26. House of Dicks - Literally

Start from the beginning

With the final rays of sun disappearing along the horizon, everything went black. Even with the flickering lamp post along the roads, nothing can be seen. Only the eerie sounds of night, things crawling in the shadows.

"Is it just me, or did it get a really cold?" Thea said. Even though we are about to go to war, she is still her happy self.

But she's right; the air gets colder when the sun is gone, but not this much colder, this fast. I can feel the hair of my arms and neck standing up right, goose bumps sprouting along my skin. It's not even a nice breeze; it's feels as if things are crawling on my flesh, creeping along my forearms.

We stood along our men, old and young, experienced and new, standing side by side defending, wait why are we fighting?

"What's the reason for this war?" I really don't know. "Is it because Henry started a war before my great-grandmother was born, lost, and in the process killed his wife. Now, since he was stripped of his title and banished in the land with no water, his son feels the need to take revenge? God, men these days are such pansies."

Everyone in hearing distance looked at me as if I had suddenly grown three heads and a third eye.

"I'm being serious."

They all bit their lips trying to hold in their laughter, Raven slipped, and then everyone else started laughing.

It's not fun having over 1000 people laughing at you, it's kind of embarrassing.

"You think you're so funny, don't you?" In an instant everyone silenced, my eyes narrowed and someone hissed.

"I've been told on many occasions I am, Eric."

"Where's your father, sitting on his high throne so he wouldn't have to stain his cape?"

"Now you're just being stupid." He sighed.

"Well then, oh wise one, are you just going to stand there, or are we going to get this shit started?" I asked bluntly.

"Aren't you supposed to try and negotiate with me? Try to talk some sense and stop the war from ever happening?"

"If I can kill your ass, then no, I won't stop it. So lets the flames begin."

I already had my palms filled with two fire balls, Emery filled with ice. At the same time we hoisted it through the air towards his lone figure. He was alone; I thought this is a war?

Well I thought he was alone. He laughed and moved out of the way, another soldier stood behind him, he got hit. This is when I looked around, the shadows, of what I thought were simply my imagination, was there indeed.

Hidden in the shadows were his soldier's; the same species as I am fighting along.

They seemed to forming from the fog that surrounds the streets. Sneering and laughing stalking towards.

I turn to Avi, "You took the needle right?"

"Yes, and let me tell you I did not appreciate injecting purple syrup into my system."

"It has heightened your senses, I took it to."

"Yeah, but I can't throw fire from my finger tips." True.

They stalked forward, taking there time.

"Emery, you know I love you. I just want you to survive this war. After that I'll do anything you want me to. Okay?"

He gave me a feathered kiss, "I'm holding you to that."

I gave a coy smile, nodding to my friends,

House of Dicks - Literally [Rough Draft Complete]Where stories live. Discover now