I'm the Villainess's sister?

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Waking up to the face of my sister, I just couldn't look at her as I turned my head towards the side, only to look at the human Bishie who she was with. It came to me right away. Yes, his name was Damien Leroyalz, the second prince of the kingdom of Vestura which was named after the first founder, Vestura Leroyalz. I remembered that Sapphire as his rival was put in the situation of childhood friends with him while Sapphire was put into thinking that it meant an automatic childhood sweethearts plot. My heart was filled with indignation of the thought that she, the person who named me and I was most attached to, was none other than the woman who I've hated not long ago as Ruri.

I just stare at Damien, his black eyes looking at me in curiosity, wondering who I was. Didn't I meet him when I was searching the library? I wonder if he remembers me...? No, stick to the matter at hand, Kiera! What are going to do with your sister? Come to think of it, did the game version of Sapphire have a sister? I don't think she had any. She was an only child who was spoiled tremendously by her parents and developed a very rival like personality.

"Kiera? Are you alright?"

Not wanting to look at her, I nodded my head in reply.

I'm sorry, I just can't right now. I need to process this new information alone, with pen and paper ready for any sudden info that pops into my brain. (The names might be wrong, tho) .

I quietly got up and started walking away from them, ignoring the calls from my sister and unconsciously used wind magic to fasten up my pace. In the distance, I heard that she was still calling me and Damien was standing there, with amusement filling his features.

Locking myself in my room with magic (since I can't reach the key lock yet), I curled into a ball on the floor and hugged myself, unmoving, just thinking about what I was going to do with this information.

Wait a minute. Who cares if she's a villain? That's just in the game, and in this reality she has a new existence previously unknown there. She has me, her sister. I won't let her become a villainess. Even if it had only been a short while that she and I were sisters, she was nevertheless someone who loved me enough to name me, and she had played a huge part in my daily reason to keep continuing as a baby (besides meeting bishies) with her adorable smile and cute overload. She just heals me every time she struggles to keep a hold of me and I know how hurt she would be after I ignored her. Ugh. I'm mentally older than her but I still act childish. What will become of my life? (T-T)

Using magic to write on a piece of paper all the facts about the otome game and also to train my magic, I start by writing about the heroine who I know most about.

1) Our heroine and main protagonist whom I played as
Name : y/n (it wasn't stated a name as you would write your name there)
Characteristics : has pink hair and purple eyes, a petite body and fair skin.
Specialties: she was given the affinity for all the elements of magic but has no talent in martial arts which became the reason for meeting the bishies from the martial arts section.
Available routes: Human race -> Damien ; Merman race -> Farren ; Lycanthrope white wolf race -> Kuro/Luca ; Lycanthrope black wolf race -> Cain/Shiro ; Fairy race -> Tristar ; Elf race -> Nathaniel; ghost race-> ??
First appearance: at the renowned mixed race school of magic and martial arts, first year third week.

2) Our Bishie from the human side
Name : Damian Leroyalz
Characteristics : blond hair with black eyes that seem to glow in the light.
Specialties: a genius in martial arts as the youngest human to reach green stage in a young age.
Available routes:
Rival route -> Sapphire wins and he marries her and makes her queen while heroine becomes his secret lover, kept in the castle alone with only him knowing.
Heroine route -> Marries the heroine while banishing Sapphire outside of the kingdom, to live as a commoner.
Other route -> He doesn't marry anyone while keeping friendship with both heroine and Sapphire as he rules the kingdom and eventually marries a princess from another kingdom.
First appearance: As Sapphires childhood friend and second prince, caused a flood of fan princesses to faint at his attending the school ceremony before meeting alerts in girl who does not seem to take notice of him

3) Our mermaid Bishie!!
Name : Farren Oceanicus Petrikum
Characteristics : greenish blue hair with yellow eyes and can exchange his mermaid tail with legs using a magic necklace.
Specialties: a rare talent in wind and water as well as lightning magic elements and is destined to be the next ruler of the sea.
Available routes:
Rival route : gets tricked into marrying Sapphire as he uses her to get the heroines attention, only to make matters worse by falling in a love hate relationship with Sapphire and occasionally visiting the heroine at night.
Heroine route : marries the heroine and makes her his queen who he gave the gift of being a mermaid to. Sapphire doesn't get afflicted in this route.
Other route : he dies while fighting a sea kraken and the throne is passed to his little brother Crocus.
First appearance: when the heroine gets pushed into the school pool by Sapphire and meets a certain savior of hers, which is Farren himself.

4) Our Twin black and white wolf bishies!!
Name: Cain/Shiro (white) and Luca/Kuro (black)
Characteristics : Shiro has black hair and grayish blue eyes while Kuro has white hair and grayish red eyes. They switch eye colours when they're mad or unbelievably happy.
Specialties: Shiro is called that because of his expertise in light element magic and Kuro because of his expertise in dark magic. Both can do adequate martial arts.
Available routes:
Rival route: Sapphire is in love with these two but cannot marry both as she resorts to locking them up in her newly built mansion, where she gets to enjoy both.
Heroine route : the heroine gets to choose to be with one of them while the other becomes her best friend and godfather to her child. Sapphire gets killed by them when she threatens to kill heroine's child.
Other route : they kill each other in a sibling fight for the right to lead the pack of wolves and becoming the primary Alfa. Heroine dies trying to prevent this from happening.
First appearance: when heroine tries to escape from being bullied by the girls of Sapphire's clique, she runs into them in a forest, while crying and begging for their help.

There's still the vampire and elf Bishie capture character but I'm a terrible person who forgot his long complicated name but he was called ?...umm... what was that again? and met the heroine in a school expedition where he saved her and her team while scoring points for his own team. There's of course the hidden capture character that can be unlocked after the heroine finishes the reverse harem route in which as the name suggests has her completely surrounded by all these bishies but sadly, his route wasn't fully completed yet and was going to be released with the anime but I can't see that now, can't I?

I had still wanted to write more but I knew that this was enough as I should go and apologize to Sapphire, she really didn't deserve that. Just because she was programmed to be mean doesn't mean she has to be in real life.

Gathering my thoughts and forming an imaginary scene playing out, I'm finally prepared to say sorry to her. Peeking through from the side of the wall, I could see my sisters crying face and Damien's tiny hand currently stroking her back, telling her to stop crying, calming her.

Walking all the way towards my sister, I look up onto her tear filled face and rubbed the tears away, feeling sad myself and tried not to cry.

"Waim sowwy. Gowwnt cwy owway?"

Giving her a smile, she hugs me and says she thinks I hated her, and how she thinks that I'm never going to talk to her anymore. Although exaggerating it a lot, I still felt that for her, it might just seem that I hated her because for a minute there- I did.

Now, turning to the boy who's been staring at us for awhile, I catch a glimpse of a mocking smile peering from his upturned lips. You want to laugh? Then laugh all you want. I'm not letting you ruin my sister bonding time. Sticking out my tongue to him, I saw his displeasure as he returned by sticking his tongue out at me. For once I actually like being in a young body because now I could do this-

"Waaaaaaaah!!!!! Waat goyy waass wwuuddee woo we. Ga awaay gude goy!"

Throwing a tantrum and pointing my fingers at Damien, I gave him a smug look before my sister carried me and went to inform mother about what happened.

Huehuehuehue.. Being an infant is actually not that bad.

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