Easter generations

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As with most generations, this is not Solangelo. It will be Cameron (caleo) x Sam (percabeth)

I sat in the corner of my parents expansive backyard, watching my little cousins run around, searching for the small, colourful eggs hidden in each nook and cranny. It was a wistful look. I was wishing I could be like them, be young, careless and free. But no. Due to the stupid gender spectrum, I was alone. Yes, my parents try and understand but It was all to no avail.

My glance then wandered to the short, caramel haired maniac who was filming the going-ons of today. He understood me. He understood the pain and suffering that society put me through. He was like me. He understood in a way that no one else ever did. He had experienced it, just like me. That made me yearn for his attention. He drew me in, making me want something that I felt that I could never have. His love.

Cameron looked up from his camera and saw me looking at him. I quickly turned my gaze back to my little cousins, but not without blushing more than I thought possible. After a good ten minutes, Cameron trudged over to me.

"Sup?" He asked.

"The sky." I replied, knowing he would find the classic joke hilarious.

"No. Seriously what's up. Believe it or not, I can see the solemn expression on your face." That was extraordinarily serious for the little maniac.

"N...nothing?" I said, but it sounded a lot more like a question than a statement. He looked disappointed. Cameron then sat down on a rock next to me and put an arm over my shoulders. The -probably friendly- gesture sent a warm, tingly sensation through my body.  I flinched at the new sensation. He quickly retracted his arm, mumbling

"I should have known.....why would..."  Cameron looked down at the bracelet on my wrist. It was blue, representing the fact that I was currently a boy. "He like me.... I'm just a stupid transgendered freak..." I only parts of what he said, so it sounded like
"I... known... like me... stupid... freak." I was mad about that. I thought about how he would have done anything to have been born in my male body, and how he deserved to be accepted.

"Sorry...... You just took me by surprise." I said calmly, however this was the calm before the storm. "BUT YOU ARE NOT A FREAK OR STUPID! I'M THE FUCKING FREAK!" I yelled. He whimpered and backed away. I felt horrible. I scared him.

Unlike Cameron, I deserved the abuse, the name calling and I deserved not to be accepted. He may have been born as Clara Esperanza Valdez but why does that matter to anyone else? He had been Cameron Elliot Valdez since the age of 3. People should accept that! Whereas they had no reason to accept me.

I looked up. I was alone again. That was good. No one else should have to deal with me. All I ever did was cause pain. Just then, three little girls, Helena, Kitty and Amelia, ran up to me.

"Hello Sammy!" The one in the yellow tutu-Amelia- exclaimed.

"Uncle Will told us that we had too many chocolates and that if we ate them all we'd get a sore tummy!" The next one informed me.  She was wearing a cute little cat onesie.

"So we are sharing them! Do you want some?" The last girl, Helena, asked. This is why I love little kids. They couldn't care less about the fact that I'm genderfluid.

"If that's ok." I answered, knowing that uncle Will would only confiscate the small chocolates anyway. Helena grabbed a handful of the small eggs and dumped them in my lap. The three little girls then ran off to the next person.

"Thank you!" I yelled out after them. I removed the reflective yellow foil and slowly nibbled away at the chocolate. I really needed to apologize to Cameron.

I felt terrible for snapping at him. I was hopelessly in love but completely clueless about, so I went up to the  one person who's field of expertise was love. Aunt Piper.

"Hey Aunt Piper, I need some help..." I said.

"Hello Sam, what do you need help with?" She asked. She was quite possibly my favourite aunt, just because she was an extraordinarily kind and caring person.

"I...uhh...I have a crush on someone and yelled at them and I'm scared that he'll hate me....." I rushed all of my words, ashamed.

"May I ask who this boy is?" She questioned.

It's....umm...It's Cameron" I told her quietly.

"OH MY GODS! CAM! CAM!CAM!" She yelled until Uncle Jason came and told her that her inner Aphrodite was showing.

"Not helping....." I said sassily.

"Oh sorry, I just get a bit carried away sometimes. But anyway, I'd recommend that you go somewhere private to apologise, cause you never know what'll happen next....."

"Thanks Aunt Piper!" I called out as I ran off to find Cameron. I looked practically everywhere for him. I checked if he was With the little kids, with the teens, with the adults, in the training area, even on the stretch of tall grass. I was almost ready to admit defeat when I thought of one last spot that he could be. The small pond area, surrounded by trees.

I ran over to the pond, puffing and panting. I fairly quickly concluded that my efforts weren't in vain, because hanging on one of the trees was the camera his father had made for him for his 7th birthday was hanging on a willow tree, and he always had that camera with him. I heard a faint sobbing noise and therefore increased my pace. I couldn't bear the thought that I made him cry.

On my way past, I picked up the camera. The sight I saw horrified me. Cameron was sitting on a tree root, bawling his eyes out. If it was possible, I felt even worse. I stepped forward, and the autumn leaves on the floor crunched. He looked up at me with his big, lovable brown eyes. They  were red and puffy, but he still looked adorable. I sat down next to him and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer.

"Sorry, I'm an idiot." I whispered. His body was shaking.

"I..it's ok..." he said, stuttering. I knew, at that moment that it was now or never.

"Cameron, I don't expect you to ever talk to me again after I tell you this, but I.... I like you in a more than a friend way..." I anxiously waited for the rejection, and I was surprised to say the least when he said

"Good, so I can do this."  He then pressed his soft, plump lips against mine.

That night, we fell asleep in each others arms on one of the outdoor lounges. March the 16th, Easter Sunday 2017 would be a day I remembered for the rest of my life.


So guys, how was that? Also Happy Easter guys!

So guys, how was that? Also Happy Easter guys!

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Yasmin, Daughter of Athena

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