Chapter 14

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Six years ago. . . 


I slammed my bamboo stick into the side of the dummy for the thousandth time that day.  I turned to look at the True Master, an ancient master of all forms of fighting and meditation, otherwise known as Chu-hui.  I had been training with the True Master for years.

"Good," she said to me.  "You are done for today."

"Finally!" I sighed.  My eight-year-old self wasn't much one for manners.

Chu-hui simply chuckled as I rushed to put my staff onto the wall.  "One more thing before you go, young one," the True Master said. 

I stopped in my tracks, turning around to face the old, wise woman.  "We have someone coming up the mountain.  Be prepared for if he makes it."

The True Master and I lived deep in the Himalaya Mountains.  The True Master was known around the world as the best master among every single one in the world.  But, to get to the True Master, you had to travel through a series of tests to arrive at her dojo at the top of the mountain where it was located. 

Usually, we had a few people try each year.  So far, only a small handful have arrived at the top in the True Master's lifetime.  There were only a few exceptions, me being one.  My parents had been murdered when I was very young.  Instead of getting revenge against the man who murdered my family, the Chu-hui took me in, giving me shelter, food, and a place to train.

In return, I would help the Chu-hui keep her dojo in top condition, and help train the few people who had made it to the top.

People would usually make the journey to see the True Master because they were lost.  Many had come up to face the obstacles as a way to rediscover themselves.  They would leave, springing into a new age of their life.  

The journey always started out at the bottom of the mountain, where the True Master would be waiting.  To the many to came, she would seem like a foolish old woman who simply told them the way to go.   But, they would then arrive and the True Master would reveal her identity to the traveler, and it was always humorous to see their reaction.

"Do you really think this man will make it?" I asked as I hung up my fighting robes on the wall, now simply wearing black sweats and a white muscle shirt. 

"This man might.  Out in the world, he is known as a revolutionary.  Some even refer to him as the demon himself," Chu-hui chuckled.  "Now, Dick, you know that if men arrive here, they are instructed to arrive at sunset.  Be ready for this man."

"Will do, Chu-hui," I said before running off to my room.  My room was actually quite simple.  I had a bed, a wardrobe, a door that led to a bathroom, and a desk that housed a computer with a hard drive.  Chu-hui never busied herself with modern technology, but she believed that  since I was young and would more than likely go back out into the world someday, that I should have one and know how to use it.  I was actually quite a skilled hacker, if I do say so myself.

It was only about an hour until sunset, so I did not have much time until this so-called demon possibly came crawling towards the True Master's doorsteps.  

After three-quarters of the hour was up, I prepared for the arrival of the man.  I soon walked out of the front door of the dojo, my sweats and white shirt still on.  Chu-hui stood outside already, leaning on her tall, wooden walking stick, staring out into the sunset.  She wore her traditional simple dress and sweater, her hair in two braids, a little hat adorning her head.

"How sure are you that he will be here?" I asked Chu-hui.

"Last time I saw him, he was passing the last obstacle.  I believe he has a fairly good chance at making it here in ten minutes," Chu-hui replied.

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