Chapter 8

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Aston’s POV:

Twirling her soft hair around my hand, I was still in JJ’s home, in the same bed that I and (Your name) had sex in the night before. Everything that happened last night was AMAZING! I actually couldn’t believe I got that lucky, and that it felt so right to give my virginity to (Your name), my best friend even though we aren’t together.

As the morning got older, (Your name) stirred and her eyes flickered open. “Hello you,” she whispered as I smiled and pressed my lips onto hers, before turning it into a soft make out for a morning hello. Sliding my teeth across her bottom lip, it brought a soft and slow stop to the kiss. “Hello,” I then whispered as she grinned “that was a lovely hello... Can I have one every morning?” She asked quietly and innocently “for you... You can have one, every morning, every afternoon and every night,” I whispered seductively to her as she smiled before pressing her lips onto mine and keeping it to linger, before slowly pulling away and snuggling into my body, as we relaxed together. “Ast... Are we still naked?” She whispered as I then realized that we were, “yeah, we are... Want to get dressed?” I asked her as she looked at me and smiled, before rolling over and leaning out of bed and grabbing her underwear, but I bite my lip as had a full view of her bum, and it looked nice to pinch... So I did, which made her squeal and nearly fall out of the bed, by then she had grabbed my shirt. “Cheeky,” she giggled as she laid on her back, but I chuckled seductively “couldn’t resist,” I whispered as I then placed a couple of kisses on her neck as she got her underwear back on. “Pass my boxers and jeans please,” I said cutely as she done what I asked, but then she had her knickers on. “Oh... Now I can’t pinch this,” I said slapping her bum this time, which also made her squeal “you are so cheeky,” she giggled as I chuckled “but you love it,” I whispered seductively as I once again kissed her twice on her neck. “Mm, I love the taste of you,” I mumbled before placing more kisses on her neck as she giggled because it tickled.

A few minutes later, I buckled my belt back up as I stood up by the side of the bed as I had to climb over (Your name) to do so. (Your name) was sitting on the side of the bed shuffling my shirt around her body to make it comfortable. “I’ll be downstairs if you need me babe,” I whisper to her, snapping a kiss onto her cheek “mmeeehhh,” she moans as she frowns “what?” I chuckle as she pouts, this makes me smirk. I then placed my lips onto hers creating a passionate, but tender kiss. A few moments later, I pulled away “I’ll be downstairs,” I whispered as I then walked out of the room and headed my way to the stairs.

“You alright,” I greeted JJ as he was eating a bowl of cereal on the breakfast bar, but looked at me bewildered and confused. “Where have you come from?” He asked stunned “upstairs,” “huh? Have you been here all night?” “Yeah,” “I thought you left half way through the party... Because you didn’t get your luck with grinding with (Your name),” he teased as I smirked. Oh no, I got a lot more than that! But just as I thought that, (Your name) was in the kitchen door way, in her underwear, in my shirt with one of the middle buttons done up to hide her body. Although JJ’s jaw dropped, before snapping his head to me, “you had sex with her?!” He asks completely shocked as I smirked “yep... A different kind of grinding my friend,” I said proud of myself. “Wow... First of the three to get laid,” JJ chuckles, as (Your name) was making herself a cup of coffee, but stopped and looked at me with a confused face. “What?” “Were you a virgin?” She asked, as I glanced at JJ, then back to (Your name), “yeah... Didn’t you know?” I answered, but she looked at me completely shocked “really? I thought you had sex before,” “no babe... You are my first time,” I wink at her as she blushes. “Were you a virgin?” JJ asks her “oh no mate... Tight as a rubber ring,” I chuckle as (Your name) gasps and swats my arm gently, which makes me chuckle more, but I pull her into my body by my waist. “In a good way babe, I loved every inch of your tightness,” I whispered seductively into her ear, as she giggled, but I knew JJ couldn’t hear what I said.

