Reepicheep's Choice

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Author's POV
The sands were white, and a huge wave was on land, feet away from the ocean.

"Aslan." Eustace says as the lion pads up to them.

"Welcome, children. You have done well. Very well indeed. You have come far, and now it has come to an end." Aslan replies.

"Is this your country?" Lucy asks.

"No, my country lies beyond." Aslan replies. Caspian stares at the border between where they stood and Aslan's Country.

"Are our parents in your country?" He asks.

"You can only find that out for yourself, my son. But you should know that if you continue, there is no return." Aslan answers, and Elizabeth holds her breath.

She knows how badly Caspian misses their parents, especially father. He desperately wants to go, she can tell. But she won't. She missed her parents, yes, but Narnia needs a ruler. He won't leave her behind...will he?

He walks to the waves, and Elizabeth's heart sinks. He puts his hand out, touches the water, but comes back.

"You're not going?" Edmund pries as a smile surfaces on Elizabeth's face.

"I can't imagine my father would be very proud that I gave up what he died for. I spent too long wanting what was taken from me and not what was given. I was given a kingdom, a people, and a great sister." Caspian answers, smiling at her.

Elizabeth felt warm inside, knowing her brother did the right thing, while reminding her how amazing of a sister and friend she is to him.

"I promise to be a better king." Caspian swears to Aslan.

"You already are. Children." Aslan replies, turning to the Pevensies and Eustace.

"I think perhaps it's time we went home actually, Lu." Edmund says.

"But I thought you loved it here." Lucy replies, sad at the though of leaving Narnia again.

"I do. But i love home and our family as well. They need us." Edmund explains as Reepicheep clears his throat.

"Your Eminence, ever since I can remember, I have dreamt or seeing your country. I've had many great adventures in this world, but nothing has dampened that yearning. I know i am hardly worthy, but with your permission, I would lay down my sword for the not of seeing your country with my own eyes." Reepicheep states.

"My country was made for noble hearts like yours, no matter how small their bearers be." Aslan answers.

"Your Majesty." Reepicheep bows.

"No one could be more deserving." Caspian smiles at his little mouse friend.

"Well, I-" Reepicheep begins.

"It's true." Edmund interrupts, bowing as Reepicheep does the same.

"May I?" Lucy asks, crouching down in front of him, wanting a hug.

"And I?" Elizabeth asks, near tears.

"Well, I suppose. Just this-oof!" Reep answers as she scoops him up into a hug without hesitation. Lucy passes him to Elizabeth, who hugs him as well, a year dropping down her cheek on his furry little back.

"Goodbye, Your Majesties." Reep smiles. Elizabeth puts him down as the girls walk to their brothers, and Eustace walks up to the mouse he once hated, crying at the thought of never seeing his friend again. "Don't cry."

"I don't understand. Will I not see you again? Ever?" Eustace whimpers, puffy eyed.

"What a magnificent puzzle you are, and a true hero. It has been my honor to fight beside such a brave warrior, and a great friend." Reep smiles, as Eustace cries harder.

The boy walks back to his cousins, along with Caspian and Elizabeth as Reepicheep scurries to a small boat.

"I'm going to miss you, little rat." Rosie teases.

"I'll miss you too, Rosie." Reepicheep smiles. "I won't be needing this anymore." He says, sticking his sword into the sand. He pushes the boat into the wave, paddles it to the top, and over into Aslan's Country.

Elizabeth, the Young ExplorerWhere stories live. Discover now