Rescuing Rosie

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Caspian's POV
"We have to get it closer." Edmund states as I embrace Ellie before turning my attention back to the fight at hand.

"All hands on deck!" Drinian demands as the creature bites the mast and tugs at it.

"Ready the harpoons!" I shout.

"I want everybody up here!" Drinian adds.

"!" Ellie orders as we throw the harpoons we took.

"Bring it's head down!" I add. We pull with all our strength at the ropes, very slowly pulling the monster down.

"What's taking Ed so long?" Ellie groans.

"Edmund! Do it!" I shout.

"Look! The mist, it's tempting him!" Ellie says, gesturing upward with her head. I look up at him, and notice the mist in the shape of a woman talking to him.

"Do it!" I call up desperately. I can't keep this up much longer, I doubt the crew can either.

I faintly hear Edmund say something, and I barely see a blue light coming from his general direction.

Lightning crackles in every direction, its booming as loud as the creature it's shocking. With an almighty splash, the serpent falls.

"No. It's still got Rosie." Elizabeth mumbles, sprinting to tbe edge of the boat.

"No. Elizabeth, no!" I scream, trying to stop her. She jumps.

"What'd she do?" Drinian asks, worried.

"It ate Rosie. She went back for it." I reply weakly.

"The cat's already dead." Drinian replies.

"If she gets Rosie's body, she can use Lucy's healing cordial. That's why she went down there."

Agonizing seconds go by, and I can't take it anymore.

"I've got to get her out of there." I say, diving in. The cold seawater hits my face, and I faintly see wisps of chocolate brown hair far below me.

"" Elizabeth says weakly. An adrenaline rush courses through me, and I swim even harder and faster to her.

By some freak chance, she has Rosie's tail firmly gripped in her hand.

I get close enough to notice she's unconscious. I grab her wrist, and she lets go of Rosie. I almost leave her, knowing that doing so would definitely keep my sister from drowning. But she'd never forgive me. I reach out and grasp her tail.

I barely surface before losing my breath. As soon as the crew sees us, they help us aboard.

"What happened?" Lucy asks.

"Ellie dived overboard to get Rosie. Get your healing cordial. Please." I pant. Moments later, she comes back with her cordial in one hand and Gael's hand in the other. She drops some of the liquid into Ellie's mouth.

"Wh-What's going on?" Ellie mumbles, sitting up.

"Elizabeth Jewel Marano I swear if you ever do that again!" I exclaim, bear hugging her.

"I had to save her." She sighs.

"I'm just glad you're alive." I reply as Lucy revives Rosie.

"I will never feel the same way about seafood than I did before hand. Or before paw." Rosie states once we're done explaining what happened.

"I love you Ro." Ellie says.

"Love you too." The cat answers fondly.

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