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"she went to-"

"aigoo.... it feels so hot in here don't you guys think?", yoongi interrupted jimin from saying more information.

"um, there's an ac right on top of us", hyonbi said while pointing upwards.

"o-oh, well i guess i'm not feeling well right now", yoongi laughed awkwardly as he mentally slapped himself.

"so as i was saying, yeon-"

"hey guys!", yeonmi appeared to the scene and waved her hands, her face was full of joy until she made eye contact with hani, "oh, you guys."

she silently sent a death glare to the both of them without anyone noticing.

hyonbi was beyond confused on what just happened to yeonmi's attitude, "you guys wanna grab something to eat?", hyonbi asked.

"nah, we're good! we ate sushi just now!", yeonmi said while smiling, "well, i have to go now! you all have fun alright?"

yeonmi was about to go out from the scene until she felt a tug on her wrist, "now hold on right there orange, i'm going with you."

"um, sure? i guess", yeonmi shrugged her shoulders as she continued on walking.

jimin, who's now still confused on what's going on, decided to join her as well, "u-um, yoongi h-hyung and i need to grab something from the um- FLOWER SHOP! yeah!"

jimin awkwardly laughed and turned his heels to catch up on the two, hyonbi was about to stop him but then the thought of jimin buying her flowers stopped her.

nah, he's just buying flowers. besides, i can talk with hani while waiting for the 3 of them to come back, hyonbi thought to herself, satisfied with her so-called conclusion.

"so, lunch?", wonseol asked from behind since the girls walked way faster than him.

"sure! any recommendations?"

- - - - - - - - -

"any recommendations?", yeonmi asked as she looked around the flower displays.

as what jimin said, they really went to the flower shop to reduce anymore little lies.

"i think this one's pretty good", yoongi grabbed one of the tulips from the vase before showing it to yeonmi.

on the other hand, jimin looked around the bouquet section to find the perfect ones for him to buy for his friends and family.

"you go find jimin, i'll look around here first", yeonmi said and grabbed the tulip as she looked at it seriously.

yoongi nodded and looked around for jimin. after passing by a few flowers, he finally found jimin in the bouquet section.

"what are you doing here?", yoongi asked as he stood right next to jimin, who's having a hard time on choosing a bouquet.

"hyung, which one do you think is better?", jimin picked up 2 different bouquets, "is the left one better or the right one?"

the one on his left hand is a bouquet filled with white roses, white tulips, and white lilies. wrapped with mint colored tissue papers and tied securely with a mint ribbon.

while the one on his right hand is a bouquet filled with pink roses, some lavenders, and pink carnations. wrapped with pink tissue papers and tied securely with a silver ribbon.

"so the only differences from these 2 bouquets are the colors and the flowers?", yoongi asked and jimin nodded.

"it's hard to choose though, since both of them are beautiful", jimin looked at the 2 bouquets in awe as a small smile tugged on his lips.

haircut || min yoongi [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now