Chapter 6

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"Alright everyone come out. David and Jackie be ready for the signal when we come back." Aaron whispered softly. Aaron, Barry, the cheerleader and I crept out of the hallway.

There was still fresh blood splatter everywhere. Windows were shattered and some had a dead body hanging on it. The lockers were busted and open.

"The locker is on the third floor. We get there quickly and quietly then come back the same way." Aaron told us. I nodded in response. The cheerleader and I were each carrying a piece of wood from the room. Aaron and Barry had sharp knifes since they were more stronger then us.

The zombies seemed to be less active at night. Maybe it's because the school is really quiet at night. We eventually made it to the stair case then climbed up. "Hey Alexis. Where's your locker again?" Aaron whispered. I pointed to the nearby locker that somehow was barely touched.

Quickly making our way there I started to unlock the lock. There were a bunch of pictures of me and my friends on the inside. I grabbed my two bottles of pills and pictures. "These are the only pictures I have of them..." I showed them to everyone.

"No ones even there pys- ooof!" The cheerleader was saying something but Aaron had struck her in the stomach. "W..what were you going to say ?" I asked her looking back at the pictures.

I think Aaron was giving her some kind of look. I couldn't see his face to well. She then told me "never mind" and turned away. I shrugged at what she said.

A cry for help echoed in my ears following with pounds and growling. "Hey guys we need to go now. I think that those zombies are coming back." Barry told us. I listened to the cry for help one more time. The voice sounded familiar and I had to do something.

Grabbing the ping pong ball I kept in my locker I ran towards the cry. "Alexis where are you going!?" Aaron whisper-yelled at me. I ignored them and ran to the end of the hall and turned left.

There were at least 3 zombies pounding on the door. Again I heard the cry for help. Reaching into my pocket, I grabbed the ball and threw it across the hallway. The ball caught their attention and they started walking towards it.

Everyone else was rushing behind me. I quickly ran over to the door and softly knocked. "It's okay Misaki. They're gone now." I whispered softly through the wall. The door slowly opened up while I felt a tug on my arm.

"Alexis! Why would you run away like that?" Aaron looked upset and concerned. I pointed to Misaki."My teacher needed my help and so I had to help her." I replied.

"T...thank you so much Alexis. You truly are the best student I ever had." She was tearing up and shivering. She must've been so scared and upset. Aaron sighed softly and signaled for us to go back upstairs. I grabbed Misaki by her hand and led her upstairs with us.

Misaki was a half Japanese and half American women. She is around the age of 28 and was a very caring and sweet women. She always made sure I had everything I needed and helped me with classes.

She had long blonde hair with light brown tips in a braid resting on her shoulder. Her eyes were the color of a sunset orange. She had a very slight tan with freckles over her nose and cheek.

Today she was wearing a long tan sweater, a white blouse and a long skirt. Lastly she had on her pendant as always. We finally made it to the room. Aaron knocked on the door to let David and Jackie know we were here.

"Go away ! Everything here belongs to us now. Find somewhere else to hide!" David said to us through the locked door.

"Like let us in you fucking nut cases !" The cheerleader screamed at them. Misaki tightened her grip on me and let go. "David and Jackie ! As your teacher I'm telling you to let us in!" She screamed which wasn't a very good idea.

"No! Now leave before they start coming here!" I assume the girl screamed at us. We all heard footsteps coming up the stairs. They must've heard our screaming. Aaron and Barry both grunted while the cheerleader gave out a screech of anger.

"We have to get out of here before they come!" Aaron told us then started speed walking to the opposite side of the hallway. We started to follow after him but I stopped a moment after.

"Hey David and Jackie. Do you remember what happened during the Salem Witch Trials ?" I asked them both loud enough to hear me. "Yeah and what? Shouldn't you be leaving ?" Jackie answered.

I smiled and pulled out the box of matches I snuck into my pocket. "Oh don't worry I will be. You guys probably remember what happened to those devil worshippers, right? You know the ones who betrayed the village?" I told them both while lighting a bunch of matches. While the zombies were approaching I threw down the lit matches by the dry wood.

The wood slowly but surely caught fire and had spread instantly. There were some screams coming out of the room from the both of them. I got small burn on my wrist when I threw drown the matches.

Luckily the bracelet Aaron got me covered it up pretty well but it really stung. I hope I won't get blisters from this. At least this would teach them to fuck me over. I ran over to everyone else to catch up with them.

If the fire didn't burn them alive the zombies will eat them. "Alexis where were you ?" Barry asked me when I accidentally bumped into him. "O..oh I dropped something  and I had to find where it went." I made up some kind of excuse. He seemed to believe it and we continued walking.

The more I looked at Barry something seemed off. He had a light air to him like he was gentle and carefree. " Are you angry ?" I asked him bluntly. He only gave me a smile in response.

"I have my car keys and my car is parked near here. We could drive in it somewhere we could hold up.." Misaki told us while pulling out her car keys causing our conversation to end. We decided quickly to go along with her plan. There was the smell of smoke in the air meaning a fire was starting and the alarm might still go off.

The voices in my headOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora