Chapter 3

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Richard's/Robin's POV

"Do you like it, Batman?" I asked the Caped Crusader.  Batman had asked me to think of designs for a villain suit for my undercover job.  After a couple of weeks of designing, I had come up with a design that I think would be quite nice.

"Out of all of the things you could have based your persona off of," Batman started.  "You chose a red X?"

"Well, the name of the villain is Red X."

"Of course it is," Batman sighed.  "Weapons?"

"Suit powered by Xenuthium, invisibility feature, teleportation feature, X-shaped shuriken, expanding lasers, and sticky X's."

"Well, I can see where the X came from.  This suit is advanced, difficult abilities to counter, and can be used against all members of the team.  It will work," Batman assessed. 

"Wonderful.  I will go back to my place and finish the suit," I said.

"You have Xenuthium at your place?" Batman questioned.

"I have many things at my place."

"That's an understatement."


Artemis's POV

It had been two months since the Light's attack on the Watchtower.  Crime in the world has seemed to lull.  Most of the time, the team and I spend time training in the cave or laying back in the living room eating Megan's cookies or watching the news.

In fact, that is what we were doing just now.

"Conner, can we watch something other than static?" Wally, a.k.a Kid Flash, asked.

"Ugh, fine," Conner, a.k.a. Superboy.

Conner changed the channel to one of the many global news stations that the cave receives.  

"I doubt there is going to be anything on that we can do," Zatanna commented from her position in-between Conner and Wally on the couch.  

"There hasn't been anything for two months!" Kaldur, our leader, exclaimed.

"I need something!" Wally groaned.  

We were all distracted from our complaining by Megan's shout from the kitchen that her latest cookie batch just came out of the oven.  Wally super-speeded into the kitchen, always eager for something to eat.

"Wally!  Save some for others!" Megan scolded the red-headed speedster as the rest of us joined the two in the kitchen.  We were also joined by Raquel, who had been with Megan the whole time.

"Sorry, sweet-cheeks," Wally said, cookie crumbs falling out of his mouth.

"Ugh," I groaned.  Wally gave me one of his signature smiles in response.  Or, well, as best of a smile he could give me with a mouth full of cookies.

"I am going back into the living room," I said with an eye roll.

"I'll join you," Zatanna said.

We sat down on the couch together, not really paying attention to the news that was still on.  I had started to drift off and think about a history project I had due when Zatanna nudged my legs.

"Artemis, look!  A case!" the magician exclaimed.  I turned my attention to the screen to see what she meant.

"The young masked villain known as Red X has been making trouble for both police officers and members of the Justice League.  So far, he has committed crimes such as robbery and illegal trades.  Authorities are still trying to catch this menace.  Some are saying a villain as young as this should not be as difficult to catch as he is, but statements from heroes such as Green Arrow and Batman say he should not be underestimated."

"Now here is something we can do!" I said with excitement.


"What do you mean, no?" Wally asked.

Batman stood before us in the training room where the Zeta tubes were located.  We had brought up to him the case of Red X, and he wasn't being very supportive.

"The team can not take this case," Batman said.

"Why not, Batman?  We have had barely any cases for two months," Aqualad pointed out.

"There is already someone on the case," Batman revealed.

"Who?  We can work with them or something!" Zatanna suggested.

"I don't think you will want to work with this person."

"Whoever it is, we need some action.  Batman, please," I begged.

Batman stayed silent for a couple of seconds before sighing.  "Fine."

"Yes!  Finally!  A mission!" Megan exclaimed.  She flew up in the air a couple of feet in excitement. 

"They will come by later to debrief you on the mission."  Batman left through the Zeta tubes, his cape softly swishing behind him.


Unknown POV

Two people sat at at dark, round table in a dark room, the lit fireplace giving the only light to the small space.  Once of these persons were male, the other female.  The female wore a black, skin-tight suit accented with green stripes, one you would associate with combat,  She had a white belt filled with gadgets on her hips.

The male was older than the young woman.  His hair was striped with white, his mustache fell to below his chin.  He wore an crisp black and white shirt with a dark green cloak over his shoulders.

The woman looked to the man with a look of seriousness.  "Father, are you sure about this?" the woman questioned the older man.

"Talia, we both know I need an heir.  I fear we are running out of time to find someone to raise into combat.  I feel if we recruit a boy of his age and experience into the League, we can properly raise him to serve me," the man now known as Father replied.

"As you wish, Father," Talia, the woman, said. "But, Father?"

"Yes, my daughter?"

"What if he refuses your offer?"

At this, the man stood up from his spot at the table, gazing wistfully into the fire.  After a couple of moments he turned back to face Talia, now with a hard look on his face, determination glistening in his eyes.

"He will not refuse Ra's Al Ghul."

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