He walked out toward me, covered in dust, coughing. "Did I," he coughed and gaged, "do it right?" he asked me.

"I didn't know there was a wrong way to strike the ground with a staff," I said while handing him a used skin of water.

He drank and handed it back to me. "I guess your right." he laughed. He wiped some dust away from his mouth with his arm then started walking back.

I turned and looked to where we had been after we had traveled a little ways. I saw a few stray gnats  appear from the ground and fly away. Then swarms began to come from the dust. 

"That's a lot of insects." my brother said. Seemed he had turned to look when I did. 

"That it is, Aaron." I told him. "That it is."


I groaned as I gently sat at the edge of my bed. What was I going to do about that bothersome brother of mine? All I ever heard was let my people go, let my people go! I let myself fall back and let the bed suck me in.

How could I, Pharaoh, let this happen? How could the gods for that matter. This matter with Moses and his brother Aaron, oh how it bugged me like those frogs! All he ever does is bring plagues upon me! 

I turned to my side and looked at the tall door, had to be seven or eight cubits long, that led away from my chamber. I made a rumble sound from the back of my throat out of anger, filling this room. What kind of loving "brother" brings down plagues on his brother, let alone his old home? My brother must have a deep and dark hate for me. That man wasn't even truly my brother.

I heard a gentle tap outside my room, causing me to groan. If it had to do with Moses or any of those wretched plagues I would kill someone with my bare hands. Again I heard a gentle knock on the wooden door. I sighed and decided that if it was about Moses I might as well get it out of the way.

"Enter." I said from back of my throat again.

"Hello, my lord." said a beautiful girl, holding a silver plate of food. She wore what all of the slaves did, barely fitting her short and thin body. "You didn't finish your breakfast." she said as meek as a mouse. "I thought you could be hungry and wanted to offer you some fruit, Pharaoh."

At last! One of these slaves had some brains! I noticed that I was still somewhat hungry and the grapes and apples on the sliver plate looked delicious. Well, at least it had nothing to do with frogs, water, blood, Moses, or his retched god.

"I do desire food." I informed her.  "Bring it to me."

"As you wish." she said. She shut the door behind her, walked over and placing the tray of fruit gently beside me.

I sat up and took a small handful of the grapes that had already been plucked from its vine. "You may leave." I told her as I started to eat the purple grapes one by one.

She bowed from the waist and said she was here for me when ever I requested her. I didn't bother to say of course you do! Your my slave! Though what happened next lightened my mood, at least for the moment.

She had turned to walk back when the door opened without warning. She was hit in the stomach with the door handle with such a impact that it flung her to the ground. I saw one of my many guards come rushing in. He was tall, giant arms and chest, and looked about as intelligent as an ox.

He came running in, tripping over the girl's feet and feel down face first into the hard floor. He cursed in pain then cursed at the female slave for tripping him then came to me, forgetting to bow or anything you do before addressing a god.

"Pharaoh," he called out, "the next plague has hit!" 

The small grin that had been on my face from the humorous scene only a few seconds earlier went away. I squinted and frowned at the guard that was bringing the bad news. 

"What is it?" I asked, spitting the words out of me with anger.

"Gnats." he said out of breath, the crash landing with the floor catching up with him. "They are everywhere. Swarms of them! They are attacking all the people and animals and everything!" he cried as he looked over his shoulder, as if they would come in and attack him. He turned around, his nose bleeding from the fall. He used his hand to wipe it away.

I turned away and looked into the silver plate, spotting a green apple. I took it in my hand and dug my finger nails into it, making it bleed juice and took a giant bite out of it.

"What else do you have to report, guard?" I asked, still chewing the apple. 

"Nothing else, my king." he said, realising that I was upset.

"Then get out!" I yelled as I hurled the apple at his face.

It hit him square in his forehead, causing him to fall over. The giant guard was thrown to the ground by a small apple to the head. As he toppled backwards however, he hit the girl who now just getting up from the last time she was hit. They both fell over on each other yet again.

It was less humorous than last time. With a barrage of insults I ordered both of these people out of my room. They both scrambled to their feet and ran out the door. I sighed and took a bite of my food from the plate.

"Guard!" I yelled. I short but strong looking man with a helmet on his head and a spear in his hands peeped around the corner.

"Yes, Pharaoh?" he asked. He had been one of the guards on watch at my door.

"Get me my sorcerers, now." I ordered. I wanted this problem gone.

"Yes, my lord." he said, bowed quickly from the waist, and then jogged off to find them.

I took one last bite of my fruit then with a single motion, flung the silver plate to the floor. What a horrible day this was. I sighed a fell back into bed again. I couldn't believe the day just started. How much worse could this get?

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