Although, I didn’t let her go, but she continued to make herself a cup of coffee that was interrupted. My arms locked tighter around her waist as I placed loving kisses along her shoulder, over to her neck, but I had to brush her hair away to kiss her neck. I could feel her insides flip with excitement. “Mm, I know you want me again,” I whispered to her as she groaned quietly “I do want you again,” she whispered back, as she pushed her bum into my crotch, making me bite my lip to stop me from moaning out in pleasure, but I had looked up from the pleasure, before circling my head round, and glancing over my shoulder to see JJ engrossed reading a magazine and eating his breakfast. Then I neared my lips to her ear, “baby, get up the stairs and wait for me in bed... I won’t be long,” I chuckled quietly into her ear, as she giggled, before taking her coffee and going up the stairs, as I bite my lip and grinned.


I glanced up to see (Your name) just wondering up the stairs. “What she doing?” I asked chewing on a bit of food, “oh... She is just gonna get dressed... Reminds me, she has my shirt,” he says as he then jogs up the stairs after her, but then I got back to eating my food.

A few minutes later, bed springs could be heard from upstairs. “Ahh shit man!” I cursed as I knew Aston was getting laid. Although, what made it worse was sex noises could be heard of: groans, moans and grunts. I was having a shit morning! “YES, YES, YES AHH BABY, YES,” Aston called out as I was getting angry. “UH, UH, UH YES ASTON... UUUUUHHH,” she called out as he must be doing her good. I wasn’t getting angry because he was doing it in my house, but he was having sex with (Your name), the most fancied girl in the school, and Aston was the lucky one getting laid by her.

Storming up the stairs, I marched over to the bedroom and banged on the door. “GUYS SHUT THE FUCK UP,” I shouted, but then Aston done something for (Your name) to suddenly scream in pleasure as I could feel as well as hear him chuckle “SHUT UP, BASTARD,” I called to Aston, “baby... I think your done,” I heard him say, but I know he was winding me up. “Oh no... You have at least a good hour of you left,” he then said as I just went mental on the door.

Suddenly the door opened and Aston leaned against the door frame in his boxers. “Can I help you?” He grinned “You’re a bastard,” I hissed as he grinned “I know,” he replied, just as he stepped back and was about to close the door, but I blocked the door with my foot; this made Aston open the door again and grin. “Can I help you?” He asked again “Ast... Don’t play games with me,” I hissed “what’s wrong?” He pouted, but was making a complete joke out of it. “You know what is wrong! You are having sex with a girl in my house, plus, that girl is the most fancied girl in school!” I shouted at him, before storming off downstairs.

(Your name)’s POV:

As you continued to lie in bed, you shuffled over and allowed Aston to get into the bed with you. Although you thought about what JJ said. Am I the most fancied girl in school? Doesn’t feel like it. You then frown, but Aston frowns with you. “What’s wrong?” He asked quietly “Nothing,” you smile to brush him off, but you knew it wouldn’t work. “Tell me,” he said quietly as his hands attach themselves to your naked waist and pulls you close to his naked chest, “just something JJ said,” you whispered as you tucked your head into his neck, “what? That he called me a bastard?” “Yeah,” you lied “that’s not what is on your mind,” he said bluntly as you frowned and looked up to him, “are you saying that I’m lying?” You asked quietly “yes... Because he’s called me a bastard in front of you before, but that’s never affected you then... So why would it randomly affect you now?” He said, as you frowned “fine... I lied, it’s not that,” you sighed, looking away from him, but his left index finger and middle finger was placed under your chin and pushed it up for you to face him. “Tell me,” he whispered “something about being fancied at school,” “oh that! Yeah, you are... You’re the most fancied girl in the school,” “but that makes me feel like a slut,” you frowned “why?!” Aston panicked and frowned “because... I feel like I must be in centre of attention,” “so what if you are? No one is going to hurt you because of it,” Aston explained, but kept it short and sweet, but you smiled before Aston connected your lips together.

Other Side Of The WorldOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora