Chapter 39

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It’d been a couple of weeks, and Aston had gone back to England to go back to work. You on the other hand had stayed out in America. Aston tried to persuade you to go back to England, but you refused since you still felt as though you couldn’t see the other JLS lads. Since Aston had left, you suddenly felt as though everything was about to change. You had a feeling when you get back to England, Aston won’t be the same, he’d be on dates, having sex with other girls or just won’t pay a bit of attention to you.

Sitting on the sofa while staring into space, you waited for a text from Aston. Not a scheduled text, just a random text. Maybe I should go back to England, make a surprise for Aston. Smiling at the thought, you then jumped up from the sofa and walked to your bedroom to start packing.

Gatwick airport was packed as ever when you arrive back from LA. The freezing cold air nips at your skin and sends chills through your body. Wrapping your hoodie around your body tighter, you pull your suitcase behind you and head towards the airport for the waiting cab to take you to Aston’s home.

“Thank you,” you say quietly to the cab driver and hand the cash through the window. Taking a deep breath, you climb out the cab before pulling out your suitcase. You heart begins to thump loudly in your chest as you walk slowly up the pathway towards the house of Aston Merrygold... Knocking on the door, you wait for a reply.

The door opens and there stands Emma, your pools stare at Emma’s face as the rest of your eye catches that she is dressed in a silk nightgown. Her cleavage shows and it’s naked. “Can I help you?” She asks, but you can’t find the vocals to talk, “where’s Aston?” “Upstairs. Why?” “I wanted to talk to him,” “well, we’re busy right-” “(YOUR NAME), BABY IS THAT YOU? PLEASE GET HELP! I NEED HELP. SHE HAS ME HANDCUFFED AND WON’T LET ME FREE. PLEASE BABY I BEG,” Aston screams from the bedroom.

“(Your name), (Your name)... Baby, talk to me,” Aston’s voice is panicked, which makes you blink rapidly and he’s standing in the door way as he holds your hands, while looking at your face as though he’s trying to read your thoughts; the frown on his face is distinctive. “Where’s Emma?” You ask quietly as he looks confused “I don’t know,” he whispers, “come inside. Let’s get you warm,” he says softly as he leads you into the house before shutting the door behind you “go into the living room. I’ll get you a drink,” he says as he takes the suitcase from you and leaves it by the front door. Walking slowly into the living room, on the coffee table is a pizza box and a blanket on the sofa.

“Oh Aston,” “uh Emma baby,” Aston and Emma have sex on the sofa with the blanket over his hips. “Mm let’s move this upstairs,” he whispers to her as you frown. Aston then looks up and smirks at you, “she is so much better than you,” he says before leaning down and kissing Emma; their sex get’s stronger.

“Is there something bothering you?” Aston asks as you blink rapidly once again and stare into his face. He has a hot chocolate in his hand as you feel the heat from it radiating onto your torso. Looking down slowly to the cup, you take it slowly from his hands and then slowly look back up to his face. “There is something bothering you,” he whispers before he gestures for you to sit on the sofa. “Tell me, what’s wrong,” he whispers as he sits down next to you after he switches the TV off, “nothing,” you whisper “no, there is something bothering you and I want you to tell me,” he says quietly. Frowning, you look towards the floor before looking back up to him, to see his face printed with worry. “I’m having hallucinations,” you whisper as he looks confused, “what sort of hallucinations?” “Ones about you... And Emma,” you whisper before frowning as he frowns too, “When did you have them?” “Today,” you whisper “and where?” “The first one at your front door, and one just as I entered this room,” you whisper again as he sighs and frowns. “What were they?” “The first one... I- I- I was standing outside your door, but err- err- Emma opened the door. She- she- she was dressed in a silk nightgown. She was na- na- naked underneath it. She asked me if she could help me, and I- I- I asked where you were, she told me you- you- you were upstairs, and why I wanted to see you. She said that you were- were- were busy, but you screamed saying that you needed help, because she had- had- had you handcuffed to your bed,” you just about manage explain, but Aston looks like he is looking at a zombie, “and the other one?” “You and Emma were have- have- having sex on this sofa, and you told me that she- she- she is so much better than I am,” you whisper as Aston frowns even more before shuffling closer to you and bringing your body into his. “Baby, you know how much I love you. You know I wouldn’t have sex with Emma... Again, and you know that you are SO much better than she is. I don’t know how you came up with the first one... You might be hallucinating something that might happen, maybe you should rest. Maybe you’re really stressed out,” he says softly and frowns as you nod and listen. “Will you rest for me?” He whispers as you look at him and nod, but place your lips gently and softly onto his, before pulling away and then getting up to go upstairs. “I love you baby,” he calls out after you, “I love you too,” you call back and you feel him smile.

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