Where's Lucy?

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Caspian's POV
It's been a couple days since we've left the first Lone Island, and since the deal I made with Ellie. Tolerating Marku is a lot easier when he's not near her. Like, separated by one hundred feet, at least.

We sail toward a nearby island, probably our next landing place. Drinian, Edmund, Ellie and I gather and check it out through my telescope.

"The island looks unhabited. Granted, so did the last one." Ellie muses.

"If the lords followed the most east, they would've stopped here." I add as she hands me the scope so I can look through it.

"Could be a trap." Drinian suggests.

"Or it could hold some answers. Caspian?" Ed asks.

"We'll spend the night on shore. Scour the island in the morning." I decide.

"Aye, Your Majesty." Drinian agrees, taking the telescope to put it away.

We land, unload all our bedding, then make camp for the night.

"You comfortable?" I ask Ellie, who's snuggled up under the blanket.

"Yes." She nods, sitting up and opening her arms for a hug.

"Goodnight. I love you." I whisper, realizing everyone else is sleeping as I satisfy her want for a goodnight hug and kiss.

"I love you too." She says, kissing my cheek before laying back down. I tuck her in and quietly make my way back to my bed.

It felt like seconds later when she pulls up my blankets and cuddles into me.

"I was cold." She mumbles, draping her blanket over us for extra warmth, and we both fall back asleep in seconds.

The light of the rising sun awakens me. I carefully sit up, careful not to wake my little sister. I stand up to stretch my legs. Wait, what are these odd footprints?

"Ellie, wake up. Look at this." I whisper urgently, adding the last part after she whines pathetically like newborn puppy.

"What?" She pries irritably. She never was was a morning person.

"Ed. Ed, wake up. Wake up, look." I whisper, waking him too.

"It's footprints, Caspian. That's all." Ellie groans.

"Where's Lucy?" Ed asks suddenly. We turn to find her pallet empty.

"Lucy?" Ellie yells. They both repeat her name at the same time, yet louder. Everyone else begins to stir.

"Everybody, up!" I demand.

"Get up. Get up, I said!" Exclaims a wide awake Drinian.

"This way!" I order as we pick up our weapons, following the footprints.

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