The Blue Star

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Elizabeth's POV
"Everybody! Wake up!" Lucy's voice calls out, my sleep slightly distorting it. I feel Caspian's legs jerk, and my head falls to the ground.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!" He exclaims sleepily.

"It's fine." I mumble, rubbing the spot where my head made contact with the gravel.

"It's the Blue Star!" Lucy adds as everyone wakes up. We quickly packed our things and rowed to the Dawn Treader.

Lucy went to the very back of the ship, and Drinian, Caspian, Edmund, and I gathered on the side.

"Now that we've found the Star, and I've nothing to do, can I take a nap?" I ask half jokingly to my brother.

"Not now, maybe later." He replies with a smirk.

"The winds have left us." Drinian announces.

"So how do we get to Ramandu's Island now then?" Edmund inquires.

"My guess is something doesn't want us to get there." He replies, walking off.

"Well that's helpful." I sigh as we go to the steering wheel.

Two men are gathered at the mast, talking about their severe hunger and something about eating "that dragon" aka Eustace.

"Don't worry, Eustace. They'll have to go through me first." Reepicheep assures him.

With a grunt, he makes a hard turn to the front of the Dawn Treader.

"Whoa, careful!" Reepicheep exclaims.

"If we don't find land by tonight, they may well eat that dragon." Drinian states. Suddenly, the ship shakes, as everyone stumbles and/or falls.

"What did we hit?" Caspian asks worriedly as everyone flocks to the edges of the Dawn Treader likes moths to a flame.

The ship didn't hit anything, no, she got something much better. The tail of a particular golden dragon, wrapped around the horn of the fake dragon at the very front of the ship, used to pull her to Ramandu's Island.

"Eustace! That's brilliant!" Edmund calls out with a smile.

"Onward, ho!" Reepicheep exclaims as he unsheathes his sword and points it forward. Everyone cheers happily, along with mass amount of a applause.

"I won't have time for a nap now, will I?" I ask knowingly with a smirk.

"Drop anchor! Prepare the rowboats!" Drinian declares. We all do as he commanded, then separated into the two rowboats.

We arrive, and begin the hike to the top of the island, directly under the Star.

"Need water?" Marku asks, noticing I was panting heavily.

"Sure." I reply, taking the water flask he offered. Not wanting to be too greedy, I settled for just two sips. He took my hand as we walked.

The island is so eery. Edmund's flashlight flashes bright at the front of the line, and he shines it on the creepy, stone birds and dead, white trees aligning the cement walkway.

A massive green arch, decorated with brown vines and branches of matching color is ahead, leading to a big room. In the center of that room is a pretty table, with so much food on top. Food!

"Mmm, food." Tavros sighs wistfully.

"Wait." Drinian orders.

"Huh?" The Minotaur pries.

"It's probably a trap of some sort." I whisper to him as Edmund shines the flashlight forward. What it's light lands on his terrifying: three men, tangled up in thin vines, wild looks in their eyes. Everyone unsheathes their swords, and I load my bow as they simply stare at us.

"Lord Revillian, Lord Argoz. Lord Mavramorn." Caspian lists, pointing to their rings.

Lucy parts Lord Argoz's bangs with her thumb and pointer finger, then recoils a sharp inhale.

"He's breathing. They all are." I comment, shocked.

"They're under a spell." Marku adds.

"It's the food!" Caspian and I shout at the same time.

"Hey! It's the stone knife. This is Aslan's Table!" Edmund says.

"Their swords." Caspian says, digging one sword out from the vines.

"Put them on the table!" I order. Everyone who held one of the Seven Swords gently places it there.

"That's six." Edmund states.

"Still missing one." Caspian replies.

"Yes, cause that's seven minus six, Caspian." I chuckle internally to myself.

"I heard that." Caspian states. Oops, I thought it was to myself. Suddenly, the swords turn a bright blue.

"Look!" Lucy exclaims as a mass of blue light approaches. The Blue Star!

Elizabeth, the Young ExplorerWhere stories live. Discover now