Chapter 2

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Richard's/Robin's POV

"That's the second time the Riddler has escaped from Arkham this month, Batman.  Are you sure he will stay in this time?" I asked Batman.  I stood, leaning against the keyboard of the Bat Computer in the Bat Cave, Batman sitting in the chair in front of the giant monitor.

"I doubled security on his cell.  He shouldn't be going anywhere," Batman replied.

The two of us had just gotten back from a long night of patrolling.  We had ended the night putting the Riddler back into jail.  

"Whatever you say, Bats."

"You should have more faith in me, Robin," Batman said, his fingers clacking against the keyboard.

"I have plenty of faith in you.  Arkham guards however," I said back.

"You have a point," Batman chuckled.  His sentence was followed by the computer signaling a call from the Justice League.  "What now?" Batman grumbled.

Batman motioned me to move out of the view of the camera before answering the call, the faces of Superman, Flash, and Aquaman showing up.

"Yes?" Batman asked.

"We have a slight issue, Batman," Superman started saying.  

"It involves the sidekicks," Flash added.  I assumed they were talking about showing Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Speedy the Hall of Justice today.  I hadn't attended as the Justice League does not approve of me.  You see, since not even Batman knows my identity, they don't really trust me.

"What of it?" Batman asked.

"We don't know where they are," Aquaman answered.

"How do you lose three sidekicks?"

"Two," Superman said.  "Speedy got mad earlier and walked out."

"Sounds like Roy.  I'll meet you at the Watchtower."

Batman ended the call between the Justice League and turned to me.  "That the sidekick thing the League doesn't want me in on?" I asked to confirm my thoughts.

"Yes.  But, as you can guess, they are all immature," Batman sighed.  "I better get to the Watchtower before one of those kids kill themselves.  You stay here and monitor the news in D.C. on the Bat Computer to see if they blow something up."

"Will do, Bats."

"If I am not back before morning, you know the way out."

Batman 02

As the Zeta tube announced Batman's departure, I took the seat at the computer, filing through current news in D.C.  As I searched, I heard the elevator that led up into the house above the cave open.  A few seconds later, Alfred was setting down a cup of tea in front of me.

"Master Bruce leave early, Master Robin?" Alfred asked.  Yes, I do know Batman's real identity.  We use that advantage for many cases.

"Yeah.  Justice League proteges went missing in D.C. and Bats went to the Watchtower to look for them," I replied, taking a sip of my tea.  "I am looking through the news to see if anything explodes that sounds like something people with superpowers can do."

"I see, Master Robin," Alfred said.  "Would you like some breakfast.  It is the ripe old hour of 2 a.m., you might want some strength to continue your research."

Before I could reply, a message from Batman appeared on the screen of the computer.  "They found Project Kr,"  I read. 

"That is the Cadmus project you and Batman have been working on for the last couple of months, is it not?" Alfred asked.

"It is," I said quietly. "But how did Aqualad and Kid Flash break into Cadmus and break out with Project Kr?"

"I feel that is something you must discuss with Batman," Alfred said.  "And probably tomorrow.  It is getting late."

"You're right, Alfred," I said to the British butler.  "I will see you tomorrow.  Batman and I have a lot to discuss."


1 week after Season 1 finale. . . 

"The team may have been able to survive this, but this was only the beginning.  The Light will strike back, with a bigger and better plan," Batman said.  I looked around the table of Justice League members, staring at Batman with varying levels of distaste.

"I just don't know if this is a good idea, Batman," Wonder Woman said.  "After the mental training, I am not sure if they will appreciate being manipulated."

"They haven't even met Robin before, it will be different," Batman replied.

"If we allow Robin to masquerade as a villain to trick the team, how do we know everyone will be safe?  Someone could be seriously hurt.  Robin doesn't even have superpowers," Superman pointed out.

"Welcome to the real world, Clark.  People get hurt.  Mortals can be superheroes.  Robin has been working with me for almost five years now.  I have full faith in his ability to square up against the team."

The table fell silent.  The recent Light attack has everyone on their toes.  Batman wants to make sure everyone is ready for the next attack from the villain group headed by Savage, especially the team.

"Just because you have faith in the kid, Bruce, does not mean we do," Green Arrow finally said.  

I let out a huff of air as other Leaguers muttered their agreements.  "Does that really matter?  None of the team knows Batman's identity and they all seem to trust him just fine.  You don't need to know my name to trust me," I said.

"Robin is right," Bats agreed.

"But-" Superman started.

"I think they have a point," Martian Manhunter said. 

"John?  How could you possibly think this is a good idea?" Wonder Woman said.

"He's right.  This won't be like the mind training. I agree with John and Bruce.  This will help the kids be prepared," Black Canary, or Dinah Lance, said.  

"I don't care whether or not the majority of you agree with this idea, I want to make sure everyone is prepared.  Robin will be put undercover.  You can help me if you want, but if all you want to do is protest, I don't have time for it," Batman said.

He stood up from his chair, cape whishing as he exited the meeting room.  I followed suit of my mentor.  We stopped in the main room where the Zeta tubes of the Watchtower were located.  Batman stood in the center of the room, seemingly waiting.  

"Batman?  What exactly are you waiting for?" I finally asked after a couple of minutes.


"Okay then."

After about a minute or so, Martian Manhunter, Black Canary, and Green Arrow walked into the room and went up to Batman.  "Sorry it took so long.  I had to convince Ollie for awhile," Canary apologized.

"It's fine.  But we better get on with this plan," Batman said.

"Just tell us what to do," Green Arrow said.

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