4. House of Dicks - Literally

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I woke up in someone else's bed wearing an oversized T-shirt. It was really comfy, but I was confused as to how I got here. I rolled over and closed my eyes trying to remember what just happened.

Then it hit me. His ocean blue eyes filled with rage, lust and hatred. Pain lashing through from being hit constantly, blood pouring between my legs. More blood seeping from various parts of my body and the guy on top of me thrusting. Creating a bond I wish would never have happened. As much as I hate it, he took my virginity. The man that raped me was the one who took one of the most sacred things and ripped it to shreds, literally.

Then I remember eyes; hazel with swirls of green.


Just then the door started rattling and swung open, I was prepared to see Emery, but instead saw Asher. He looked surprised to see me awake but quickly composes himself and asked if I could meet the rest of the roommate in the main room.

Not exactly caring I was half naked; I walked the short distance to meet everyone. Though not everyone one was there, the only person that was missing was Emery. I kind of guessed that the boys new, but now thinking back, it kind of feels like an illusion, but that's probably my brain kicking into defensive mode. And after all those classes of Martial Arts, how the hell wasn't I able to pin him down?!

I sat on the floor in front of the plasma so I was facing all the boys. They each had a different expression; Chris had pity, great. Caleb looked hungry? I swear that kid is always thinking about food. Landon looked worried while Asher looked angry. Just then, the one and only Emery burst through the doors, now he looked pissed.

"Good your all here, now I think would be the best time to tell her." All anger gone, now he had a business like voice. He is clearly the leader around here.

"Tell me what?" I was very confused

"Well sweetie, for starters you didn't really get raped." Chris pitched in.

"WHAT!? Are you saying I'm delusional! I saw it happen, I felt it happen. How could you say that Chris?" I was on the verge of tears as the memories come flooding back to me. Closing my eyes and clutching my ears I was desperate to get the memories out, to forget it ever happened. And it did happen. I know it did.

"Serafina, we need to tell you something, it is very important, so I need you to calm down and listen very carefully" Landon was rubbing my back while telling me softly.

"Lets start off easy, to begin with, were not human - sort of" Said Caleb.

"Oh so your all vampires? Next you're going to tell me you sparkle in sunlight!" I yelled I was not in the mood for games.

"What media does to young minds these days..."Asher mutters.

"Young minds? I thought you were all juniors like me?" If I was confused before, now I'm just pissed and confused.

"Okay so this is how we're going to do this. I'm going to shower and make my self some tea, then we will all sit and each of you will explain what the hell is going now. Cause frankly, my brain is still in its defence state, so give me 40 minutes and make sure you all know what your going to say" I said this as I was already making my way to my room.

I grabbed my favourite chequered flannelled pyjamas and a plain black tank top with a pair of my favourite woollies.

(a/n for people who don't know what woollies are there just thick/long warm socks, really popular if you live in a cold place :P)

I went to one of the shower cubicles and didn't bother telling them not to come in, I know they wouldn't dare. I took my time, carefully lathering my hair and body and even took the liberty of shaving. Once I was done I just stood under the hot water and allowed it to relax my tense muscles. After about 30 minutes, I stepped out of the shower and I looked in the mirror for the first time. My eyes looked puffy from crying and I had purple bags under my eyes and my skin looked pale. But besides that I looked fine, no scratches from where I felt him slap me, no bruises along my body. I didn't bother drying my hair; I quickly pulled on slipper boots and towel dried my hair, leaving it hanging down my back.

House of Dicks - Literally [Rough Draft Complete]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora