Finally crawling

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Hello dear friends!! I'm now old enough to crawl! Finally I'll be able to do those baby runaways where the baby crawls to escape!! After 5 months of trying to crawl, I finally did it! Hooray for me!

Ah. Right, now begins my second mission. Escape the baby crib! Pulling my tiny body up, and wondering whether I should drop down to the far away floor, I remembered the pillow and threw that down first, before hopping off the crib and onto the soft pillowy item below me.

'Puff!! Psshh....'

Eh? Did the pillow just... Pop? Am I that heavy? Last time I checked, mum had no problem in carrying me, nope, it must be the work of gravity! Even in this world it's constantly telling me that it increases my weight.

Back to the matter at hand, I've finally escaped my crib and now onto mission number 3! Finding the library for magic stuffs!! Y'know, in every otome game there's always magic. And I want to be super duper good at it so I have something to brag to the bishies when we meet. I won't be just like 'hi' and then awkward silence, uhuh, no. It'll be like 'me shows off skills and they be like, your awesome!!' Hehe.. You can't blame a girl for being imaginative.

As I crawl towards the door, I now have another problem, how do I open the door? How come it sounds way easier when those anime characters that get reincarnated as a baby do it? Aish, this is bad... I hear noises!!

Hiding behind a conveniently placed desk, my tiny body is completely covered, really. And here comes the daily food express~ ah. Mum's panicking. She's running around screaming my name, didn't find me and ran out the door in hysterics. Eh.. Mum? I'm right under here you know?

Good news is that she left the door open and gave me a solution to the door problem, is this plot armor I'm experiencing? Hmm... Author San?((A/n: Stop breaking the fourth wall!!)) eeh?? Aren't you making me do it though?

Yep, don't mind it. Let's just go to the library!! But which way is the library? Pouting my lips, I scanned the entire area which my little eyes can see. There's a huge hallway with my choices either being left, right or center.

Let's go to the center where that weird fellow is. Hmm? What weird fellow? Well, if you see a 4 year old kid as old wondering around looking inside the doors, you'd only call it normal, but if the kid is currently locking he doors with a huge ring of keys, you'd have to wonder where he got it from? I hope he doesn't say any hard words because I'm still not that good in understanding their language.

Crawling my way to him, close up he looks like the most adorable little boy I've seen! With large glittering black eyes and beautiful blonde hair I'm doubting my eyes because he looks exactly like mini human Bishie in the game. He already has that attractive face even as a child, albeit more innocent and softer looking.

What was his name? Lenka something? Well, I'll go say hi to that gorgeous kid anyway. Don't embarrass yourself Kiera! Fighting!!

"Ewwuwwiih, wawwawu wuing?"

Again with the baby talk! Look at that boys face, he's shocked! Mission fail, mission fail!! I'm going to run away.. Wait a minute, I can't even walk! Aaaah, I'm so embarrassed...

"Eeeh? What's a baby doing here? What do you want little baby?"

"Waiwawwy, waawwa gau gu ga waiwawwy"

Please understand that. Please, please please. Who knows maybe he gets me and actually carries me there? Maybe as kids we understand each other?

"Hmm? It's right there."

Pointing to a door just farther left from me, he then proceeded to lift me up, albeit uneven and trot to where the door was, leaving me amazed. He understands baby language?

Eh, wait! Open the door!! How am I supposed to go in now??


"Sorry, no time little baby, Sapphie's waiting in the garden."



Cylia Angelo Pov
Where? Oh just where did Kiera go? She couldn't have left the crib and yet she's not there! Oh how am I supposed to find her??

Oh my, I've forgotten! I could've just searched her with locating magic! Just how did I forget such a thing?

[Locate ; Kiera Angelo age 8 months. Magic: search ]

The familiar lines of light fill my sight as each of them points towards the center hall. What is she doing there I wonder?

Gathering up my things, I rush towards where the light was leading me to see the figure of my little Kiera crawling in front of the door to the library. Does she want to go in?

"Kiera? Do you want to go in?"

Giving me a tearful look, she starts to talk in her baby language, something which I don't understand.

"Wesh, wawwi. Wai wawwa gau wim"

Um... I'm not sure if she's replying to my question but Kiera seems to understand me. Aww, she's a little genius isn't she? Picking up Kiera in my arms, I open the door to the library, bringing her to a seat and put several pillows on it, for her to feel comfy and as a barricade lest she falls.

Looking at her facing left and right, occasionally nodding or shaking her head and staring for a long time at the books in the shelves, then proceeding to look at the other books, maybe she wants to read something?

"Do you want to read something?"


Laughing a little,  Kiera's baby language is turning more and more funny. Going towards the shelf and taking a few kids books, I went back to find that Kiera is fast asleep, head on the pillows, drool coming out of her mouth.

Scooping her up, I bring her and the books back to her room, putting her back in the crib, before noticing a certain ruined pillow.

Don't tell me... She went down from her crib with this? Oh my, is my baby a mega genius?? Kiera, did you think of this alone? Softly putting her in the crib and fetching a new pillow for her, I decided to tell Harold tomorrow, of the little escape Kiera did.

((A/n: did any of you understand Kiera's baby talk?? I tried simplifying English into baby language but it sounds so weird. 😕 Lol, comment on what you think she said tho.)

Living freely as a mob in an otome game (Dropped)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora