she arrived at the mall.

"gosh, it sure has been a long time since i went to this mall, but holy shit it had gone bigger", she mumbled to herself. there are famous clothing brands, literally everywhere. in every side and corners, stores everywhere.

"i wonder if they really have a restaurant here", she chuckled to herself, satisfied with her "joke".

she looked around, hoping to find her all time favorite shop for clothes, it's the only place where they sell good quality clothes with minimal prices.

"ah! there it is! thank god i found you", she said to herself, smiling while walking into the store. the smell of air freshener hit her nose as she breathed in the scent; peaches and sweet cream. this place smells like candy, she thought to herself.

she looked around and she found a sign that made her squeal in happiness, "50-70% DISCOUNT!! THIS WEEK ONLY!!", the sign reads. nothing can make her day happier other than this, look who's actually lucky today.

she took out a few clothes, brought them to the fitting rooms, she went into one of them and took off her bag. she was about to try on the first tee until she heard someone spoke, "to be honest, i think we should meet her", the familiar voice spoke.

"oh c'mon, i ain't meeting that bitch anymore, no more", the other familiar voice spoke. yeonmi was getting curious so she stopped whatever she's doing and listened to their conversation.

a little eavesdropping won't hurt right?

"she used to be our best friend, c'mon now", the other voice spoke again, "yeonmi? tsk, i don't think she has ever been our best friend", the other voice spoke, but the voice seems to be quite deep.

yeonmi was beyond confused, everything that she wants to know wasn't there yet, she squished her ear in between the door and herself to hear the conversation better.

"wonseol, i beg you, i owe her a lot. i'll give you whatever you want if you agree on this", the other voice spoke, with a feminine voice, so i'm guessing this is a girl, yeonmi thought.

wait, wHAT?! yeonmi's mind began to connect the dots to break the code, seon hani?! that bitch? she's here with that piece of shit?!

"anything?", wonseol asked, even though yeonmi couldn't see his face, she was sure he was smirking. i swear, he's getting horny as shit right now, "oh fck your horny thoughts wonseol, get a life", hani said which made yeonmi smiled a bit.

"okay! okay! geez, take a chill pi- OUCH!", hani cut his words by stepping onto his foot harshly, yeonmi couldn't help but to laugh quietly.

"don't you fcking dare say those fcking words again", hani said while crossing her arms, "how about we meet her tomorrow? i mean, it's valentines day, we can bring her chocolate and flowers or something."

hah btch, i'm not available tomorrow so goodluck in finding me, yeonmi thought while smiling with victory.

"awh, but i thought tomorrow's our day", wonseol said, feeling disappointed. "oh c'mon, it's not like we're going to do something special tomorrow", hani snapped back to him.

wonseol knew what he should do next, he pushed his bottom lip forward while looking at her with puppy eyes, "oh, fck not now wonseol you sh-"

"my pretty jagiya, wonseol wants to spend tomorrow with youu. please??", he pleaded with his puppy eyes.

hani's stiff face soon cracked into a small smile, "urgh, you little piece of shit, you're lucky that i love you that much", soon the sound of her lips pecking wonseol's was heard by yeonmi.

yeonmi cringed at that, so they're still together eih?

"yay! i love you so much hani!", wonseol hugged hani and kissed her cheek a few times. yeonmi cringed way too hard to the point she sat down on the floor while covering her ears.

"okay, maybe next time we'll meet her", hani said while releasing the hug and clinging her arm onto wonseol's.

soon, the sound of foot stomping out was heard, yeonmi heaved out a sigh and mumbled to herself, "aish, those bitches are going to meet me? no no no."

yeonmi decided to shrug all of those off and continue on trying her clothes, some of them pleased her and most of them don't.

she bought a pair of ripped jeans and a turtleneck paired with a denim jacket, this should be good enough for tomorrow.

she paid for the clothes and went off to the nearest cafe, nearest as in the 5th floor of the mall. she looked around for a cafe that suits her budget, but all of them are just too expensive for a girl like her.

she went back to where the elevators are located, and waited for the next elevator to come and pick her up.

the elevator from the left side came to a stop on the floor she's in, she went in without knowing who's in it and pressed a button that will lead her to the lobby.

"well well, isn't it yeonmi?", a male voice spoke. yeonmi turned her head towards where the voice came from,

it was wonseol and hani, the 2 people who betrayed yeonmi during high school.



eit hello, i'm back! i hope y'all enjoyed reading this chapter, yep i introduced wonseol and hani in this chapter! better remember them because they'll appear again in future chapters!

and happy belated chinese new year to y'all who celebrates it!!

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