Lots and lots of questions.

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It's dark and chilly but I can't feel the air moving in any way. Which, in the sense of nature, isn't possible. I can't feel any magic or qi in me which means I'm currently defenseless and completely like a normal mortal, which also means that all that prep work trying to make me powerful got wasted.

Right, I was on shiny... and then a pope.... and then Noel... wait, no, Noah... and then hmmm...what happened? All I remember is Noah saying that Noel was his long lost twin or something and then.. just a hazy blob of haziness. Did something happen to Noah too?? Oh no that poor thing went all the way to see Noel and now they won't get their dream reunion and I won't get my double eye can- *cough* I mean, I won't get to be there when it happens.

Wait, who's Noel? What was I just thinking about?

"Kiera? Wake up."

Hmm? Who is that?

I woke up, feeling like a whole lifetime just passed while I was asleep and the feelings from the dream was still lingering, though I can't remember. I looked at the person who was gently nudging me awake and unconsciously wanted to give her a hug. This girl is my... sister? This girl is my big sister? I don't have a big sister like her, dark brown hair and blue eyes, a very tall and pretty girl but I don't know her. I shouldn't know her, but she's my big sister?

"Wake up, sleepy head, you're going to be late for school. If mum finds out about yesterday, you're dead. No, we're dead. So you better hurry your little legs and get ready to go!"

"Okay, okay. I'm going, I'm going. No need to threaten me."

I watch myself casually banter with her like it's normal, but there's an unsettling feeling creeping over me. She is my sister, right? I calmed myself down and told myself to snap out of my half awake state so I can go to school. I remember my friends having said they had something they needed to show me and it was urgent? Sister said I had to hurry, too. Something about yesterday? But yesterday was pretty tame. I wonder what's wrong.

I quicken up my action speed just in case I did something wrong yesterday and hurriedly grabbed the uniform from the closet and dealt with the necessities like combing my hair, putting on my socks, yada, yada, yada. By the time I got down to eat breakfast, everyone was already hurrying up and packing my food into a container while shoving the remaining food in the trash. Huh? What's going on now?

The lady behind the kitchen table looked at me with anxious and worried gazes, I know that this is my mum. The man who was fidgety while reading the newspaper must be my dad. My sister is holding a tiny dog, a pooch probably while giving me a worried pout.

"Honey, you don't have to explain why you did it yesterday, but now we're in a lot of trouble so you have to hurry up and apologize okay? Hopefully we can end this with just a dispute."

"What happened, mum?"

"You still have the cheeks to ask what happened? Hurry up and go already!"

And that's how I hurried to school with gusto for the first time in my life. Upon walking the familiar yet unfamiliar paths, I stopped in front of a class, my class, that the so called problem has started from. I wonder what's actually going on..

And then I come inside the class to see multicolored streamers hanged across the ceiling and bursts of colorful confetti everywhere, my friends and family all there and wished me a happy birthday. I blushed, I haven't gotten this kind of treatment since I keep worrying over Sapphire....?

I don't think I know any Sapphires, what was I thinking about? Guess I'm still half awake. Then a girl comes up to me and hugs me, her whole face lighting up and congratulating me for being a year older, and I laughed.

I can't believe they all remembered it and I didn't. No wonder mum and dad and even my sister were acting all weird. Turns out they wanted to surprise me, haha! Then someone hugs me from behind, which feels oddly familiar..

"Hey, Kiera, do you wanna guess what we all got you?"

His voice was making me melt, so I didn't hear what he said after that. The person behind me is.... my boyfriend? He's so handsome, I can't believe he agreed to date me in the first place.

"Aaron, stop with the suspense and tell me already!! I told you I don't like any of that foreshadowing business."

"But Kiera, you'd definetely love this gift."

So, becausd my curiosity was getting the best of me, I ignored everyone elses teasing stares and his adorable smirking face and went and opened the box he gave me. Which, had another box in it, then another one, then another one, then another one, till the last wrapped rectangular box.

"Haha very funny, Aaron."

Then he goes and hugs me fron the back while watching me unwrap it. While unwrapping it, I'm beginning to feel like all of this is familiar, but it's more in a deja vu kinda way. Which is strange.

Then the last box was opened and I saw a gaming set and a game to accompany it. The class and my family all looked like they wanted to facepalm right now, which I do too. Who gives their girlfriend an otome game for their birthday?

"Magic, Fantasia en Romance? Are you sure you wanna give me an otoge on my birthday? Aren't you afraid I'm gonna fall in love with a guy over there and abandon you, Aaron?"

To which my sister and my friends giggled at while he just quirked his eyebrows and cupped my face while making his signature grin.

"Are you sure you can part with this handsome face?"

I'm speechless at how shameless he is and a bit angry because I actually can't. I looked at the cover of the game and can't help but think, didn't the guys look different the last time I saw it? Which confused me because I havent seen the game before and I rarely play otomes or watch any movies with that theme.

Seriously, what's wrong with me today?

Living freely as a mob in an otome game (Dropped)Where stories live. Discover now