Extras + what actually happened

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I nodded very slowly, afraid that the slightest movement would make our distance even closer. Unfortunately, Noel leaned in and I felt a soft and warm object foreign to me.

Wait, lips.

( Insert scenario which Kiera imagined )
(Insert scenario which actually happened)

Noel's lips pressed on my forehead, wiping away my imagination and giving me a sort of disappointed feel. He looked at me gently, like the usual Noel and patted my head.

"I get worried for you too, Kiera. You're important to everyone. More especially, to me."

I blushed. Even though it wasn't what I imagined he'd do, *cough*, I mean- why did I even imagine that? Of course he wasn't going to do that.

"Kiera, are you listening?"

"Eh? Y-yes.. I'm sorry."

"Haah, really. You should stop being so dense, okay? No ones going to hold back because of your age."

Hmm? What was that? I didn't quite hear that.


"Never mind."

Noel then delivered me back to my room safely an nothing happened afterwards. It was kind of a bummer....


Extra : conversations between mum and dad after going out of Kiera's room

"Dang it, she would've won by a landslide if it weren't for that old wolf interrupting."

"Now, now, Harold. She's safe at home now, isn't she? Let's leave her and her friends alone for awhile."

"Leave her with those hunters? No!"

"Come one, Harold. Don't be an annoyance towards the kids."

"But.. But.."

"Alright, rather than that, the kid Noel, he..."

"Yes, he wasn't disturbed by her release of power. Just how strong is he? I couldn't see through him. Cylian, should we be concerned?"

"No, he hasn't moved first. Let's just wait until the boy does something worth taking notice of. Besides, I believe Kiera won't lose towards him. Have faith in our daughter."

"Yes, yes. She is the greatest isn't she?"

"So, who do you think Kiera will choose at the end?"

"What???? Absolutely not!! Kiera isn't going to be taken away from me that easily."

"Oh, Harold... You have to let go if you love her."

"But.. But..."

(Harold's so fun to tease)

Info : author sama shares

I'm not giving away Kiera's first kiss so easily. It would be a huge disadvantage for the other characters and unfair for those who haven't been introduced yet.

So, her first kiss is safe for now.

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