Barry's Ending

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"I...I'm coming Barry!" I screamed while clawing my way towards him. I felt my heart lead me to him so I had to follow it. "I got your hand!" He said as he grabbed onto my hand pulling me closer to him.

We started running towards the opposite side of the mansion. My breathe was heavy and my legs felt like cinder blocks. Once we were far enough we decided to stay in a empty room. A I put my back against the wall and slowly slid down.

Rain drops were dripping off of my hair hitting my legs. Barry was barricading the door to avoid any accidents. "H..hey are you okay? Damn t..that was tiring." Barry asked trying to catch his breathe.

I nodded and finally was able to calm myself down. Barry then sat next to me against the wall. His clothes were drenched from the rain while mine were only damp.

The room we were in was really big and had a fireplace in it. "Why don't we use this fireplace to dry off our clothes?" Barry suggested while crawling over to check the wood. I then started to look for something to light the wood with.

"I found a match book!" I opened it to see there was only one match left inside of it. "Awesome, we have only one chance." Barry started to stack up the wood and lit the match.

His hands were trembling as he threw it into the wood. We waited a second but there was no fire. A sigh of disappointment left both our mouths. But then the wood caught fire and spread.

"Yay!" We both laughed as our hopes we're brought back up. I took off just my shirt and pants since I didn't want to be naked. Barry did the same and we laid our clothes out.

"Where's your bear? I noticed that you didn't have it with you earlier?" Barry asked me. I gave him a soft sad smile and told him about my sister. He was tearing up a little so I gave him a hug. It didn't even cross me that we were hugging skin to skin.

"You know I think I finally remember the first time I met you. It was when you first came to the haven..." Barry said looking off to the distance.

I tried to remember back to that time but I wasn't able to. "I helped nurse you back to health. I would feed you and help you do your exercises. Mrs.Yamada was always there with you. If it wasn't for her, it seems like you wouldn't have survived."

The more and more he said, the more my compressed memories emerged. It was true, Misaki and I came back to Chicago together. Barry was the kid I would talk to when I was in bed. The voices always tried to tell me to leave but he made me stay.

"W..wait! Wasn't there a younger boy who looked like you?" I asked remembering the little boy who was always around him. "Allen... he was my younger brother." Barry's body grew tense and it looked like he was holding back his feelings.

"Let it all out for your sake. I never said this out loud but I know you're very angry. Call it a gut feeling but it tells me deep down inside you're furious." I told him while placing my hand on his. His hand trembled as I felt a tear hit my hand.

"I..I couldn't save him. He was bitten while I was gone hunting for supplies with Aaron. No. That's a lie. I know what really happened to him..." Barry's tears came out but he got up instead of trembling. He walked over to the bed and placed the pillow upward. Winding up his fist he delivered a deadly blow to it.

"You're right! I am angry inside! I've always been angry! Your father experimented on my brother! He let zombies bite him to test out cures for the infection. I know he cried out for me to come save him but at the time I didn't know. He kept me so busy with work that I didn't have time to see him. When I found out the truth he had me kicked out after I almost killed him..." I ran up and embraced him in a warm hug as a I shed a tear for his loss.

He turned and squeezed me tightly so he wouldn't lose me. He must've been holding all this in for so long. "I..I'm sorry Allen! I couldn't save you like I wanted." Barry continued to cry for a few minutes. I didn't care that his snot was running down my shoulder, he needed this.

"Thank you for comforting me Alexis. No matter what happens we will always be together..." Barry pulled away so I saw how much of a mess he was. So I used my shirt to help clean him up a little.

"I know everything about your past. About the voices and your father creating those pills for you. Even why you have that burn mark on your wrist. But I don't care. I love you." Barry looked me in the eye with his lily pad green eyes. 

I blushed from hearing his confession. Even after all the bad things I did... He loves me still? He embraced me for a moment and whispered, "you're load looks heavy. Why don't I take a bag or two for you ?"

A single tear fell from my eye as I nodded softly. He leaned forward, pushed up my bangs and gave me a kiss on the forehead. My body was hot all over but it wasn't from him. Something was wrong.

*3rd person POV*

Alexis broke off from Barry immediately and started throwing up vile viscously. Blood was starting to come out in large amounts. "Uagh!" Barry patted Alexis' back trying to help him.

"My insides hurt so much" Alexis grabbed his stomach as he kept throwing up vile. Eventually Alexis stopped for a moment and turned towards Barry. "I..I'm sorry. I never told you guys the truth." Alexis muttered while wiping his mouth. Alexis had given Barry a few pills he had still.

"W..what do you mean!? Were those pills killing you this whole time!?" Barry screamed out of fear and anger. He unknowingly alerted zombies causing them to pound on the door. Alexis nodded with disappointment then proceeded to throw up again.

Barry felt his heart sink down into his ass. Alexis was dying in front of him and he couldn't do anything about it. Alexis stopped but his breathing was becoming irregular. Using a shirt he cleaned up Alexis' face.

"T..thank you." Alexis barely muttered as Barry laid him in bed. His breathing was getting slower meaning deaths chilling breathe was down his spine. "I have last request... Let me hear sing for me?" Alexis weakly requested.

Barry started tearing up again as he held Alexis' pale hand. Softly he sung to him, 🎵You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when sky's are gray🎵 Alexis smiled and took his final breathe. 🎵P...please don't t..take my sunshine away....🎵

Alexis' hand no longer had warmth and it let go of its grip. Barry tried his best to smile for Alexis but it was so hard. His head hit Alexis' chest as he wailed with pain and sorrow. "Goodbye my one true love.." Barry said as he kissed Alexis' cold and blue lips. 

Sadly this isn't a fairytale where true loves kiss can bring him back. He was gone and now Barry was alone again...

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