Chapter 7: Meeting her twin

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*Isla's POV*
"Hmm.." I say looking at the directions I held in my hand. "Ahh...I am here. My parents' apartment. Well they are gonna get a surprise and I hope Emma is there with them too". I look up from the directions and I see an apartment building in front of me. I open the door and walk into the building. There are staircases and an apartment on every floor, I take the directions out again and look for the number of the apartment where my parents live. "Okay so up the staircase on the 2nd right at apartment number 2". I follow the directions and before I know it I am standing outside my parents' apartment.

(In Storybrooke Snow White and Prince Charming are known as Mary Margaret and David Nolan. But, since the curse was broken everyone calls them Snow and David.)

Snow and David were in their apartment with Emma and Henry. They were talking about how happy and peaceful Storybrooke has become over the past 7 years. Suddenly there is a knock on the door and both Snow and David walk over to the door and David answers. They see a young woman with long brown hair and green eyes standing before them. "Hey mom, hey dad". Snow and David were so surprised to see her standing there, they were almost speechless. "Isla.." David says looking at her. "Isla, it's really you..come in" Snow tells her. Isla walks into the apartment and sees a young blonde woman around the same age as her standing by the counter in the kitchen looking at her. She made a slight smirk as she knew it was Emma.

"What are you doing here in Storybrooke?" David asked his long lost daughter. "Well nobody has never looked for me and probably would never look for me so I decided to come here" Isla replied. Snow had the look of horror and happiness on her face to see her other daughter standing in front of her. "Isla.." Snow almost whispered as she looked at Isla and took in all her features and looks, being so happy to see the woman she had grown into. Emma walked over to where the three were standing and she said "I'm sorry but who are you?" looking at the brunette woman standing with her parents. Snow answered by saying "Emma, this is your twin sister, Isla".

Emma looked at both her mother and her father in confusion. "What do you mean she's my twin sister? I only have a little brother". Emma exclaimed. Isla made a slight smirk again and said "That's not true Emma, we are twins". Emma was so angry and confused, and she asked her parents to explain. Snow and David sat down with Emma and told her the whole story about her and her twin being separated at birth. Emma had slight tears in her eyes. "Why didn't you ever tell me about this? That I had a twin sister? You've kept a lot of secrets, but this is the biggest one of them.." she said to her parents. Isla wanted to know about this too. Not only were Snow and David cursed by being apart, somewhat, in Storybrooke, they also were under another curse. They wouldn't remember their other daughter until the day they finally saw her again; like how Rumple remembered everything when he heard Emma's name in Granny's b&b when she first came to Storybrooke. "I honestly didn't remember her until I saw her" Snow answered while David nodded in agreement. "We only remembered having two kids, Emma and Neal" said David.

The twins shared looks towards each other, not being able to believe that their parents didn't at all remember having twins. Snow and David looked at each other and didn't say anything. Emma got up and said "I need to be alone right now", Snow got up after her and cried "Emma please wait!". Emma ignored her mother and started to walk up the stairs in the apartment. Henry came down the stairs and said "What's going on here?". Isla looked at him "Who's this handsome young man?". Emma gave Isla a mean look and said clearly "Stay away from my son" then went upstairs and took Henry up with her. Isla scoffed a little and smiled. Even though she was upset and heartbroken that her parents didn't remember her and her sister already hated her, she tried her very best to keep her true feelings hidden. Not only was Isla here to finally meet her family, she was here for revenge too.

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