Edmund's Fear becomes a Reality

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Elizabeth's POV
"You do not own me!" Lord Rhoop yells.

"Stand down and get him aboard! Quickly, now!" I order as everyone drops their weapons.

Suddenly, Eustace flies in and grabs the lord with his claws.

"Be calm, my lord." Caspian says.

"Off me, demon." Rhoop roars.

"No, my lord. We are not here to hurt you. I am your king, Caspian." Caspian answers. Lord Rhoop's eyes grow to the size of a plate at my brother's words.

"C-Caspian? A-And Elizabeth?" Lord Rhoop stutters.

"Yes. I confirm with a nod and smile.

"You should not have come. There's no way out of here. Quickly! Turn this ship about, before it's too late!" Rhoop exclaims.

"We have the sword, let's go." Edmund says urgently.

"Let's turn her about, Drinian." Caspian orders.

"Aye-aye, Your Majesty." Drinian replies.

"Do not think! Do not let it know your fears, or it will become them!" Rhoop warns loudly.

"Oh no." Edmund mumbles, shutting his eyes.

"Edmund, what did you just think of?" Lucy asks frantically.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Edmund sighs, running to the side of the ship. Are the rocks moving? Suddenly, the ship jerks to one side and everyone falls, some doing so with a scream.

"Look! What is that?" Caspian exclaims, pointing to something long and green slithering in the water.

"It's a sea serpent!" I snap, glaring pointedly at Drinian. He just had to tell Edmund about sea serpents!

"It's too late. It's too late!" Rhoop shouts.

"It's gone under the boat!" Someone yells.

"Gael!" Lucy and I shriek, sharing horrified glances.

She screams, as the sea serpent shows it's hideous face. We both sprint, take her hands and drag her to the other side od the boat.

The serpent is the same green shade as the mist. Things that resemble a beetle's pinchers click together inside his mouth.

Eustace flies out of nowhere, Reep on his snout, and they attack the monster. The serpent is big enough to use Eustace as a chew toy! What if the serpent kills Caspian, or Marku, or Rosie?

Lord Rhoop's words echo in my mind: Do not let it know your fears or it will become them. Oh, no!

I'm brought back to reality when Eustace fires bright, orange flames from his mouth at the serpent. He dives back into the water to extinguish his burning face.

"Out creature!" Rhoop yells, throwing his sword at Eustace.

"No! The sword, the sword!" Caspian shouts, trying to stop the lord.

"Eustace!" Lucy exclaims as the sword lodges under his wing. With a pained roar, he flies off.

"Eustace, Come back! Oh now look what you've done! He was on our side!" I snap at the lord.

"We're all doomed! Doomed! Turn this ship about!" Rhoop demands, shoving a crewman away from the wheel.

Yes, I believe now we are.

Elizabeth, the Young ExplorerWhere stories live. Discover now