Chapter 7

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Richard's/Robin's POV

"It's not going to happen, Barbara," I said to the feisty red-head sitting across from me in a small cafe in Gotham City.

"Come on, Dick!  I can help!" Barbara Gordan pleaded.  

Barbara Gordan and I have been friends for almost five years now, ever since I became Robin.  She has known about my alter ego for about three of those years.

I had just finished telling her the latest mission Batman has me on.  Yes, I mean Red X.

"Barbara, you haven't been doing this hero stuff for as long as I have.  You haven't even done the hero stuff!  There is nothing you can do!" I argued.

"I can be tech control!" Barbara suggested brightly.  "Be the one in your ear, giving you inside information."

"Your father would kill me, Barbara."

"He doesn't have to know.  He won't find out," Barbara said stubbornly.

"He is the police commissioner, Babs.  It is his job to know!"  I retorted.

"He doesn't know that my best friend dresses up every night to fight guys," Barbara defended with a defiant bite of her ice cream.

"That's different."

"It is not!"

Instead of answering, I preoccupied myself with my ice cream.  Barbara stared expectantly at me.

"You don't even know Batman," I said with a frown.

"I have met Bruce Wayne before, thank you very much."

Thank goodness the cafe was mostly empty and we were in a booth far from anyone else. 

"You may have met Bruce Wayne, but you have not met Batman," I clarified.

"Technicalities don't matter."

"You don't know the team."


Barbara continued to give me an annoyed look as I continued eating my ice cream.  I would find every reason to deny Barbara an opportunity to help me on this case.  I know how much she wants to become a hero like me, but she doesn't know the dangers.  Plus, her dad would kill me if he ever found out.

After a few more moments of staring, Barbara finally sighed and gazed into her bowl. "Fine.  I see I can't convince you."


"For now."


"Just swear to me, that if you ever need help, if you ever encounter a situation where you need help, I am the first person you call."


"Swear to me!"

"I have Batman for back up, Babs," I pointed out.

"Well, I care about you, too, Dick.  You take a huge risk going out and being a hero.  I never know if you will come back home alive.  I want to be reassured by being there.  So swear to me you will call me, Dick."

I sighed softly.  "Fine.  I swear."

"Thank you," Barbara said, putting her hand on mine.

"But don't expect me to need back up."

"I at least got you to swear."

"Oh my god, Babs."

"Speaking of Bruce Wayne," she continued on acting as if I had never spoken.  "I need a date to the Policemen's Charity Ball at Wayne Manor."

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