Chapter 9

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Barbara's POV

I knocked on the door with three sharp raps.  A few seconds later, Artemis opened the door.  

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yep," Artemis said as she reached for her jacket hanging on a hook by the door.  "I'll be back later, Mom!" she yelled as she shut the door.  "So, where are we going Barbara?"

"You'll see," I said, smirking to myself at my genius plan.  You see, as daughter of the Police Commissioner of Gotham City, I knew stuff the regular citizen wouldn't.  

Such as, the parents of Artemis Crock are the super villains known as Huntress and Sportsmaster.

We entered my car, which I had parked in front of Artemis's building.  Driving downtown, Artemis got a little suspicious in the passenger's seat. 

"Seriously, Barb, what is this about?" Artemis questioned.

I thought about my response before vocalizing, deciding to go with an answer that would probably make her the least mad at me.

"It is about a guy."

"You called me out of my plans to talk about a guy?!" Artemis exclaimed.

"Not just any guy!" I said, parking the car. 

"Why are we at an abandoned warehouse?" Artemis asked, looking at the shabby building in front of us.

"It isn't abandoned."

I led Artemis out of the car to the entrance of the building.

"How are you going to get in, Barb?  All exits are sealed," Artemis pointed out.

"There's a point for that," I said as I touched a certain area of the wall.  Artemis gasped softly as a keypad appeared behind a panel.  I typed in a code, allowing the door in front of us to rise up, giving us access.  "That is why all exits are blocked," I smiled.

"What is this place?" Artemis asked.

We entered into a large room that had a wraparound balcony above an area meant for combat training.  The walls were covered in every weapon you could think of from every corner of the world.  

On the balcony floor were many doors on the wall leading to various areas such as a kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. 

"This is the place of the guy," I explained, walking into the middle of the room.

"Is this guy a ninja?" Artemis asked as she examined weapons on the wall.  She took one sword off of the wall.  "This an ancient dagger from Africa.  This doesn't seem like something just any guy would have."

"Well, he is not just any guy," I said, grabbing the dagger from her.  

"Why exactly are you showing me this place?" Artemis asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"Because I have a problem that I think you can help me with," I explained.

"What can I possibly help you with that involves a guy I don't even know?"

I took a deep breath, praying he wouldn't kill me later.

"Well, Artemis, I have a few things to admit," I started.

"Yeah, you do."

"First off, I know your parents are Huntress and Sportsmaster."

"How do you know that?" Artemis exclaimed.

"My dad is the police commissioner!  I know lots of stuff!  Like you are also the super hero known as Artemis," I revealed.

"The commissioner does not know that I am Artemis!" Artemis said suspiciously.

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