Those wolves!!!

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"Kiera, you're going to explain this after we get away from those two lycans, okay?"


While nodding my head, still trying to get myself freed from his overprotective hug, while he stared daggers at Shiro and Kuro.

"Eh? But she's not yours, right?"

"The Kiera that you're talking about must be a human, but the one in your hands is a lycan neko. Maybe you've got the wrong person?"

Ooh, Kuro just roasted Damien. On the other hand, I could feel the flames of rage from Damien in his embrace. Truthfully, it's kinda scary..😧😯 I'm tempted to go and take some popcorn right now to enjoy the show but now that I think about it, I'm part of the show too, aren't I?

"No, I got the right person, right Kiera?"


Sorry Damien, but this is getting interesting so I'll play along.

"That's not funny, Kiera."

Then I guess as revenge, he twirls my tail around and blows at my cat ears.

"Hyaa!! Damien , st-stop it!!!"

"See? She does know me and she is the Kiera that I'm looking for."

The two wolves looked at each other for a second before using magic, I can feel the slight vibrations of mana from the spell so I coated my body in qi, alerting the Damien who was hugging me. He then looked suspiciously at the wolves but failed too see what they were doing, causing him to be momentarily blinded by their harmless light spell and darkness spell, creating enough time for me to slip out unnoticed.

Sadly, the wolves have excellent smell so I was found just seconds after escaping Damien and again pulled towards somewhere else. Nuoo!! Just how many times are y'all going to drag me around for???

"Kiera's your name?"

"Mm, I like that name."

"Can you stop dragging me around??"

Trying to pull myself away from them from the minimum powers I can use (bcos of the ban I can't use full power orz), I bit Kuro's hand and kicked Shiro's knees and ran away, using a hide presence spell.

"Where is she??"

"We lost her!!"

Snickering, I hid myself exactly where they'd expect the least! I was right in front of their faces. In fact, I'm sticking out my tongue now.

"Wait, she's still here."

Oh, shoot! Did Kuro see me?

"Hey, Kiera... We wolves have a secret skill to find you, y'know?"

"Yeah, and we know you're right here.. Right?"

What??? They have a special skill??? Nope, no way. I'm not getting tricked. Sitting on a log, I grinned as they kept trying to find me but failed. Haha. That's payback for dragging me around that much!

Wait- Shiro's over there so...

Where's Kuro??


"Got you!!"

Then I felt two arms embraced me and kept me in place, offsetting my spell. Dang it! How did they know?? Did they actually have a secret skill??

So, here I am. Sitting on Kuro's lap while Shiro pets me like a cat. I mean- I might be one right now but it's not my fault. I appraised my status and re appraised my special skill shape shifting and it says:

|shape shifting:
Can alter shape of user into other forms with a condition.
-Must be in contact with capture target to change to the form wanted.
-Has to be far away from capture target to change back to previous from.

Noo!!!! Like, that's very useful. *note sarcasm*

"Heey, Ki-chan. Why is you forget us?"

"That was mean of you."

"What are you talking about????"

" " *both sighs* nothing. " "

I eyed them suspiciously. I met them before?? Really?? Before I could ask for when or where, the two wolves started to lick my cat ears and cheeks, making me shiver and blush to my ears.

"S-stahp it!!!! What are you doing ???"

"Cleaning you."

"Re marking you."

Please, don't. You're supposed to do this to the heroine!!! I'm a mob!!! Ooh, I know! I'll act dead!! *Pretends to faint*

"Eh??? Ki-chan!!! Ki-chan!!! What do we do, Luca?"

"Shh. I can't think with your talking."

"B-but she fainted."

"I don't know. For now, let's bring her back home."

"Yup, okay!"

Wait, what?? No!! Suddenly jumping up and waving my arms everywhere, I looked at the two whose faces were filled with confusion.

"Stop, stop!! I didn't faint!"

"I think she's still fainted, do u, Cain?"

"Yeah.. Ki-chan is still fainted."

"No!! Okay, I'm sorry. I did not faint!!"

Then, ignoring my explanation, Kuro grabbed me by the legs and hauled me up his shoulders, my legs dangling over his chest while my head and arms dangle over his back. Shiro was looking from the back, holding in his laugh.


"Aaah!!!! Let me go, you wolf!!! This is kidnapping, I say!! Kidnapping!!"

"Shush. You go and be quiet, you."

"Well Shiro, can you be quiet when someone's trying to kidnap you??"

"No one dares to kidnap me."

"Let's go."

And in cue, Kuro's feet starts to run, and his run was very VERY fast because all I can see are blurry moving images around me and the wind was hitting my face, making my hair fly everywhere.


Very very short chapter and it's mostly dialog bcos I'm literally crying here, having a huge writers block AND I have exams tomorrow. (Orz) Thank u everyone who reads this and votes and comments. I love u guys!!😍😍

Also, to make it up to you next update will be twice as long w/ ppl showing up to ur request. Meaning, u can choose by voting which guy/girl shows up.

Heroine -

Sapphire -

The wolves -

Damien -

Vier -

Other -

Just comment away!!

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