Chapter 9

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Hello all my little dreams ~ Welcome back to another chapter of this twisted story! This chapter is extremely short since it's just a filler. Sorry :(
So please read, vote, comment and enjoy the story~

Alexis POV

I started to finally get over the thought of not having my Cinnabites. I mean this was better then most things that are usually running through my head.

We were on our way to find a nearby shop so we could change our clothes. Most of the zombies were still preoccupied on the other side of the mall.

We entered into the Carsons store. "So everyone quickly find something to wear, change and come back here. If something happens remember, bash them in the head." Aaron told all of us.

We all agreed and set off to find something to wear. I started walking to the back of the store by the teens area. It's sometimes hard for me to find clothes that can actually fit since I'm so petite. There were jewelry cases bashed in, tables were flipped and glass was everywhere. The mannequins parts were laying everywhere in pieces.

I clutched my bear tight to me and started exploring. Obviously there was just the bare minimum since it's been a very long while since anyone's been here. Today I was feeling like I wanted to try a more comfortable style. I started looking through all the clothes but nothing was really appealing to me.

Thinking of what I could do, I remembered there was a Hot Topic right next to the store we're in. I mean... Aaron didn't say I couldn't leave the store to go to another. So I may have decided to sneak out through the store trying to avoid anyone seeing me.

While sneaking out I was very careful about making any noises. Obviously there were some zombies hanging around but they were distant. The doors in Hot Topic were shut but the glass was shattered. Looks like they were trying to close off the store but it was just too late. It was really hard to not think of what happened here.

I didn't hear anything coming from inside the store. It must've been safe for now. The clothes were scattered everywhere but that didn't stop me. I dove in looking for the right kind of style to try along with it actually fitting me.

After a little bit of spelunking in the piles of clothes I managed to salvage some kind of outfit. Then I went to the back of the store to the bathroom. Carefully I opened it to see tons of blood splatter all over the room.

Jeez who ever died in here should be more considerate of how much of a mess they make. I mean do you know how hard it is to clean blood off walls ? I grunted and threw some old clothes onto the blood in front of the sink.

I decided I want a different kind of look from my normal style. I took out my little watch I stole in Caron's and saw I had a few hours to take my pill. Honestly it wasn't guaranteed that it even worked. Although I think it's the right time.

I stripped my yucky clothes and threw them off to the side. Now time to change into something new. I put on a black shirt with some white logo on it. After I grabbed the ripped black jeans and slipped them on. They were slightly big so I had to use a belt.

Then I put on a black and red plaid button up shirt around my waist. Slipping on my black boots I had one more thing to do.

I started playing with my hair in the mirror. Ugh! Why must my hair be such a nightmare ! Trying to think of what I could do with it, I got an idea. I ran out to find the scissors i needed to use. Coming back into the room I sat down on the bench next to my teddy bear.

"Time to say goodbye to my hair." I started snipping with my scissors until I could actually see without my hair clip. It took a little bit of time but eventually my hair came together. I still had my bangs on my face but at least I could see past them. I was actually enjoying this new look for my hair since it was different

After all that my whole look was complete and now the hard part was not getting dirty again. Very carefully I dodged the pools of fresh and dry blood in the store. Without thinking I popped my head outside and my body followed. When I did I stepped on some broken glass that made a sound.

Mentally cursing myself I looked to see I caught two zombies attention. This was definitely not good since I didn't bring a blunt object to use for protection.

The voices in my headTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon