Aarons ending

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Well guys, we finally reached the end of the story. I hope you guys enjoyed the ride! This is one of the endings you chose and I hope it pleases you. Please remember to vote and share my story. Thank you all so much for all your support. Let's meet again, okay?

"I...I'm coming Aaron!" I screamed while clawing my way towards him. My gut told me Aaron was the right choice to make. He knew this place like the back of his hand so he could lead us back to the others. "I got your hand!" He said as he grabbed onto me pulling me closer to him.

"Come on we have to run this way!" He said while we ran together towards the room I first came to when I came here. When we got inside, he slammed the door. Helping him barricade the door, the pouring rain sounded like a waterfall.

"We should be safe here for a little bit..." Aaron said while falling to the ground with his back against the wall. I did my best to catch my breathe from all the energy i used so all you could hear was our heavy breathing. "H..hey where's your bear?" He asked looking around for it.

I smiled and said, "The original owner came back to get it from me..." His eyes widened then softened. He moved over and sat next to me. The rain and thunder echoed throughout the whole manor.

"You know, I still remember the first day we had met each other... It was a really different day then what I was used to..." Aaron said while placing a arm over me and holding me close. I softly smiled while looking down at the ground seeing our shadows.

"Do you now know what really happened on your birthday?" He asked softly looking at his wet hair. I didn't think about it but he was right. That day... that day shouldn't be mentioned again.

"Yeah... Thank you for helping me." I said placing my hand on his thigh. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here. The cake I had made was full of rat poison... I was planning to end my life because I knew the truth all along. A part of me just chose to live in a fantasy world because I was selfish.

Half of my life was a complete lie; It was made up of crazy delusions. The only reason I lasted so long was because of the pills helping me cope. "Don't worry about it. I'm glad that I was able to show you that I care for you."

I blushed hearing those words. Right now it felt like it was just me and him all alone. The world outside of this room didn't exist at this moment. I turned to him to see his beautiful tanned face. His chocolate brown eyes looked into my ugly two colored eyes.

I watched him slowly lean towards causing me to blush madly. By instinct I also brought my face towards his. Our lips were only a few centimeters apart. I could feel his hot breathe against my face while his hand slowly intertwined with mine.

I closed my eyes and I could feel his lips press onto mine. They felt cold but somehow it was comforting. Aarons touch always felt cold but that's what drew me closer to him. We kissed like that for a moment but then I felt his teeth softly bite my lower lip.

Letting out a gasp, he slid his tongue into my mouth. His hands wrapped around me as he started leaning onto me. We then fell back onto the bed causing me to grab onto him. I was now laying under him with him looming over me.

My heart was beating faster then ever with embarrassment. When I looked into his eyes there was a darkness that covered them. It was almost like he wasn't there anymore. Something was taking over him and it scared me.

"W...what's wrong? You're s..scaring me Aaron." I whimpered. A single tear fell down my cheek from fear.

3 person POV

Aaron felt a wave of anger and fear overcome himself when Alexis spoke those words. He then slowly wrapped his hands around Alexis' neck. "H..hey! What are you doing!?" Alexis screamed and squirmed out of fear for his life.

"I know you went down into the basement! You're gonna leave me like Lucas did..." Aaron screamed and his grip on Alexis neck started growing stronger. Alexis was thrashing around trying to get loose. But it was to no avail.

"I'm sorry Alexis. But I love you! I can't let anyone else have you. Not even Barry!" Aaron screamed finally letting out the truth. Alexis stopped for a minute thinking about Barry. He thought to himself, "was Aaron that jealous of Barry? Was all of this because of how close I was to him?"

Alexis started struggling less and less because of loss of oxygen. This was it, Alexis thought to himself. This is the movement where everything ends. Alexis was starting to hallucinate and saw Misaki holding his little sisters hand.

They were standing in the corner with a smile. Misaki had her hand extended to me causing me to tremble a little less. At least he was going to have someone guide him to Hell. His life was starting to flash before his eyes and he knew he deserved to have this ending. He killed his sister, escaped from his fathers human experimentation laboratory by killing others, and even then he had the nerve to think he could have a happy ending.

Right before his last breathe, Alexis looked into Aaron's eyes. He extended his hand to caress Aaron's cheek. Alexis' face was becoming pale as he knew death had its grasp on him. Using his last breathe he muttered, "I'll s..see you in H...hell my love..." With that being said his hand fell to the bed and he died.

Aaron let go of Alexis' neck and sat back looking at his dead lovers face. Realizing that he had just killed the only other boy he loved, he was stricken with grief. "No no no! You can't leave me here alone."

Aaron tried everything from CPR to mouth-to-mouth to bring Alexis back. But it was already too late. The damage was done and now he had to deal with the consequences. Aaron was sobbing while holding Alexis' small and cold lifeless hand.

The rain outside grew louder while Aaron weakly pounded his fists on Alexis' chest. There was only one choice left for Aaron. He walked into the bathroom and found his little brothers sleeping pills.

Placing the pill bottle down, Aaron moved Alexis' body onto the bed like he was sleeping. Aaron sat on the other side of the bed and grabbed the pill bottle. He then gave Alexis a kiss of his forehead and said, "don't worry. I'm sorry for what I did to you. But now we can truly be together forever."

Aaron popped open the bottle and dry swallowed as many pills as he could. Then he laid down and held Alexis hand. "After you my love..." Were Aaron's last words as he closed his eyes and embraced deaths cold embrace...

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