"Yeah, I know! Well, I know you've been busy tou-travelling and stuff, so it's fine." Dana replied then lowered her voice, looking around the apartment. She was sure that Claire was eavesdropping on her, so she had to be careful.

"Yeah. But I only got a couple of shows left for this leg then maybe we can hang out!"

Dana continued smiling to herself. She really thought she forgot about her.

"Yeah! Of course! That sounds great!"

"Actually, I would like you to come to the last show. I'll send you tickets."

Dana's first reaction was to jump for joy and scream on top of her lungs. I mean, going to your idol's show and getting free tickets directly from them? Everyone would be jealous. 

"That's really great! You don't have to, you know. I could buy one for myself." Dana lied. She couldn't afford that much, especially without a job. She might be a fan of hers, but she surely knows when the price of a concert ticket is too much.

"Hey! I'm your friend now. I could treat you whenever you like. Oh! You could also bring your girlfriend!"

Dana suddenly froze. Girlfriend?

"Hello? Dana?"

"Yeah, I'm here. Sorry."

"I called last night. Was it her who answered? Claire, right?"

Dana's eyes widened at the memory. Fuck. "Oh, right. Sorry you had to hear that." Dana replied then chuckled nervously.

She heard Ariana chuckle as well. "That's all right. It's good to know that things are working for you two."

The tone of Ariana suddenly changed, which Dana didn't really pay attention to for she was still freaking out. She needed to remove that idea in Ariana's head right now, before it's too late.

"Not really. We broke up a few days ago, so now we're just friends, I guess." Dana replied, making sure she sounded a bit sad.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Ariana responded, feeling bad, but there was hope in her voice.

"It's fine really. We knew that we're not really ready for that kind of thing."


Ariana and Dana surprisingly talked on the phone for hours. Ariana talked about the tour, her music, her dogs and even her favorite films.  On the other hand, Dana told her some stories from her childhood and her favorite films as well. Although Dana listened more during their conversation for she truly enjoyed just hearing Ariana's soothing voice and contagious laugh. It was only until Dana heard something clashing in the kitchen when she decided to end their conversation.

"I'm sorry; I gotta go. Shouldn't you be resting?"

"I couldn't sleep and everyone is already passed out. Anyways, it was great talking to you. I missed you."

Dana's heart fluttered and her entire face burned up when Ariana said those last three words. She had to bite her lip to stop herself from squealing or screaming.

"I missed you too. You know you could call me anytime. I don't know your schedule and stuff so I really don't know when to."

"Thank you, for just listening and being a nice friend. I really wish we could hang out more." Dana smiled.

"Anytime. Now get some sleep." Dana said sternly.

"All right. Thanks again, baby. I'll see you at my show." Ariana replied before hanging up. Dana was grateful that she hung up, because she probably would just continue talking and not have the power to press end.

For a few seconds, Dana just sat on the couch, smiling and probably blushing.

"Does she know the bad things you've done for the past week? And for the past three years?"

Dana visibly jumped at the voice of her friend. She turned around and saw Marie and Claire, staring her down and their arms crossed.

Well, someone's in more trouble than she already is.

A/N: okay, so what do y'all think? sort of a filler but i find it quite cute with all their flirting and stuff

btw, the hangover cover is just a ph shot, something you can take as a cure for hangovers. i looked it up online, i just gave it a somehow cool name

thoughts on dana, marie and claire's friendship?

thoughts on dana lying about having a girlfriend then 'breaking up'?

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