Gold, Greed and Quarrels

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Author's POV
The next morning, the sea was calm, no storm clouds or anything. The Dawn Treader crew even saw land! In long row boats, the sailed toward the mysterious island.

"I doubt the lords stopped here, my lieges. There's no sign of anything living." Reepicheep says at the helm of the boat parallel to Caspian and the others.

"Right. Well, once we get ashore, take your men and search for food and water. The five of us will search for clues." Caspian replies, excluding Marku and Eustace.

"Hang on, you mean the six of us." Eustace pipes up, as everyone turns to look at him.

"Preferably seven." Marku adds.

"I'm ok with five." Rosie counters.

"Come on, please don't send my back to the rat." Eustace says.

"I heard that." Reepicheep pipes up.

"Big ears." Eustace mumbles.

"I heard that too." Reepicheep replies and everyone chuckles. The boats reach shore, and the crew begins unloading everything. Making sure nobody wqs watching, Eustace ran off.

"Look! We weren't the first ones here!" Elizabeth exclaims, pointing to a rope dangling into a hole, tied on a rock.

"The lords?" Edmund asks.

"Could be." Caspian answers.

"What do you think is down there?" Marku asks as Caspian throws a pebble down the hole.

"Let's find out." Edmund decides, climbing down, the others following.

They walk through the underground cave, pausing to examine some gold thing in the bottom of a pond.

"What's that?" Caspian pries.

"I don't know. Looks like some sort of gold statue." Edmund answers. He takes a stick from off the wall and pokes it in the water, then watches in shock as the stick turns gold. With a cry, he throws it into the pond.

"He must have fallen in." Caspian says, crouching down.

"Poor man." Lucy comments.

"You mean poor lord?" Edmund corrects.

"The crest of Lord Restimar." Caspian states.

"The sword!" Marku exclaims, pointing at the sword next to the golden statue of Lord Restimar.

"We need it." Caspian replies. Edmund pulls his sword out, attempting to get the other sword out with it.

"Careful, Ed." Elizabeth warns. Edmund latches his blade under the hilt of the other and pulls it out.

"Your sword hasn't turned to gold." Lucy points out.

"They are both magical." Marku explains as Caspian grabs hold of Edmund to prevent him from falling.

"I doubt he knew what hit him." Rosie states.

"Maybe. Or maybe he was on to something." Edmund replies.

"What are you talking about?" Caspian pries. Edmund dips a seashell into the pond, quickly but carefully sets it down and watches as it turns to solid gold. A longing, nearly greedy look fills his eyes as he admires the golden shell.

"What are you staring at?" Lucy asks.

"Whoever has access to this pool could be  most powerful person in the world." Edmund explains.

"We could dip anything in here! Think of all the peasants we could help to!" Ellie exclaims telepathically.

"Lucy, we'd be so rich. No one could tell us what to do, or who to live with." Edmund adds.

"You can't take anything of Narnia, Edmund." Caspian replies.

"Says who?" Edmund retorts.

Elizabeth couldn't read his mind, but she could feel slight anger inside Caspian.

"The mist is doing this." She says to herself.

"I do." Caspian answers firmly, getting a cold glare from Ed.

"I'm not your subject." Ed argues.

"You've been waiting for this, haven't you? To challenge me, you doubt my lesdership!" Caspian accuses.

"Caspian, stop! This isn't you!" Ellie tries to reason, but either he ignores her or the mist has consumed his mind.

"You doubt yourself."

"You're a child."

"And you're a spineless sap!"

"Edmund!" Lucy inputs, as both girls try to hold back their brothers, both getting shaken off.

"I'm tired of playing second fiddle. First it was Peter and now it's you. You know I'm braver than both of you. Why do you get Peter's sword? I deserve a kingdom of my own, I deserve to rule!" Edmund states angrily.

"If you think you're so brave, prove it!" Caspian snaps, shoving him. With a loud shout, they pull out their swords and attack each other.

Elizabeth, the Young ExplorerWhere stories live. Discover now