Chapter 34

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You and Aston didn’t go downstairs to join the girls, instead you both stayed in the spare bedroom for each other’s company, as you lazed around in bed in your PJs and his boxers. “So, err... How did you meet Emma?” You ask quietly, as you and Aston are cuddled up in bed; your left arm leaned against his torso while your left index finger draws circles on his stomach, your right arm tucked underneath you, as you head was lying on his left shoulder; his left arm around your shoulders and his right hand lying on the other side of his chest. “How did I meet her? Oh err... Can’t remember,” he chuckles as you giggle, “Oh that’s it. I met her on the train that I got on to leave Peterborough,” “really? That soon after me,” you whisper and feel hurt, but you felt him frown. “Baby, I- I had my mind focused for the future. I wanted to have a first time girlfriend, someone I could look after, someone I could be intimate with. After what happened between us, I didn’t think about us... I didn’t think I’d see you again, so when I saw her on the train, I felt as though she was the most beautiful girl in the world...” He explained and you swallowed hard to take in what he is saying, “We never had anything between us, you know. We didn’t get together till two years before you came back. If I’m honest, I never enjoyed my time with her... I was just with her because... I don’t even know why I was with her. We never said, I love you to each other, we hardly had sex, and even if we did I just imagined it was you. She never looked like what she does now, back then. She had minimal makeup on, and I suppose that’s what made me want to know her, not only that she had the sweetest personality too. It was until we got together that she went haywire: she got rude to everyone just because she was with me, she started using my money for clothes and makeup. I never saw it until you came back. My God, the day you came back, I saw light at the end of tunnel. You have just gotten so beautiful, just so breath-taking to look at, so natural too. It made me realize that the feelings that I have you are still there. Then you started coming to our office and I just enjoyed the time you spent with me and the boys. When Emma had come in, it then shot me back to reality that I wasn’t free and that maybe I wouldn’t have you back. Back to the place that only you fit. Plus, I remembered how controlling she was, so when you told her to give me freedom, my heart pumped through my body and I just... I just wanted to make love to you for just saying that. I remembered back to our teenage years that I always had freedom with you, and that’s one of the reasons that I love you so much,” he tells you and you feel so moved by his speech.

“How come we never got together?” You whisper as you look up to him, “I don’t know. Wish I knew the answer,” he whispered before kissing the top of your head as you flashed a smile. “So, you had sex with Emma,” you whisper and feel your heart tinge with jealousy, “yeah, we did. Like once every two months,” he whispers as you swallow hard once again and felt tears at the bottom of your eyes. Is this what jealousy feels like? Sniffling quietly, a tear dropped out of your eye and landed onto Aston’s chest before rolling towards his stomach. “Baby... Baby,” he whispers to get your attention, but you just stayed still; his right hand then lifts your chin up for him to see your face. “What are you crying for?” He whispers as he manages to lift you up and closer to him, “nothing,” you whisper and look away from him, “no, tell me,” he whispers but you shake your head. “Is it because I’ve had sex with Emma?” he whispers as you cry a little more and nod your head, “hey, don’t worry about it. I never liked it anyway. She’s horrible at it,” he whispered as you nodded your head. “Aww baby, you know I’ve always preferred you to anyone when it comes to having sex. You should know that,” he whispered and kissed your cheek as you nodded again and looked towards the sheets, before sniffling which makes your tears slowly come to a stop. “Look at me,” he whispered as you slowly did what he asked of you. When you look at him, he slowly and tenderly lays his lips on top of yours; his right hand travels from your waist to your thighs before back up to your bum. “Baby,” he whispers as his lips just pull away from yours “do you know what I’m going to do?” He whispered as you shook your head ever so slightly, which makes him smirk. “I’m gonna make love to you, I’m gonna have sex with you to make you scream my name. Plus, I’m gonna make you feel so good,” he whispers as he rolls you onto your back and lays between your legs as you smile sweetly; his lips then attach back to yours.

About an hour later, Aston rolled off you panting and sweating. “That was so good,” you whispered “uh huh, need another round like that some time again,” he whispered as you giggled. “Right, let me check who was ringing me. The rude fucker, interrupting me while I make love to you,” he said which made you giggle as he kissed the top of your head after he retrieved his phone from his jeans pocket – His jeans being on the side of the bed. “Three missed calls from Marvin, four missed calls from Oritsé and five missed calls from JB; six texts from Oritsé, eight texts from JB and eleven texts from Marvin and a voicemail from Marvin. Shit, they must have really needed me,” he frowns at the screen of his phone. “Wanna check what they wanted with me?” He says as you smile, he then chuckles before snuggling up to you so that you could clearly see the phone’s screen; his right arm looped just around your head. “Let’s see, shall we do JB first?” He says as he lays his lips onto the top of your head to support his head.

[Mate, where are you? We’re in the studio and we need you J]

The rest of his texts were similar.

[Can you come into the studio please? We need you to come in M]

[You’re not going to come in are you? I bet your with (Your name), probably fucking her brains out! I won’t disturb you. Go and fuck my girlfriend’s brains out, why don’t you! Fucking player! O]

“Oh God,” you whisper as Aston sighs and then puts his phone away. You look up to him to see him frowning, “Ast, you’re not a player,” “(Your name), it’s not that. He has an idea on what we’re doing. I think- I think we do need to stop what we’re doing,” he whispers as you frown “but-” “I enjoy what we do, but we can’t do this,” “but we’ve just had-” “Yeah I know we’ve just had sex, but we can’t keep running around. We have to stop before we get caught,” he says as you frown, “but what about everything we’ve just told each other?” You whisper “that’s not going to change. Just because I’ve said we have to stop, doesn’t mean I’ve stopped loving you. Baby, you have my heart. Never forget that. I just think we need to stop doing what we’re doing,” he says “okay,” you whisper and feel your heartbreak for the second time in your life.

It seems that everything that you and Aston try and do, it keeps getting knocked back. For you, it feels as though you and Aston will never be together. Maybe what he says is right? Maybe you do need to stop what you’re doing. Maybe for you, a good break would be good? Like, going away for a holiday? But don’t you remember that you have a penthouse in America? Maybe you should go back to that? What’s the point in hanging around for something that will never happen? For you, maybe it’s time to leave. Maybe it’s time for you to leave Aston this time. Where should your decisions take you? And wherever they take you... Who will you meet? Only time can tell.

To be continued...

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