Magic!!! Martial arts!!! What is this sorcery?

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Today I'm finally a year old. I skipped all the other months because it's just plain boring. I didn't meet that boy again and going inside the library was relatively easy once mum opened it for me, leaving me alone with a maid to guard me. She couldn't read stories to me, something about she was busy and had to research something? I can walk now and everyone says that I'm a genius for it. Don't babies usually walk around a year old? Then aren't I normal?

Mr Zero came by again in my sleep to give me a rose bracelet to translate the language (it kinda sticks in my hand, like a tattoo or sticker in a white colour) meaning I have no problems about language anymore, he also said something about not meeting me again for a long time and so that might be our last meeting.

Right, I had access to magic and qi! As usual, there was a 'Magic book that even babies can understand!' And frankly, I did understand it. A lot, because it was in English. Well that was awesome indeed. I completed the whole Book and mastered their spells in a jiffy. Really, it was just elementary spells. A fireball, water ball, lightning ball, earth wall, teleportation, flight, heal and qi elementary level red. Huh? Some of the last spells were for advanced mages? Eeh?

Right, as usual, in magic there's lightning, earth, water, fire, wind, dark and light. Am I missing something? (Comment if I did :/) and in qi mastery, they follow the system grading of elementary, intermediate and master with the rainbow colors representing the levels in each grade. (purple being the highest in each respective grades)

Sadly there is no legendary rank, it's usually used for people who transcend the limits of qi and mana and eventually combine both into a single power called magi. I wonder if qi/mana mastery that Mr Zero offered helped open a gateway towards magi. Well, don't cry over spilt milk.

I go inside my room, beginning my image training for the spells since I haven't found any other book for mana and qi except for that one and its sequel partner 'Qi book that even babies can understand!'(Good thing the title wasn't a scam) and slowly imagine the heat, shaping the flames into a form, the curve of the neck, the small spikes on its head, the thorns, the teeth, the big scary head, the scaly body, the long tail and the wide wings, creating a miniature dragon of fire. I have no idea why I got a western dragon for its image.

I heard from somewhere that the blue part of the flame is way hotter than the red part. Let's use that logic shall we?

['Dragon of fire; blue flames']

The dragon I made had its whole red body turn into scalding a scalding blue colour, transferring heat everywhere. Ok, fire's good. Next is water! Turning the fire spell off, I proceed to shape a dragon made of water, but this time it had a Chinese dragon's form. Noticing that it wasn't challenging enough, I proceed to try to place a heart of fire in the middle, careful of it touching the water.


I failed. Is it that hard?? Well, let's think of something else as the image? Let's do that! A fish in a water tank! Making the water form a bowl, but empty on the inside and creating the fire there, it looked like a water lantern, only a thousand times more awesome!!

Ok, time for martial arts! Suddenly, the room became ten times heavier, thanks to the work of my wind magic and earth magic, causing a gravity field to form. I made that magic myself, you know? Basically it's just very easy to do magic. My only problem is that apparently if I run out of mana there's a 50% chance that I might die. And I have to appraise myself every time to check if I still had any mana left. The only way to increase the mana in me is to deplete it till les than 10% is left and refill it by resting and then depleting it again until it automatically adds more to my mana reserve.

Well, qi is less confusing. I'm at elementary red, the basics of the basics. The way to increase that is through rigorous training and meditation. The meditation is used to take in qi from our surroundings and into our body, storing it in our dantian region and circulating it around the body, strengthening the bones, nerves and muscles. While rigorous training is a way to get us used to the power, lest putting the cart before the horse.

Meditating in the increased pressured area, I find my tiny body's muscles getting strengthened, pulled and really really cramped right now. Good thing is that I have the heal skill! Helps me train faster than how my little body could with no help. Ahh, suddenly I feel full. Really, really, full. Am I going to burp?

My skin glowed a greenish colour, indicating my breakthrough to the second level. I feel stronger, much more clear sighted and unusually light. Now comes my third session in this training program, actual hard training!

*sob*sob* The thing I hate the most. Taking a bunch of pillows and putting books into them, I tie them with a string around my body and legs, before trying to walk around the room with them.

Oof- heavy.

It's okay, ganbatte me! Running three laps before healing myself and again running three laps, I ran a total of 30 laps before my mana almost ran out and disabled the gravity field while checking for any injuries. Mum would freak out if she saw any, plus this qi thing doesn't really rip your muscles so it's not like I developed abs or something (which I'm thankful of).

Taking a rest before going out of my room to do the daily tour of the house, I'm again searching for that human Bishie. Just what was his name? Ooh, I'm really bad with names.

Ah, there's my sister! Let's go say hi!

"Damien, your not allowed to speak with other girls, okay?"

"Sapphire, why not? I'm allowed to do whatever I want."

"No! I said no and that's no!!"

"Hmm? What can you, Sapphire Angelo do to me, the prince?"

Eh, did I just hear it right? Sapphire Angelo? Isn't that the name of the villainess?? I remember her name so badly because she had a villain new role in every capture character and is always being a b**chy rival towards our poor heroine. Don't tell me that she- the ultimate hated villainess- is my sister??

Ah, I fainted.

Living freely as a mob in an otome game (Dropped)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora