Chapter 43

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(Your name)’s POV:

That morning, you had quickly and quietly removed yourself from Aston’s home to your home. During the night, you spent it crying until about five minutes before Aston had come back home; you were awake when he was trying to see if you were awake, you just didn’t reply. You were immensely hurt about Aston going on a date and not telling you. Since that date, he’s been on many with that girl. He’s been on about twelve with her, and it’s come to a point where he hasn’t even noticed that you no longer stay round his. You now stay at your flat.

Being Tuesday and after work, you spent some time shopping in Tesco that is around the corner from your flat. The road was quiet and peaceful, and the wind danced with the trees and brushed the fallen leaves along the floor. Even though it’s broad daylight, it didn’t stop the hand covering your mouth; it didn’t stop the body pulling yours into the alley, and it didn’t stop the stab in your right thigh before everything slowly started to fade away into darkness.

Blinking... Blinking... Blinking... Your sight was fuzzy as you tried to take in your surroundings. So far, you saw black. Blinking a couple more times rapidly, you saw that you were in a room, but an unfamiliar room. Pulling at your wrists, you felt the burning sensation of rope cutting into your flesh which makes you whimper in pain. Pulling at your ankles, the same burning sensation of rope cut into your skin which again made you whimper in pain. Taking a look in your surroundings, you swallow but your throat is dry and you become in need for a glass of water. Your sight can see the outlines of objects: tall objects, little objects, and long objects. The flick of light floods into your eyes and you look away to blink your eyes back into bright light – God knows how long you’ve been in darkness for. “Ah, our little girl has woken up. It’s about time baby girl,” his voice is stern and rough. George. Snapping your head into the direction of George, you glare at him. “What do you want George?” You ask sternly “you back in my arms,” “I was never in your arms,” you hiss and he smirks, the objects come clear that they made out a wardrobe, a chest of draws, and a bed. “So baby girl, how have you been?” He asks and sits on the side of the bed that is furthest away from you, “I’ve been okay until this moment in time,” you say sternly but then you realize that trying to be defensive won’t do anything, “aww missed me?” He asks with a pout, place nice “yes I have,” you say with a nod and a frown “shouldn’t have left me for that peasant then,” he hisses “what peasant?” “Aston Midgetgold,” “oh... him,” you say with a sigh and look to the floor, but this makes George’s face turn into confusion. “What’s happened?” He asks with interest, his voice is still brisk, “started dating some girl even though he said he’ll date me,” “oh, and what’s her name?” “No idea, don’t even know what she looks like,” you sigh and look up to George before shrugging your shoulders. He nods and looks interested. “Could I possibly get a drink and have a walk about?” You ask and George smirks “on only one condition,” he says warningly with a smirk “that I get to kiss you and have sex with you when I want to, and that you’ll do as I say,” he says and you reluctantly nod. “Such a good girl,” he says and makes his way around to you while pulling a pocket knife out of his back jeans pocket to cut the rope.

Downing a few drinks of water in the kitchen, you feel arms snake around your waist and a kiss lay itself onto the left side of your neck. Knowing this is George, you frown before biting your lip. “Mate, she is one sexy girl,” one lad says and you look to see a tall brown haired man, his skin rough and cut, “fuck off, she’s mine,” George hisses and swivel your head round to look at the glass in front of you. There is no chance in escaping from George.

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