Chapter 5

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BIG TRIGGER WARNING ! SHITS GONNA GET DAKR AND SAD. Keep in mind that not all religious people are like this. I am in fact Catholic and I don't judge!

"I..I don't know what to do. W..where's Aaron? Was he going to abandon me?" I asked my little bear while hiding in the janitors closet. "Alexis! Where are you !?" I heard Aaron's voice from outside. I grabbed my bear and ran out the door.

I saw him and was about to call his name but something grabbed my leg. It was one of my classmates. She was bleeding and was trying to get me to help her. Her hair was drenched in blood from the exposed gash. Her leg looked like it was snapped completely the wrong way. She was gonna try to use me to help herself back up.

I didn't have any time to deal with her right now. A part of me wanted to help her but the other part said she's useless now. I thought of the best way to end her suffering. So I had stomped on her face over and over again while she screamed.

Her blood splattered under my foot and landed on my clothes. Was I doing the right thing? No. I had to. I'm giving her a different way out of this world. She eventually let go so I ran to the sound of Aaron's voice.

" I..I was so scared. All I know was playing in gym and all the sudden they came back ! Everyone screamed and ran but they were trapped in here." "It's gonna be okay Alexis. First we have to find a way out of here and find somewhere to bunker down." He said while grabbing my hand and started running.

I think Aaron found what looked to be the schools Home Ec classroom. We ran inside and he immediately closed the door behind us. We were panting and we're trying to catch our breathe.

When we finally did, I looked around to see the people in the room with us. Aaron pointed the boy next to us and said we had to introduce ourselves to each other. " This is Barry, we've been through a lot together. He's a pretty cool guy so you don't have to worry about him"
Aaron told me while trying to cover the windows.

"Well hello there. Like Aaron said my name is Barry. It's a pleasure to meet you." The really handsome boy said to me. I couldn't help but blush and see how he sparkled like all the popular and hot guys do in anime's.

"H..hi my name is Alexis. It's nice to meet you to" I saw Aaron was about to say something but he was interrupted.

"W...what's happening out there ?" The three of us looked back to see two boys and one girl. The boy had brown hair with tanned skin. He was wearing a normal shirt and jeans.

The girl next to him had long black hair. With a white blouse and a black skirt. Lastly, the other girl was wearing a cheerleading outfit. I assume she's one of the schools cheerleaders. She looks like the kind of girl you really hope dies early in the horror movie but lives on the longest.

"I assume that the reanimated corpses have returned once again. The barricades were worn down after a long period of time and the reanimated corpses broke through. Although it's quite peculiar how they broke in without being contained immediately." Barry told whoever asked the question. He seems really smart so I think he'll be a good friend to have.

"First off we need to secure the premises! You two and Chloe push the teachers desk against the door. Barry lock down all the windows than pulldown the blinds and Alexis search for any useful supplies." Aaron commanded all of us to do different tasks.

I didn't want to upset him so I did what I was told. I looked around the room to see a bunch of scattered food laying around. The food must've been left around when everyone was running away.

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