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Soulmate AU, Recommended by SignificantAnnoyance and Calicat321
The colour of your left eye is the colour of your soulmates eye
This is a high school AU

The guy that sat in the front of the class. The bright and sunny popular guy. The guy that I could not muster enough courage to talk to. The guy who had not met his soulmate. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the teacher, Ms Exparinus, asked,"Mr Di Angelo, I asked if you knew what date Shakespeare died?"
"23 April 1616" I answered. I may have looked like your classic juvenile delinquent, but I did actually care about getting good grades.
I was daydreaming about that dreamy black haired boy all through literature. Maybe I had a chance with him, I mean he hadn't met his soulmate. You may be thinking that I should be paying attention, but I honestly didn't care about grades.


I was at lunch, trying to get away from the sluts. I raced into the boys bathroom, and was not prepared for what I saw. I saw a pool of blood leaking out from underneath the 5th stall. I shook the door off the hinges, and saw my crush, lying on the floor unconscious, razor blades littered on the floor. What had driven him to do this? He didn't have time to wonder things like that, he just needed to get Nico to the nurse.
I woke up, my eyes slowly adjusting to the bright lighting of the room. I looked around the room, and saw Will. He was pacing, looking concerned. He turned around at me, and first a look of relief came over his face, but that was followed by a look of disbelief. He said "Hey Nico, your awake."
I noticed something odd about him, so I studied his face until I realised his eyes were the same colour. I replied "Y.. yeah I a..am.... Wait! Would you happen to have a mirror?" Damn my stupid stutter. Anyways, Will passed me a mirror and Instead of one blue eye and one brown eye looking back at me, there were two crystal blue eyes looking back at me. And Will had two chocolate brown eyes.

Solangelo Oneshots- AUs, Mortals Meet and more!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang