Chapter 22

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Throughout the day, you and Oritsé kept each other by the others side; having a laugh, chatting and dancing together. You couldn’t have had more fun with one guy than you have ever had!

Aston’s POV:

Throughout the whole day, (Your name) and Oritsé were together and stuck together; dancing, having a laugh and chatting. I have never seen (Your name) so happy! Standing in front of the mirror of JLS’ dance studio, I looked into the mirror to look to the sofa to see (Your name) and Oritsé flirting; my heart dropping at the sight. Glancing down at my bracelets, I looked back to them to see their foreheads resting against the others and looking as though they were about to kiss. Biting my lip, I suddenly punched the mirror, causing it to crack and my hand bleed; I called out in pain acting as though it was an accident. “You okay Ast?” (Your name) asked me, as she had gotten up and walked over to my side, then gasped at the sight. “Ah, it really hurts,” I moan in pain “not surprised, what’d you do?” “My hand slipped off from my bracelet and I hit the mirror,” I lied “wow, must have hit it really hard... Come with me, I’ll get you cleaned up,” she offers as she leads me by my other hand to the door of the studio; although just before we leave, Oritsé winks at (Your name) making her giggle sweetly.

“You and Oritsé huh,” I begin as (Your name) gets a bowl of water, a bandage and cotton wool, before starting to clean up my hand. “Yeah,” she says sweetly “going for a meal tonight,” I say to torment her, as she blushes and giggles “yeah,” “aww, have a good time. He’s a lovely man,” I say as she stops and looks up at me; her face looking delighted. “Thank you,” she said quietly before hugging me, I froze from the sudden action, but then slowly put my arms around her waist and hugged her back; my eyes closing as my body relaxes. But all too quickly, she pulls away. “Let me put this bandage on you and then I’ll take you back to the studio,” she says before tenderly putting the bandage on my hand.

A little later on that day, JLS were having a break from dancing and were making their way to the cafe. When I get out into the main part of the building, Oritsé and (Your name) are playing and chasing each other about making me smile. They do make each other so happy. While I watch them for a few seconds, Emma catches the corner of my eye flirting with a guy, which makes me frown. Only one makes themselves happy when the other suffers in this relationship. Starting to walk past the playful duo, I make my way to the cafe. “Aston!” (Your name) squeals, as she runs up to me and uses me for protection, by hugging me as I smile widely, while Oritsé jogs to my side. “Are you hiding from me?” Oritsé asks pretending to be shocked, as we are still walking to the cafe, with (Your name) still hugging me, but walking backwards. “Naa mate, she just loves me more than she loves you,” I joked as Oritsé laughed as (Your name) giggled, “maybe that’s true,” (Your name) gasped dramatically making me and Oritsé chuckle.

“Asty baby,” Emma calls me, as my eyes grow wide. The fuck did she just call me? Although (Your name) couldn’t break away from me fast enough and stick herself next to Oritsé, this makes my heart drop, and my body feeling cold, as I watch them walk away together.

(Your name)’s POV:

Talking and having a cup of milkshake with Oritsé, you saw on the corner of your eye Aston walking in with tears flowing down his face. Watching him move across the cafe, he sits in the corner by himself and puts his head on his arms and cries. “Can I just see Aston?” You ask Oritsé as he had spotted Aston himself “yeah let’s see if he is okay,” he says as you both get up and make your way over to Aston.

Aston’s POV:

“Aston, you okay?” I heard the angelic voice ask me, but I didn’t reply, I continued to cry. “Aston,” “go away,” I mumble “what’s wrong?” (Your name) asks, although I look up at her, place my hand on her stomach and push her away, which makes her stumble and nearly loose her balance, but Oritsé manages to catch her. “What the hell Ast!” Oritsé says sternly as I continue to cry. “Go away!” I cry, as Oritsé begins to lead (Your name) away, as I place my head on my arms again “let’s just leave him,” “but I wanna make sure he’s okay,” “he’ll be just fine,” Oritsé spits, but is angry at me for pushing her.

A couple of minutes later, I hear a cup be placed onto the table. Looking up I see (Your name) walk away from the table, and a cup of hot chocolate on the table. She remembered.


Running up the stairs of my home, I barged and slammed my bedroom door shut. Ran over to my bed and burst out crying. I had a huge argument with a friend of mine and he insulted me to the point it hurt so much that I couldn’t handle it. “Aston, Aston! Open the door baby,” my mother said desperately, but I refused to move from my bed. “Open the door!” She desperately says, but I again say or do nothing.

Snuggling under my bed covers half an hour later, I hear my mum welcoming someone into the house, “Aston, it’s me (Your name). Baby, open the door,” she said so sweetly that I couldn’t let her say anything twice. Getting up I rushed over to my door, and opened it and practically pulled her into my room and locking the door. My body then dived into her body for a hug, “what’s happened baby?” She asks quietly “I had a argument with a friend of mine and he insulted me really badly, that it hurts,” “aww no,” she whispers as she hugs my body into hers and leads me to my bed, “what drink makes you better when your unhappy?” “Hot chocolate,” I whispered as she gets me into bed and tucks me in. “Okay, I’ll be back in a few minutes,” she whispers kissing my lips quickly.

Dead on a couple of minutes later, (Your name) walks into my room with a hot cup of chocolate in her hand, and closing my door with her bum. “Here you go baby, be careful it’s hot,” she says quietly as she passes me the drink, while she gets into my bed and hugs me into her side, but being careful so that the drink don’t spill.


Staring at the cup of hot chocolate, I couldn’t help but smile at the fact she remembered that a hot chocolate cheers me up. I miss her.

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