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2 Years ago

"Where... are we going?"My hoarse voice weakly spoke out. Her hand was trembling as I was gripping onto it so tightly. My clothes were stained with dry blood and I could feel the cool breeze hit my exposed stomach. My clothes were ripped apart and I can't even remember how we even got to this place.

"Shh...don't worry. We're almost there." She hushed me as we approached a large wall that looked to be made of multiple pieces of  strip metal. I had let out a cough causing her to flinch.

"You two there! What is your purpose for being here?" A mans voice boomed causing me to be startled. She gave my hand a soft squeeze and reassured me we would be okay.

"I have here the child of Dr.Yggdyl! So let us in and give this child everything they need." The gates slide across causing a loud screech. A few strange men came out holding guns pointed at us. My body was so exhausted that I collapsed on the spot.

I was able to open my eyes for a moment to see her hair flowing in the wind. It was so comforting because it was so similar to my mother's...

The voices in my headTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang