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I'm so happy! Do you want to know why?? Today is the official release of the anime version of MFR or 'Magic, Fantasia en Romance'. What's that you ask?? It's the most popular 2017 otome game that features hawt AF 2D characters with many personalities. Eh? What's an otome game?

Are you kidding me? Bless thee poor innocent soul. How can thou not know of the bless'd otome game?? Has thou not been thither to experience what thy heart desires?

No, seriously, let me help you on that. It's a role playing system where you get to play as a girl who we call the protagonist or heroine of the story operated game (she's usually very very pretty and have extremely weird hair colour and eye colour, unlike my black hair and black eyes, nor my friends brown hair and eyes) and make choices based on which route you would like to go, these routes being those which has its own male counterpart for your protagonist character and your story in the game will progress according to the choices you have made and will achieve what we call a set ending. Could be either bad or good ending. Meh, don't ask me to explain in detail, you can ask google sensei for it.

Walking by the road, as usual I spot the tiny wee little cat I call Frizzy. Why? Because look at that bundle of cuteness, her fur looks so frizzy I want to pet her and bring her home.. Sadly, I'm not allowed to do that. Something about an 18 year old otaku who couldn't even take care of herself won't be able to take care of another life.. ((T^T)) otaku?

Don't tell me you don't even know that? *long sigh* I'm not telling you what that is, seriously, you need to check on your vocabulary. Getting my long black hair out of the way of my face, I desperately try to catch Frizzy and stop her from running away. For some reason she doesn't really like me... *cry*

"Eh? Frizzy?? Where do you think you're going?? Frizzy????!!!!"

No no no no. This isn't happening. Frizzy's running towards the road, and it's a green light there! Ahh!! Wait for me, I'll save you Frizzy!! Scooping up the tiny little Frizzy, I threw her across the road and onto the pavement, narrowly missing a speeding car.

"Honk!!! Honk!!!" -a bunch of car honking noises-

A bunch of cars just stopped in front of me, telling me to get off the road. I ran for my dear life and reached the end of the road, sweating and panting so much. Ahh, I should've exercised more. Hmm-?

A huge vehicle like thing zoomed near me, without giving me time for reaction, it steered hard left to avoid a car on my right and crashed right at me, not sparing even an inch of me as my hole body was hit, getting bounced back until the edge of the intersection, dead, lifeless.


Oh My gosh that hurts. Aaaaaaah, please please tell me that it's over. The crash with what I think was a truck- no, it's not a truck, I believe it was a huge airplane. There's no way such a huge thing could be a truck. It was definitely airplane-san that killed me. Ahh, that actually kinda hurt. *sigh* why world, I was about to see the animated version of the otome world's best capture targets and you killed me!!! ((T^T))

Eh, wait a minute- it actually doesn't hurt anymore. Maybe it's so sudden that my nerves can't keep up with the overwhelming pain? Yeah, let's go with that.

"Hahahaha... Miss Ruri, would it be alright to call you that? If you'd just turn around here, yep. Hey! Where are you going??"

Nope, did not see a talking zebra, nope, I definitely did not see a talking zebra with spectacles and a suit. Yes, I'm probably still sleeping in my room, dreaming about MFR's first episode...


"Miss Ruri, I assure you I am not a zebra. I happen to be one of the world's best guardian spirits, deployed by the God almighty himself. Ehm, miss Ruri are you listening? To clarify your doubts, yes, you are dead, but we in the upstairs department think that your death was a bit too harsh, especially since it was your most awaited day-"

"Yes! It was my most awaited day, *sniff*sniff* , how could you do this to me, Mr talking zebra mythical creature dude? I'm devastated, miserable and most of all I'm dead! Where am I going to buy the anime CDs now that I'm dead? The netherworld store? *sniff*sniff* Orz"

Mr talking zebra mythical creature just sighed, used his zebra powers to create a sofa of grass, itchy but soft, sat down next to me and neighed. That's what zebras do right? Or was it horses?

"Ms Ruri, listen to me. For the second time, I'm not a zebra. I'm one of the guardians of this world. Now, explaining in short, you've been given another chance at the world you love so much, the world of the otome game MFR. you have been given a vessel there where you would live your second life, and-"

"Omg omg omg are you kidding me??? Did I just hit jackpot?? Mr talking zebra mythical creature dude, thank you!! Thank you!!! The whole world hasn't abandoned this otoge loving otaku."

Shaking my hands with Mr Talking zebra mythical creature guardian dude, erm- it's more like shaking hands and hooves, I jump up from the sofa, running forwards before realizing something, embarrassingly walking slowly towards Mr talking zebra, before asking him,

"Where do I go right now?"


"Ms Ruri, I was going to tell you that this is a personal dimension I've created to meet you before sending you off to your new life. Now ms Ruri,"

Using his zebra powers on me again, I was pulled onto the grass sofa while my mouth was sealed shut by some force, completely trapping me there.

"I will be giving you a list of skills that you might need and keep in mind that you may only choose two skills to bring with you there. Your character there will be decided at random and as you already know, that world has magic and martial arts. As a bonus, your character would be given help in both aspects with a higher than average talent in both areas of strength and you will be getting a character with high enough title for you to live comfortably and meet your so called capture targets."

Releasing his zebra powers on me, he asked me if I had any questions.

"How quick can you let me go there?? And I'll pick two of the skills right now please."

"Why are you so hurried? Miss Ruri, I have shortened the list into 6 skills that I believe a person of your mentality might choose. Now, here are the choices;
Appraisal, shape shifting, mana/qi strengthening exp, game controls, mind reading and mana/qi manipulation. The skills for mana and qi you will already have but choosing them will max out your data on those areas. So, what will be your choice?"

Definitely not the mana/qi one because could just max them out myself. I am lazy but if you think about it, it's magic. Magic. Who wouldn't get up in the morning early at the notion of magic?? And qi sounds interesting enough. So either game controls or appraisal and shape shifting or mind reading. Uhm... I can't... Ahh! I suck at making life choices.

"Or you could always choose random, mentioning the skills you don't need and raffle the ones you can't decide on"

"Have you been reading my mind, Mr talking zebra?"

Then I'll take that random, okay! Without the mana/qi ones. Don't worry, I'll max them out myself. I'll be diligent. You are reading my mind now, right?

"Yes, Miss Ruri, I am. For the last time, I am not Mr talking zebra. You can call me Zone. Then, I'll send you off to your journey and this time, please enjoy your life to the fullest."

Smiling at Mr talking zebra- Mr Zone, I replied.

"Of course!!"

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