Its not the Minecraft, it's the lies

Start from the beginning

"What about Monica?" Lydia spits.

"Monica has been doing a fantastic job in the London office." Joe smiles kindly at Monica. "I see no reason for her not to work alongside Lennon for the next two weeks, after that she can return with us to London for the X-factor final. Once the tour moves on again, she can stay in London and resume her duties.

Monica's pretty face is wrapped up in a complex scowl. Joe notices this and gives her an understanding smile.

"There will be more opportunities for tours, plenty of travel in the future." He says kindly. She shoots him a filthy look.

I fully expect Lydia to argue but to my surprise she nods stiffly. Something about the authoritative way Joe has addressed her seems to have temporarily stunned her.

"I'm glad that's settled. Now, if you two ladies would leave us, we have the matter of Belle and Harry to discuss." Joe says. I can see Monica wants to listen in just as much as I do.

Apparently that's not even an option and it's only seconds later that Joe closes the door firmly behind us. I turn quickly towards the lifts and to my dismay I hear Monica hurrying along behind me.

"It's a shame I didn't have the sense to shag my way to the top." She spits once we're waiting for the lift. "At least now I know the reason that Harry chose you for the tour."

I decide to be dignified and ignore her, a move slightly ruined by the fact that I trip slightly as I enter the lift.

Minutes later I've tentatively entered my room to find it Zayn free, thankfully.

I flop on the bed.

I still have my job. That's a huge pro.

On the negative; Harry is annoyed with me, I woke up next to Zayn, Lydia hates me and I have to work with Monica for the next two weeks.

I briefly consider calling Glen as my phone begins to vibrate. I groan loudly as I see my Mums caller ID flash up.


I hear a long wet sniff from the other end followed by a dramatic gasp.

"Mum?" I sit bolt upright. "Mum is everything ok?"

"It's Brian." She whispers.

My stomach clenches as my youngest brothers face swims into my mind. Oh my god.

"What's happened?" I demand.

She can't speak for a moment and I feel sick as I try to imagine what she's about to tell me.

"He.. He..." She hiccups.

"What's happened?" I ask again, gently.

"Oh Lennon it's awful!"

I need to book a flight home. I try to keep my breathing steady but my heart is pounding in my chest.

"I caught him playing Minecraft today!" She declares dramatically.

Oh for gods sake.

I fall back down on the bed rolling my eyes.

"Well that's a standard thing for a ten year old-"

"He told me he needed to go online to research chakra meditation points-"

"Mum, he's 10." I groan.

"It's not the minecraft, it's the lies."

I don't respond. I know she's about to launch off on one of her conspiracy rants so I grab the room service menu and begin to scan it. I feel disgustingly hung over and I could do without her crap right now. I still need to find out what happened with Zayn.

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