Returned Belongings

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Author's POV
"Aslan." Lucy sighed, admiring his head carved in a golden plate. Surrounding the plate was fancy woodwork, and decor in the same bright golden color. Under the plate was Susan's horn, which Caspian used to summon them so many years ago. She walks a bit further and notices something familiar. "Look! Susan's bow and arrows."

"Lucy." Caspian says, pulling something from a cabinet.

"My healing cordial! And dagger!" She beams, reaching for them. "Oh, may I?" She adds politely.

"Of course, they're yours." He replies.

"Peter's sword." Edmund states, walking to the wall where it was propped up.

"Yes. Looked after as promised. Here, hold it if you wish." Caspian replies, handing the sword to Edmund.

"No, it's yours. Peter gave it to you." Edmund says, sounding a little bit bitter.

"We did save this for you, though." Marku inputs, tossing Ed's flashlight to him, with a small smirk.

"Thanks." Edmund says awkwardly, turning it on and shining it...right in his eyes. Good job, Edmund.

"Oh um, do you want your rings back?" Elizabeth asks her brother and boyfriend.

"Keep it." Caspian says.

"But it's your favorite ring." Elizabeth replies, not wanting to keep something he loves.

"To my favorite sister who's much more important." He smiles.

"You can keep mine too." Marku adds.

"Yay! I love you two." Elizabeth grins, wrapping an arm around both of them and squeezing.

"Here's your things, Ellie." Lucy states, gesturing for her to join her. Ellie jobs over to find her bow, arrows, and dirk.

"Ellie!" A familiar feline voice exclaims happily.

"Rosie!" Elizabeth squeals, embracing her beloved hairless cat.

"Oh my gosh, I missed you!" Rosie laughs, licking her face.

"I missed you too."

Elizabeth, the Young ExplorerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin