My face whitens, my jaw clenched so hard it goes rigid. I roll my palms into fist behind my back, attempting to hold back my punch. Luna my as-

"What's wrong Alpha?" He asked humbly, his hand dropping from his head.

I frown disapproving and instead of acting out, I angrily step out the cell and holler out to my Warrior to gets their asses here. 5 of my lower ranked Warriors approach me jogging and at this point, I didn't seriously care who came.

"Do what you must, I don't fucking care WHAT but make him obey me," I hiss and they bow in a single union.

My pace quickens as I dash out the cell with his words twirling on my mind, messing with my mind's circuit. "How about the Luna's decision?"

"Doesn't her word hold the equal amount of power as yours?" Like hell it doesn't, I wanted to scream but I didn't know why, not even a word came racing out in moment. His words stung like acid, devouring my brain and melting my judgements and while I remained quiet?

What the fuck is happening to us? I ask Dylan, who had blocked me out since the encounter with Hunter. That wussy.

I jog up the stairs and into my study luckily on the opposite side of the house from the bedroom. Yanking my phone from charging, I make a call to have a word with Hunter's brother. Like usual, it goes to his voicemail at the most worse timing ever. Swearing, I slip it back into my jean's pocket and collapse into my chair.

Sighing frustratingly, I comb my hand through my hair. Leila...!

Seconds later, a petite figure in a worn out mint summer dress and white cardigan, appears at the door with her black hair tied behind her head in a sloppy bun, held together with a pencil.

"Y-yes Alpha," Leila bowed quietly.  Nerd Alert.

"Call some of my girls over right now," I yell, grabbing my chairs arm with my claws threatening to appear.

She flinched from my sudden tone. I was waiting to hear her mutter a word of protest or even mention the Luna. Internally, I dared her so she could see what I would've done.

"Y-yes of course, m-my Alpha-a," she stuttered in Italian, leaving after bowing timidly.

I smirk from satisfaction. I had proved Hunter's words wrong. It doesn't change anything.

Nothing. The sun will go up the same during the day and will fall for the moon to arise during the night. The star cant do anything to change it, they're useless without the sun and moon. They're the rulers of Earth. A new member of the Pack won't change nothing, even if she is the Luna. She's can't shine without me, her Mate -the Alpha. I'm the ruler of the Pack, I draw the lines and make decisions. Her arrival doesn't change shit.

I was getting up to get my  chair when the door flew open. My most current Ex, enters from the door frame dressed in nothing much than a fancy silk candy stripper uniform that ended by her mid-thigh with 5 inch heels.

"Stephanie," I purr, my eyes popping from her figure. Her waist had gotten skinner but her chest had just grown twice the amount, most likely from her bomb shell push up bra.

"The one and only darling," she winked flirtatiously, her smile promising 100 percent satisfaction guaranteed. She curls her index finger in my direction, daring me to approach. Eyeing her legs and working up, I make my way over. Just when I was about a hands distance away, I grab out to her waist pulling her closer.

"Ohhh," she bites her lips innocently from against my neck. Smirking devilishly, I hoist her up in my arms. "Me sui mancato." [I missed you]

Dylan growls but blocking him out just like he done, I return to the present. I carry her to my room across the hallway with her hanging from my arms and hard chest pressing next to my chest.

I kick open the door and throw her onto my bed. I pull my shirt over my head as I land on top of her with our lips locked. I tangle my fingers in her hair while my other strokes her thigh in a gentle teasing gesture.

She moans and rubs circles on my back as a returning gesture. I hold back my moan as I twist my tongue with hers. I take my hand away from her thigh and use to hoist myself above of her by her head when I felt it.

"What the -" I pry off her mouth and look up to see a metallic crescent moon shaped necklace with a tinier stone filling, just laying here. It had words the words 'she is too fond of books and it had turned her mine' upon the stone.

Like fog, her scent quickly spread over my senses like a sheets of mist, clouding my mind. Pictures of her face erupted before my eyes.

Fuckkkkkk, I breath.

"What the hell?" She exclaimed, snatching it from hands and tossing it hard across the room until it hit the wall next to the bathroom. The sound of glass shattering, exploded like a bullet as it dropped dead to the ground.

I freak out, and jump of her and stride across the room in the direction of the pendant. "What the hell Dam-," "ALPHA! YOU CALL ME ALPHA, ONLY," I growl, kneeling down to the ground by the necklace.

"NOW, get your filthy, slutty ass out of here before I kick you out of the Pack," I threaten and she goes crying out.

Why did I care so much? Why does her name, stuff or anything resembling her give me a image of her! I grimace when a shard of the glass slices my finger. I wanted to throw it away, but Dylan resistance on was to hard against my will.

Fighting against it earned me a instant knife stabbing headache. Okay okay, calm you wussy!

He doesn't reply and instead the low hum of my phone vibrating arrives deep from my jeans pocket. "What?" I ask directly, after swiping to unlock.

"A-Alpha-a," a voice croaks from the other side.

"Whose speaking, tell me your name, and rank right now before I skin you alive the next time I see you," I command lazily, rising from the ground.

"T-t-there's be-een an aaccident," he says, breathing heavily as if his life depended on it.

"Report it to your local Beta or my head Beta, and they'll handle it. Don't CALL ME AGAIN!" I was about to disconnect the call when he adds.

"I-it's the-e l-l-Luna. S-she's n-n-ot respondin-ng," he adds, before the call goes cold.

"Hello?" I ask again, but before I could reply, my own heart beat quickens to such an extent it felt as I had just ran a jog. My breathing comes out hard and raspy, difficulties increasing with each breath I take.

What's going on..?

Before getting an answer that's when I crumbled to the hard ground, banging my head and plunging into the darkness.

Hey my Owls,

How's life..? I know this chapters a bit smaller compared to the others, but I couldn't extend much on this, believe me.

I know the first chapters were great but the middle dropped a bit, even I can agree on that.

The Author;

P.s.{Has anyone of you owls read
The One by Kiera Cass?}

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